Canberra Climate Cult gears up for wrath of Gaia and da great deluge

The rural sheltered workshop they call ‘Canberra’ has been baptised by the United Third World Nations Empire (da UN), joining its latest propaganda message: “Powering Past Coal” cursing coal as the black abomination as it prepares for the imminent advent of climate…

MP Quotas: Greens-Labor manifesto to make Canberra even more perverse diverse

So Billy Shorten reckons parliament should mirror society.  Well, society comprises all-sorts – criminals, pedophiles, imported Third World barbarians, and even the dead according to banking statistics.  It should make for an even more sordid Senate. Extreme Billy insists on pure diversity…

Aboriginal Flag an anarchist construct for a Third World Australia

FAKE SYMBOLISM:  It’s just Harold Thomas‘ 1971 painting, since stolen as a divisive anarchist construct. Harold Thomas, an Aborigine from Alice Springs, is the product of Australian First World society.  He attended St Francis’ Anglican boys home in Adelaide and in 1965…

Anti-Australian biased Michelle Guthrie sent packing back to her quota Chinese culture

Exactly a month ago anti-Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull was sent packing.  Today, Turncoat’s quota chick appointee, installed to culturally steer the ABC further leftward, well follows him packing – hopefully overseas as well.  Michelle Guthrie (can’t be her real name) has been…

Want to celebrate Vietnamese culture? Emigrate to Vietnam

Australians are in Australia.  Vietnamese are in Vietnam. Never any such animal as a Vietnamese Australian – only a globalist migratory figment of some ideological mythical mongrel. In the 1970’s, Gough Whitlam’s Labor govermment followed by Malcolm Fraser’s Liberal government, both unilaterally…

Quota Chick of the United Third World Nations – Mal’s captain pick Julia Banks

Hello, I’m another ethno-legal quota chick of da leftist persuasion.  But I got found out for my lack of acumen.  So mentor Mal’s text me from his New York pad offering me a quota chick job with da United Third World Nations.…

Neo-Liberalism the con by vested interest fat cat globalists that is destroying Australia

‘After the mining boom and decades of economic growth, how can Australia be broke?   At the same time Gina Rinehart was becoming the world’s richest woman … those on the minimum wage were falling further and further behind. Australia just experienced one…

Greens vegan Daisy Barham hates fish so she’s behind the Sydney Marine Park ban on recreational fishing

Marine parks provide places for people to watch wildlife, dive, and go boating, snorkelling and fishing. Importantly, they create jobs in industries like fishing and tourism, and provide us with food and energy. But in August 2018, da Greens campaign intimidated the…

Shareholders in corporate aged care profiteer from known elder abuse

Every time LibLab pollies in power scrimp by privatising essential public services like energy, banking, prisons, construction approvals, aged care – well a generation hence, the private oligarchy is found greedy, corrupt and wanting such that the public demands a royal commission.…

Turnbull Coalition Team another Canberran fleeting moment (May 2016 -Aug 2018)

by The Spectator Australia, September 15 2018 ‘The Canberra press gallery can’t work out why their favourite Liberal is no longer prime minister because they have almost no understanding of how the Liberal party actually works. Political journalists rarely talk to anyone…

Zionist Faction inserts Jewish David Sharma in Liberal Safe Seat of Wentworth

Who is representing Australians in the Liberal or Labor parties? Anyone but true blue Australians. Labor pre-selects career unionists and foreigners for their safe seats, especially Chinese; while the Liberals pre-select well-connected donors and influencers – big business, foreigners, especially wealthy Jews. …

Greens Dr Dope prescribes anarcho-dystopia

“Piws testing is da go for marijuana, cocaine, heroine, ICE, cyanide.  That’s why I has a speech impediment.” Da Chinese celestial filth first contaminated our pure southern landwith their illegal opium. No wonder Diggers rised up against this Third World scum? Bob…

Divisive elitist Julie Bishop would demean and politicise the office of Governor General

“I’m preordained” Gosh!  Wouldn’t it go to her head. ‘Governess’? .. poncing around Government House with toy boy?  Julie Bishop is all about Julie Bishop.  Jules wears the pearls and the trousers in all relationships.  A bitch, an elitist bitch. That’s why…

Gladys tram wreck in Wagga

Sydney-centric Gladys has lost Wagga to a local doctor who actually cares about the locals.  Independent Dr Joe McGirr, the former director of emergency medicine at Wagga Wagga Base Hospital is set to represent Riverina locals in Macquarie Street. Voters have told…

SkyNews Live on Win is now on free TV so time to abolish the ABC leftist propaganda machine

(contributed) [Disclaimer:   The views, assumptions and opinions expressed in this article are the author(s) own. They do not purport to reflect the official policy of the Australia First Party or its members. Data references (images, documents, links, copyright, sources, etc.) appearing in…

Many reasons why Australians should NOT donate to the latest Indonesian emergency

Because bleeding heart con artist charities keep spewing out contrived propaganda images like this. Indonesians hate Australians, especially our tourists and media: we’re White and not Asian or Islamic.  Suharto’s assassination of Australia’s Balibo Five in 1975, the 2002 Bali Sari Club…

Ian Rintoul’s Daintree smuggling racket nabbed – 15 illegals to languish on Christmas Island gruel

The Vietnamese illegals stranded their boat 200 metres off the beach at the mouth of the Daintree River.   The Greens in cahoots with Third World smugglers (fake refugee advocates) had group-booked them on the Daintree River Ferry in business class, but with no…

Chinese flogging Australian property in shopping centres – the silent invasion by imperialist agent H&T Realty

The future dream of an Aussie family owning a home is being flogged to the Chinese, now from suburban shopping centres right next to the fruit & veg, the butcher, and the local Woolworths.  Floorspace rental is paid to Frank Lowy’s Westfield.…

Greens to illegals: Dutton’s just lost Immigration. Go! Go! Go!

Friday August 24 2018, sometime after lunch.. “Is that Vin Drin Dop or Lop?  Ok, Peter Dutton’s no longer allowed to stop the boats.  So you Vietnamese better high tail that gill-net junk of yours from Morseby a short hop to Daintree…

Two dis-Oriented Chinamen Jason Phu and John Zerunge stage anti-Digger hate expo in Chinatown

Two sad disoriented Chinese agents have been staging an anti-Australian Digger propaganda art expo in Australia.  It’s been promulgated by the 4A Centre of Contemporary Asian Art in Sydney’s Chinatown ghetto – the only place that would exhibit their anti-White Australian hate.…

Don’t Come Monday Mal

A last desperate leftie hurrah, as PM Mal is set to be toppled. The night prior at 1:45am da CFMMMMEU sends in two of its new Negro refugee members to hammer and brick the glass windows of Peter Dutton’s Brisbane electoral office…

Did ya hear the one about Muslims praying for rain?

Yesterday, Lakemba mosque boss mufti in Sydney’s little Beirut conjured up a PC PR campaign showcasing fake urban muzzie support for Aussie farmers stricken by the drought. Da Islamic final solution?  Pray to Allah for rain. That’ll do it. So takeover street…

The Anning Admonition: Fraser risks being swayed away from his true nationalist sentiment

August 15, 2018 has become ‘Breath of Fresh Air Day‘ for Aussie rights, for putting Aussies first, and embracing Aussie nationalism. After all we are a nation that proudly defines its nationality, its identity, by our White race, Christianity, and British-European cultural…

Turncoat’s climate cult guarantee might save 26 per cent of Australia’s 0.01 per cent of bugger all

While Third World dominated United Nations pardons Third World uber-polluters, it persecutes First Worlders exhaling. Compare the pollution Third World reality. Leftist climate cult evangelist Malcolm Turncoat is frothing to condemn Australians to Paris prescribed Stone Age darkness and Ice Age freezing. …

Fraser Anning’s First Speech reflects raw Aussie sentiment

What a breath of fresh air Senator Fraser Anning is? This is his maiden speech to the Australian Parliament (as reproduced here in full). He has said some very important things. However, we are aware and should point out to our supporters…

Australia First gives critical support to Senator Anning’s Immigration Speech – The ultimate exposure of Pauline Hanson

by Dr. Jim Saleam “Australia First Party, while critical of certain parts of the speech given yesterday by Senator Fraser Anning in Federal Parliament, says that its broad thrust was correct. Senator Anning (below) said that Australia had grown through a European-centred…

Zio-Imperialists have their mitts on Australia’s Treasury wealth

Where are Turncoat’s and Frydenberg’s loyalties? On Sunday April 29, a week ahead of the Liberal’s Federal Budget Speech, Minister for the Environment and Energy, Josh Frydenberg out of the blue, declared: “The Turnbull Government will partner with the Great Barrier Reef…

Riverina Police Area Command corresponds with Australia First

A complex?  That’s not security. An interesting correspondence has developed between Australia First Party and Superintendent Bob Noble, commander of the Riverina Police District based in Wagga Wagga, in the wake of the fall of Liberal Party MP, Daryl Maguire and the…