Two dis-Oriented Chinamen Jason Phu and John Zerunge stage anti-Digger hate expo in Chinatown

Two sad disoriented Chinese agents have been staging an anti-Australian Digger propaganda art expo in Australia.  It’s been promulgated by the 4A Centre of Contemporary Asian Art in Sydney’s Chinatown ghetto – the only place that would exhibit their anti-White Australian hate.

The agents real names are Phu Jié Sēn, a hybrid Chinese/Vietnamese from Chongqing in central China, and Zerunge Yuēhàn, a Chinese from Hong Kong and their hate expo, running between June 29 and August 12 in 2018, has just finished.  Such a shame we missed it.

Phu struggles with an identity crisis, reckons:

“I don’t consider myself just Australian, I’m a Chinese person born in Australia. It’s a unique perspective.” 

While Zerunge reckons he escaped Mao’s cultural revolution in 1967 and still doesn’t know what culture he fits into.  But that’s all bollocks, because Hong Kong in 1967 was a British colony independent of China, so his persecution and asylum in Australia were fabricated. 

These two sad anti-Australian hateful bastards have just staged an exhibition over the past six weeks they call ‘The Burrangong Affray‘.

It froths about the Chinese version of history and legacy of Digger Uprising against invading hordes of Chinese on the Lambing Flat goldfields in the early 1860s.  Except they lie that it was all the Diggers fault.  It’s typical of a foreign race prejudicially siding with their ilk to try to hatefully tarnish their host nation’s cultural heritage. They vilify Australia’s original Diggers and lie to garner attention from the globalist leftie PC brigade.

Their Chinese propaganda expo was also funded by Australian taxpayers thieved by the Australian Government gifting $50,000 via the Australia Council out of the sheltered workshop known as Canberra.  Some ‘Australia’ Council.

So Imports Jason Phu and John Young Zerunge have spewed their hatred of Diggers to Australians in Australia

Nice welcome ethnics.

Their message lies about Australia’s Gold Rush experience on the Burrangong Goldfield at Lambing Flat between November 1860 and September 1861.  Despite having never studied Australian History, these two have just hitched on the leftie bandwagon dismissing the Digger uprisings as “anti-Chinese riots”.  Why? Because when they look in the mirror they see Chinese!

Let the truth be known the events of that time were wholly a Diggers Uprising to protect miners claims against hordes of invading Chinese.

Typical Chinese, these two copy-pasted Australian historical intellectual property, misappropriating our Gold Rush Diggers galvanizing campaign phrase to ‘Roll Up’ to evict the invading Chinese hordes.

Apparently a litany of retired lefties out at Lambing Flat (rebranded Young), stomped up food and board for two Chinese artists Jason Phu and John Young Zerunge (not their real names) to copy-paste Aussie Digger campaign material from the 1860s.  The two Chings staged an initial expo in Lambing Flat (Young) in April 2018.

The multiculti promo went:

“Featuring nine mixed-media artworks by Chinese Australian artists Jason Phu and John Young Zerunge, The Burrangong Affray is part of a three-part project that took place over 18 months, including an artist residency and community consultation in Young.”

The original Lambing Flat ‘Roll-Up No Chinese’ banner of the Diggers Uprising of 1861 against the invading Chinese

Hateful Historical Negationism

Australians can well do without foreigners coming here telling us what to do, criticising us for being who we are – proud White Australians – and now trying to re-invent our history.  Bugger off!  Hey Chinese, try doing this crap back in China!

Being foreign Chinese, they choose to see Australian history through yellow coloured glasses.


These two simply don’t like the White Australia policy because they are DNA Chinese in the land that’s long been White Australia.  Instead they have the nerve to come here insisting on a contaminated yellowing of Australia into some insipid melting pot of mongrel Mongolian celestials.

Celestials and their descendants just need to accept that there is no such animal as a ‘Chinese-Australian’ and to quit thinking they can fabricate and warp Australia’s colonial historic truth.  Just back off ‘historical negationism‘!

Historical negationism is denial by sympathisers of the perpetrators – typically contemporary kin.   So they deliberately try to revise the past, distort the historical record, forged facts for their own ethnic atonement.

Over Aussie Dead Body !


It’s all in ya watercolour ‘shui-mo’ dreams dudes.  Of course these Chinese two twist and misinterpret the historic ‘affray’ as the fault of the White Diggers.

Phu is right about one thing.  The Digger Uprisings triggered legislation that became one of the founding stones of the White Australia Policy. He must be reading our website.  But he conveniently ignores the historical truths.He needs to discover the impetus and truth of the Chinese Immigration Act 1855 (Vic), the Chinese Restriction Act 1881 (NSW), The Chinese Act 1881 (Vic), and Tasmania, Queensland and Western Australia followed suit.  The upon federation, the Australian Parliament passed the Immigration Restriction Act of 1901 (Cwlth).

Why?  It was early Chinese imperialism and Diggers (early Australians) were a bloody wake up.


FACT CHECKS:  Chinese Scab Labor Invasion of Burrangong Goldfield

FACT CHECK:  White Diggers first discovered the alluvial gold in mid-September 1860, five Diggers William Spicer, Charles Stuart, Donald Cameron, Hughie McBride and Douglas MacLean arrived at Lambing Flat and soon found a rich patch of gold in Spring Creek.  There they fairly pegged a five-man claim and by the end of the first week they had won 620 grams of gold. There were no Chinese.

FACT CHECK:  Towards the end of June, 1860 a rich deposit of alluvial gold was found in Burrangong Creek on Burrangong Station, owned by James White. This area earned its name Lambing Flat from the fact that ewes were brought to the protected valley during lambing season.  News spread and soon numerous bark and slab huts shanties tents and were being erected along the banks of the creek. This settlement soon became a town adopting the area’s colloquial name of ‘Lambing Flat’, becoming a new El-Dorado!  It was a White and all mining claims were properly registered.  The total gold estimated to have been found from the field was over 14,600 kg.

FACT CHECK:   In August 1860 Charles Allen was the first storekeeper to open a general store on the banks of Burrangong Creek. Prior to this event, Allen had found gold and pegged a claim in chance gully. He was a successful gold prospector that had mined gold and owned stores on the Turon River and Ballaarat goldfields. While Allen worked his claim his wife and two sons worked the store.

FACT CHECK:  The Lambing Flat diggings were proclaimed as a goldfield on November 27 1860.

FACT CHECK:   News reports of the goldfields riches reached gold-obsessed China.  The Tai Ping rebellion in China 1850-1864 sparked organised criminal Triad type groups like the Yee Hing Brotherhood and the Chinese Masonic Society, dispatching shiploads of Chinese indentured labourers on contract to perform manual labour from China’s southern Fujian province to Australia.  All gold exploited was to be repatriated back to these criminal gangs in China.  In 1853, the first boatload of Chinese miners arrived in Victoria. Between 1854 and 1855, about 31,000 Chinese people arrived on the Australian goldfields.  The Chinese were shipped direct to Adelaide to avoid to avoid paying Victoria’s £10 poll tax.  The Chinese marched overland into Victoria and New South Wales.   They quickly flooded into the Lambing Flat goldfields bringing poor sanitation, typhus, opium, prostitution and gang crime.

FACT CHECK:  By 1861 there were around 13,000 Chinese in New South Wales with 12,200 in the mining districts.  When the Lambing Flat rush commenced in 1860 Chinese men flocked to these diggings in large numbers.

FACT CHECK:  Diggers protested about the blatant Chinese invasion bringing their contagious diseases and Third World low-life barbarism to the New South Wales governors of the day – successive Governors Gipps, FitzRoy, Denison and Young.   The Diggers formed a Miner’s Protective League and petitioned the government for the removal of the Chinese “for the protection of native industry”.  But Diggers’ pleas were repeatedly ignored.

FACT CHECK:  In the wake of government turning a blind eye to the Chinese invasion, on 30 June 1861 some 3,000 licensed Diggers marched against the illegal scab Chinese miners on the Lambing Flat goldfields. They carried a flag with the words ‘Roll-up Roll-up No Chinese’.  The Diggers successfully evicted two illegal shanty camps at Blackguard Gully and Back Creek.


FACT CHECK:  The Diggers rose up and evicted the invading Chinese from Lambing Flat on more than one occasion.  Such Digger uprisings against the ‘celestial’ (alien) illegals had become business as usual on the goldfield since 1852.  READ MORE

Dozens of Digger Uprisings against the invading Chinese spontaneously erupted throughout Australia’s Gold Rush Era.  They were never organised race riots.

The two contemporary Chinese political ‘artists’ with their propaganda consultants are doing the cultural-cleanse on a significant part of Australian history.  One of the Chinese artists is blatantly obvious in his intentions when he was quoted as saying:

“The alt-right has actually appropriated this whole event now; if you look at the ultra right-wing websites, they use the Lambing Flat Riots as an ethnic cleansing success story…”

Of course, it is not the ‘Alt-right’, but the Australian nationalists (who are not Right-Wing Conservative, but Nationalist), who have warmly embraced the heroic struggles of the European miners at Lambing Flat (Barrangong).  It is the nationalists who have pointed to the issues of identity and heritage that arise from this Digger Uprising!

But for these Chinese disorientals, it’s all about the ‘shame’ of terrible deeds done by the Europeans to the Chinese miners of that day and by that claim, they can assail the European heritage of the country. Needless to say, these same artists and experts have zero to say about current day Chinese ethnic cleansing in Tibet, or in Sinkiang, or on the present day Chinese imperialism in the Pacific and economic aggression against Australia.

The Chinese involved in this latest cultural-cleanse were quick to draw the connection between the Lambing Flat Uprising and the original White Australia Policy.  That was certainly true, although for them it is just ‘racism’. As NSW Premier Jack Lang put it, Lambing Flat like Eureka Stockade, was also about “free labour” and not exploitation, matters these Chinese con-artists seek to avoid.

Dr Karen Schamberger (her Anglicised and married name), one of the ‘Chinese’ experts in this affair.

Dr Karen Schamberger – birds of a feather thesis

Schamberger reckons: “….there has not yet been any public commentary on how an apology or ‘statement of regret’ for the White Australia policy or the 1901 Immigration Restriction Act could also incorporate the recognition of its effects on non-Chinese people and their descendants, nor how useful it would be for them.”

Is this what it is all about?   About de-legitimising the history and identity of the old-Australia, so their new-Australia can be born?

Da Schamberger is a Chinese of privileged schooling and university education who went straight into being a taxpayer-funded public servant – a typical leftie parasitic career path – never holding down a real job.

Schamberger indulges amongst Canberra’s sheltered workshop culture, researching immigration and cultural diversity.  She got her doctorate from her leftie thesis ‘Identity, belonging and cultural diversity in Australian museums’ (2016) examining the way that objects mediate relations between people of culturally diverse backgrounds in Australian history and society, as well as the roles that museums play in these relations.  One of her thesis case studies traced the biography of the ‘Roll-Up No Chinese’ banner.

It is reported that several people in Young collaborated with the project.

Jim Saleam, Australia First candidate for Cootamundra (Young being situated in this electorate), told us:

“I cannot help thinking that collaborators are the worst type of Australian. To use the Chinese phrase, they are ‘running dogs’. They deny and critique their history so as to undermine national cohesion, to the benefit of a superpower intruder and those other Australians who seek to profit from it. I cannot help think that Madam Mao and her Red Guards got one thing right: traitors should be subject to the drag-out.”

The 4A Centre of Contemporary Asian Art game should be repudiated and its running dog collaborators – condemned!

Jason Phu psychotic expressionism – quality kindy stuff

Phu:  “In the morning I wake the rooster, in the afternoon I drive across the mountains & waters, at night I cut all my ties.”


Erect Chinese monuments and gardens around Lambing Flat is but a birds-of-a-feather beachhead for more Chinese invasion.  Just restore the town of Young to Lambing Flat and understand and respect Australia’s true heritage and the Chinese real attempts of invasion.

Now both Phu and Zerunge have admitted they suffer from cultural dislocation.  But the Mao Dynasty is long gone and Mao Tse Tung’s cultural revolution holocaust ended upon his death way back in 1976 with the subsequently purge of the Gang of Four.

Back you two go.  Chinese in China are completely communist capitalists now making squillions. China’s current Xi Dynasty expects his 1.4 billion subjects to enthusiastically embrace cultural Marxism. So time for all Chinese to go back and sort their cultural identity back in land of dragon!