Rite of passage for Aussie nationalists

In the rebellious tradition of Ned Kelly, true Aussie nationalists will have been politically persecuted in our own country by tyrannical globalists.

  • Rebellious Fletcher Christian’s led mutiny against the brutal and tyrannical British ships’ captain William Bligh in 1789
  • British colonial police persecution of gold Diggers at Ballaarat culminating in Peter Lalor leading the Eureka Uprising in 1854 defending local diggers against British colonial tyranny
  • British colonial police stitched up persecution of Ned Kelly after a drunk Constable Alexander Fitzpatrick attempted to rape Ned’s sister Kate (aged 15) at the Kelly home in 1878
  • John Howard’s Special Branch 1989 stitch up of Jim Saleam for daring to expose ANC black apartheid racism towards White South Africans
  • Leftard Pat Eatock’s stitched up persecutory suit against Andrew Bolt who dared to expose albino Abo welfare seekers in 2009
  • Gillian Triggs stiched up 18C persecution of Aussie cartoonist Bill Leak for daring to expose intergenerational dysfunctional Abo parenting – Aboriginal leader Warren Mundine had agreed with the truth behind Leak’s satirical cartoon!
  • Lisa Chesters 2017 stitch up of the Bendigo Three for daring to expose government appeasement of islamic jihadists in Australia…

The Kelly’s family home