Israel’s Love Affair with Syrian Jihadis

by Keith Woods, 8th December 2024, ‘My book Nationalism: The Politics of Identity‘ is now available on Amazon. If you enjoy my writings, please consider purchasing it and leaving a positive review. © 2024 Keith Woods |  548 Market Street PMB 72296,…

A YouTube discussion with Canadian nationalist and immigration critic, Mr. Paul Fromm

1st June 2024:  Veteran Canadian Nationalist and de-platformed spokesman for White Rights, Paul Fromm, chats with Australia First Party President Jim Saleam about the pressing issues of Zionism, immigration, and what’s happening in Gaza. They also touch on the great cabal that’s trying…

Patriotic reasons why NOT to vote Scomo Liberals into Government

Scomo Liberal ‘promises’ are no different to Shorten Labor’s spend thrift fest: What Debt? Scomo:  Scomo’s financial mismanagement just like under Labor.  He ignores the ballooning national debt recession risk forecast to be $629 billion in 2019/20. Scomo’s Treasurer foreign Josh Frydenberg…

‘Klub Koup’ aiming at Senator Anning?

by Dr. Jim Saleam and others. Two weeks ago, the ABC’s Background Briefing program identified a group of people whom they call ‘Alt Right’ within the office and organisation of Senator Anning. They linked this group to the ‘former’ Klub Nation and…

Facebook bans White Content to appease Zio-Zuckerberg’s exploitation of ignorants

Mark Zuckerberg is Jewish, no?  Zuckerberg copies Coke no? Does that have anything to do with his selfish quest for mass influence and wallet control? Facebook has caved-into what Motherboard describes nebulously as a “civil rights backlash” and will now censor all…

ABC defames Australian nationalism and me personally

by Dr. Jim Saleam. | This morning ABC online wrote a jibberish piece of historical crap about the history of a so-called local Aussie “far right’” and Australian nationalism. Then they (Zoey Watson) decided to defame me. The ABC decided everything was…

‘The Far Right’ – and we don’t get a mention; small mercies

by Dr. Jim Saleam and another The Sydney Morning Herald’s Max Koslowski (below) has given his analysis of “the far right”. Nine media recruits Zionist Antifa lackies these days. (Hood: ‘Far Right’ of course refers to extreme conservatism of the status quo…

Fake News ‘neo-Nazi terrorism’ extravaganza being brewed in the dark

by Dr Jim Saleam In the lead-up to, and in the wake of, the St. Kilda Beach ‘African crime’ rally last weekend, media and its academic and political police ‘sources’, have been linking together as they prefer, terms and people they would…

St Kilda Rally – Time to Trade Up

by Dr Jim Saleam It does not surprise me that I was quoted inaccurately by the Daily Mail yesterday in connection with the St. Kilda Beach rally last Saturday. However, it was more what I did say and that did not appear…

Kaz Ross ALT-RIGHT conspiracy theory morphs into ‘entryism’ claiming ‘Hitler Youth have infiltrated Pitt Street’s Nationals’

The ABC leftist propaganda machine has drafted another unemployable to peddle its anarcho-globalist cause, Kat Ross, the fat Chinese shill of Tassie Uni online, who desperate for relevance, advances her latest conspiracy theory from Hobart: ‘Hitler Youth have infiltrated Pitt Street’s Nationals’.  …

Are naïve Aussie patriots being led by the nose by globalists away from Australia’s nationalist call?

Yes, so spot any true blue Aussie in the ranks, especially in the centre… (Contributed by United Nationalists Australia UNA) October 8 in 2018, entitled ‘Freedom of Speech Breaks Free as Zionists link up with the Lads‘, In the article below,…

Zionist Faction inserts Jewish David Sharma in Liberal Safe Seat of Wentworth

Who is representing Australians in the Liberal or Labor parties? Anyone but true blue Australians. Labor pre-selects career unionists and foreigners for their safe seats, especially Chinese; while the Liberals pre-select well-connected donors and influencers – big business, foreigners, especially wealthy Jews. …

Did ya hear the one about Muslims praying for rain?

Yesterday, Lakemba mosque boss mufti in Sydney’s little Beirut conjured up a PC PR campaign showcasing fake urban muzzie support for Aussie farmers stricken by the drought. Da Islamic final solution?  Pray to Allah for rain. That’ll do it. So takeover street…

The Anning Admonition: Fraser risks being swayed away from his true nationalist sentiment

August 15, 2018 has become ‘Breath of Fresh Air Day‘ for Aussie rights, for putting Aussies first, and embracing Aussie nationalism. After all we are a nation that proudly defines its nationality, its identity, by our White race, Christianity, and British-European cultural…

Zio-Imperialists have their mitts on Australia’s Treasury wealth

Where are Turncoat’s and Frydenberg’s loyalties? On Sunday April 29, a week ahead of the Liberal’s Federal Budget Speech, Minister for the Environment and Energy, Josh Frydenberg out of the blue, declared: “The Turnbull Government will partner with the Great Barrier Reef…

Australia Day BBQ halal-kosher free PORK – bugger Coles and Woolies islamic-kosher lamb propaganda

This is the true blue Aussie way to go on Australia Day. Not only will Aussies be supporting fellow local Aussie independent butchers and sampling some of the best taste sensations, we’ll be sticking it up the anti-Australian PC diversity brigade and…

Crying Greens Senator Sarah Hanson Young is a rocky horror show

Greens drama queen, Sarah Hanson Young’s been crying again after using excessive mascara ahead of her Senate performance today. She reckons young Australians should be happy with Australia’s 2017 plebiscite 60% ‘YES’ outcome to allow deviant marriage, knowing full well that the…

ZOG imperialist propaganda hijacking Aussie 1917 Beersheba Charge just de-legitimizes Israel

The British imperial Balfour Declaration was about as genocidal hateful as its later Partition of India and Treaty of Waitangi. Trust the pompous Brits to abuse power and privilege and leave a colonial mess – civil wars in many cases. That Australia’s…

Anarchists will always be unmasked in Melbourne

Saturday September 16, 2017 and some ring-in zionist in Melbourne with a big ego calling himself Avi Yemeni led wayward ziopatriots in a street fight against masked anarchists. Whatever. Nothing to do with Australia. United Nationalists Australia watched on, describing Yemeni’s performance…

Avi Yemini’s ‘Reclaim Australia’ a ziopatriot agent modelled on Jez Turner’s London Forum

Read More:   So who is blow-in-from-nowhere Jewish activist Avi Yemini, suddenly leading Reclaim Australia? ZIONIST WATCH Bleeding obvious MOSSAD AVI:   The truth will set Australians free from Israeli subterfuge  

Freedom of Speech was the essence of Australia’s ‘Bendigo Three’ case

by Dr. Jim Saleam “I believe our member Chris Shortis has correctly articulated on ABC’s 7-30 report the issues raised by the decision of a Melbourne magistrate to convict the Bendigo Three of inciting severe contempt and hatred against Muslims. The ABC…

Australia’s Bendigo Three patriots smile passed them hateful anarcho-islamists

Australia’s Bendigo Three appeared today at the Melbourne Magistrates Court to front leftist political charges against them in one of Australia’s worst censorship show trials in living memory. Now nationally famous, the Aussie patriots are United Patriots Front leader Blair Cottrell, his…

Australian Liberty Alliance exposed as Liberal Party stooges for foreign vested interests – Israel and China

from United Nationalists Australia   The latest blow-in electioneering opportunists, the Australian Liberty Alliance (so-called) claim to be “making a stand for what is right, just and not negotiable; values our forefathers worked and died for.” They are a fraud party;…

Israel suspiciously behind nutter Thomas Mair to sabotage Brexit

How despicable and tragic that British Labour MP Jo Cox, a vocal supporter of Britain’s staying in the European Union, was assassinated quite brutally in the small north English town of Birstall, West Yorkshire, for her political views. But how convenient a…

Only Australian nationalists put the interests of Ordinary Australians first

The major political parties in Australia do not truly represent the interests of Ordinary Australians or stand for our nation’s integrity. The Liberals and their National Party lapdogs stand for globalist vested interests of Right Wing politics loyal to the conservative power…

Will Pauline Hanson please explain Neil Erikson’s endorsement of her Senate campaign?

Pauline Hanson has been noticeably silent on former neo-Nazi Neil Erikson’s support on his cesspit of a Facebook page. Mrs Hanson has failed to condemn Erikson for campaigning in her name despite his history of anti-Semitism, which he now claims to oppose,…

Putting the right spin on Freedomite v Antifa halal clash in Melbourne

While we must absolutely condemn last Sunday’s attack by Antifa on some members of the Freedom Party who travelled to Melbourne to protest a Halal festival – we cannot stand by and allow the matter to pass without the necessary comment. Some…

Danny Nalliah’s Rise Up Australia an agent for ZOG Imperialism

Australia First Party president, Dr Jim Saleam, protests outside Pastor Danny Nalliah’s Catch the Fire Ministries (church) at Hallam, west of Melbourne.  The site co-incidentally is but a few kilometres from where a mosque at Narre Warren is to be imposed on…