Liberals scam Western Sydney (again) – Marcus Cornish’s Abbott faction V Fiona Scott’s Turnbull faction

“They’re both in it for themselves. Liberals couldn’t give a toss and Labor’s corrupt. Remember corrupt Paluzzano and the pamphlet fakesters Gary Clark and Jeff Egan?  Once the election’s over, you’ll never hear from Liberal or Labor out west.” In Traditional Australia…

What do The Greens Stand For?

So what do the feral Greens stand for?….a Zombie Australia. GREENS ZOMBIE POLICIES: Neo-Communism, Carbon Alarmism, Welfarism, Progressive Bankruptcy, Sexual Deviance, Third World Aliens, Deculturalizing White Australia, Decriminalizing Narcotics, Assisted-Suicide, now Camel Gollies. | Greens camel bum Nicky Minus last Tuesday night…

Our Lindsay Campaign mobilizes in Western Sydney: Stop the Chinese Growth Corridor!

by Nathan Sykes. | Last weekend Australia First Party members from all over New South Wales converged on Rooty Hill in Sydney’s west to formally organise and support their candidate Jim Saleam for the upcoming election in the federal seat of Lindsay.…

Pauline Hanson, the Liberal stooge? No, the Cane Toads reached Ipswich

Some media and political pundits think there is a chance Pauline Hanson will get into the Senate from Queensland. We are a bit more skeptical about that. However, whatever the case, no nationalist will raise a hand for Pauline Hanson. Nothing to…

Greens Di Natale’s 50,000 Third World annual alien invasion policy

The Greens, since Italian extremist Richard Di Natale took over, have become Australia’s Extreme Far Left party. Forget tree hugging, Senator Di Natale’s Greens dogma is to ruin Australia by mass Third World alien invasion. The New Face-Hugging Greens   Last week,…

Melbourne African Negro Gang Violence

Point Cook Home Invasion by 100 Sudanese Negros May 21, 2016:  The hosts of a teenage party barricaded themselves in a bedroom as their party was invaded, and their home smashed and robbed, in Melbourne’s west.  Up to 200 negro refugee youths…

Vested interests behind Panama Papers Leak – Soros linked to secret US military consortium

(TRUNEWS)   “In an interesting twist to the strategic Panama Papers leak, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) — primarily funded by George Soros — has exposed their premier donors holdings in the Carlyle Group, an infamous venture capital firm with deep…

Mike Baird das Führer, addresses his Right Wing delegates – ‘forced amalgamations’ uncompromising   Liberals & IPART Corrupt: | Premier Mike Baird (das Führer):  “We have taken decisions that are in the interests of ratepayers“. But just as Baird’s corrupt IPART approved the forced council amalgamations, IPART has also approved rate hikes for 30…

Fairfax profiles Dr Jim Saleam for Lindsay

Today, Penrith Gazette newspaper journalist Krystyna Pollard of Left-leaning Fairfax media, has written an article profiling Australia First Party’s candidate for the Seat of Lindsay covering outer western Sydney. We reproduce it here making necessary spelling corrections and removing Leftist slur propaganda…

Third World Death Doctors – ban them from Australia!

Indian ‘Dr Death’ is linked to 87 Australian deaths Foreign Third World Jayant Patel is Dr Death   At least 80 Australians died at the hands of a Third World doctor following evidence provided by the Queensland Government back in 2005. Premier…

Eureka Flag Logo – Fairfax smart to pick up on AEC bureaucratic delays

Because writs for the Federal election have been issued today, all processing of all outstanding party logo applications, has ceased at the Australian Electoral Commission. “..someone’s got to stop the bastards!”   Today, another organisation – Eureka’s Children – filed an objection…

Australia First Party for Lalor

The Australia First Party shall contest the Federal Seat of Lalor in Victoria for Australia’s forthcoming 2016 national election. This electorate takes in parts of still outer south-western Melbourne and rural areas toward Geelong, and our chosen candidate is a local, Sue…

Australian girls and women don’t feel safe in public places at night, thanks to Third World immigration policy

Liberal and Labor in Canberra happily approve Rampant Third World Immigration with no background checks.  They call it their dutiful UN humanitarian intake; typically 6000 every year, but then Rudd’s 12000 Middle Easterns and Africans managed to sneak in during 2013 and…

Right Wing Politics is the NSW Liberal Party

Right Wing politics is in full swing in New South Wales from Corrupt Command Central Party (CCCP) in Macquarie Street, Sydney.  Liberal Premier of NSW Mike Baird has just sacked 42 councils. Baird is an anachronism like the colonial states. We don’t…

Team Turnbull’s kingdom progressively leaning toward a AAA time bomb

His Malship: “Actually, I learnt a lot from Kevin Rudd.  Renewal starts with renewing the Liberals as a non-Abbott party.  The first task of my realm shall be to register my new party logo with the Australian Electoral Commission. “Do you like…

Marcus Cornish is the Liberal stooge of Lindsay

by Dr Jim Saleam, AFP Candidate for Lindsay, NSW. “..someone’s got to stop the bastards!” | “Yeah, yeah. Some Liberals on a personal level were Abbott fans and they don’t like him being pushed out. And this week we learn that some…

Can’t trust Liberal or Labor not to back stab their PM

A vote for Labor or Liberal could mean anything.  Both parties have form backstabbing their leader as Prime Minister. Australians cannot trust Labor or Liberal to keep their election pledges, let alone their leaders. Gillard backstabbed Rudd backstabbed Gillard. Half Labor politicians…

Waleed Aly gold logie a desperate bid by TV for welfare muslim audience

When a foreign, muslim leftist of extreme anti-Australian bias is permitted to host a TV propaganda programme, ‘The Project’, so hateful in issue selection and slant against Australian culture, is singled out for Australia’s top TV award for the most popular personality?…

London set to descend into Islam with its new Muslim mayor

Today in Old Blighty, a Pakistani muslim immigrant, Sadiq Khan, has become London’s mayor, succeeding Boris Johnson. That London has a demography of 44% ethnics and over a million muslims and now less that half the residents are White says everything. So who…

Mothers Day double dissolution – a crisis of trust in government

Today, Sunday, Mother’s Day in Australia is a day when children celebrate their mother because they wouldn’t be here without her. Don’t forget your mother; she’ll never you.   Today will historically be remembered in Australia when Mother’s Day focus was diverted…

Archbishop of Aleppo asks Abbott’s 12,000 illegal flock to return to Syria

“Ya can’t just impose on Aussies like that!” Refugee Advocates and their extreme froth campaign to invite millions of Syrian refugees to Australia constitutes betrayal and contempt for Australians and effectively an internally co-ordinated unarmed invasion of our nation. Treacherous Refugee Advocate,…

Australian Greens hypocritical about CO2 emissions

Frothing climate alarmism:  “Australia needs to urgently and substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions, actively support international mitigation measures to reduce global emissions, and plan to adapt to climate change impacts which are now inevitable.” Yeah, yeah. So today Sydney’s blanketed in bushfire…

Australia First candidate out and about in the cultural open city of St Marys

Our candidate for western Sydney Seat of Lindsay, Jim Saleam took to the hustings yesterday, getting in early to meet and greet the small business owners of St Marys. Yet, neither he nor his campaign guru could find more than a handful…

True Cause of Australian Independence – Ch 2: Long March through our history to glory and many defeats

This article is an extract of an academic paper first published by the Australia First Party on Australia Day 2016.  It is in 12 parts. The entire paper may be obtained as a PDF in the public domain from the internal link…

2016 Budget needs balls not sink holes: Default on government foreign debt

Australia needs to end its spending addiction, cold turkey, and start living within our means at a national and household level. Those in charge in Canberra need balls to budget within their means. Massive inherited Labor-Greens debt has corroded our national wealth. …

Reclaim May Day

Last Sunday, May 1 2016, Australia First Victoria acknowledged the traditional Australian May Day, a celebration of the working class. We held a graveside vigil to honour the lasting legacy of William Guthrie Spence – True Trade Union Nationalist, political agitator and…

Australia’s ‘education export’ a fraud belying mass Chinese alien invasion

There is a massive government fraud by Canberra that education is an export industry. Crap!  It’s blatant backdoor immigration. The vested interest political class spruik that it is worth $20 billion a year to Australia; that ‘international’ students pay for secondary and…

NRMA Western Sydney red and black bloc deserved to lose – too violent, too ethnic

NRMA sponsors and endorses ethnic soccer hooligan violence   The so-called “A-League” is a code of football foreign to Australia, designed to compete with Australian football codes – AFL and NRL.  It was set up by an immigrant, Westfield’s Frank Lowy, for…

Why Australia rejected the Japanese submarines in 2016

Out of respect for our grandparents who suffered at the hands of the Japs. In a nutshell, the French First World subs are superior, meeting all of our capability requirements and the French can be trusted.  Japs still can’t be. The last…

May 1: Aussie Worker Rights rally outside Harvey Norman

As Part of ‘RECLAIM MAY DAY’, Australia First Party demonstrates against multinational retailer Harvey Norman in Adelaide – which employs Syrian economic refugee scabs. Today, as traditional Labour Day (May Day), Australia First Party members held demonstrations in four cities. As we…

Cattle king S. Kidman & Co sale to Chinese is wong for Australian sovereignty

Birds of a foreign yellow feather, plumage together!    Currently, Australia’s greatest threat to our sovereignty and to our way of life is from foreigners – from foreigners flooding our shores and taking over our jobs, and from foreigners buying up our…

Alliance for Peace and Freedom

Official Website: Facebook:   The Alliance for Peace and Freedom is a coalition of nationalist parties of Europe, founded on September 14, 2015 in response to the serious threats to European peoples from globalism, multinationals, privatisation, corrupt banking, Islamisation…

Kerry Jayne Wilson – yet another deluded leftie missionary kidnapped by the Third World Islamics

When special forces go into guerilla combat in war-torn Third World desert badlands like Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, they are fully trained, experienced, briefed, kitted out and prepared for deadly engagements one could say. See video at end. But when a retired female biologist…