Contain Nazi China to stand up to Beijing’s dynastic Fourth Reich under Emperor Xi Jinping

On Wednesday August 7 in 2019, Australia’s Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security wrote an important article in The Sydney Morning Herald. It’s savvy and informed author warns Australians that if the People’s? Republic of China’s imperialist ambitions are not contained,…

Contain and deport China imperialism out of Australia and from our sovereign territories

China’s self-anointed emperor Xi Jinping (since 2012) is hell bent on despotic world domination – soft power, debt trap diplomacy, cyber attacks, dud trade deals, intellectual property theft, chinatownage, ‘educities’, whatever it takes.  The Xi dynasty seeks to emulate the Mao Tse-tung…

Chinese ‘educity’ invasion beachhead rejected by Melbourne: Up yours emperor Xi Jinping

Bloody Chinese again.  Beijing’s soft power ‘educity’ invasion beachhead of Werribee which could have seen 80,000 Chinese communists take up residence downunder – has been thankfully rejected by local Aussies. Thanks to four years of persistent active opposition by Melburnians a wake…

Australia First Party is the only political party genuinely putting Australia first!

That’s why Australia First Party is our name. Just compare the other political parties: The Liberal Party puts globalism first (supports perpetuating mass immigration demand and congestion, global trade before local business, privatisation before the national interest, the United Nation’s ‘climate change’…

Susan Jakobi, Australia First Party for Lalor in 2019

Susan Jakobi will contest the electorate of Lalor for Australia First Party in this year’s Federal election. Susan contested Lalor in 2016 and received 3232 votes. Lalor is at the centre of the planned ‘educity’ at Werribee, a new sub-city of some…

Cranbourne Election – Susan Jakobi does well advancing the Nationalist Cause

As the returns in the Victorian election continue to come in, Susan Jakobi in Cranbourne has done well to receive 942 votes or 2.22%, with almost 74% of the possible vote so-far counted. Reasonably, Susan will reach over 1,100 votes. As Australia…

Tasmania’s ‘Cambria Green’ plans for a mega hospice for retiring Chinese to fly-in, shoot swans and die

Certain Tasmanian politicians must be greedy or desperate or both.  True Australians would be wise to consider voting for Australians First. There’s valuable farmland and a wetland north of Swansea on Tasmania’s rural east coast at Dolphin Sands, and the mayor of…

Labor’s backdoor foreign student scam: 80,000 Chinese invasion of Werribee via ‘Educity’ front

China’s attempts to colonise Australia continue in earnest, with conspiring treachery by the Labor Party. One scary instance is Beijing’s plan to build an ‘Educity’ in Werribee on Melbourne’s western fringe – for some 50,000 Chinese students plus a further Chinese 30,000…

Wyndham Council Election: Is Indian Intaj Khan some mafiosi raj or a slumdog millionaire?

The Wyndham Council Election is a general reflection of the corruption found at the top in Australian society today, which has become all but pedestrian and largely ignored by most. Australia First Party supported candidate, Susan Jakobi, says “Enough is Enough!” Wyndham…

Werribee at risk from $30B Chinese student invasion. Is it rooted in corruption?

In Melbourne’s Werribee, Wyndham traitor Mayor Adele Hegedich has proclaimed Chinese Imperialism to be her new economic and political master. A Chinese scheme to build a $30 billion dollar fancy ‘Educity‘ at Werribee in outer Western Melbourne – a true Chinese Special…

Australia’s ‘education export’ a fraud belying mass Chinese alien invasion

There is a massive government fraud by Canberra that education is an export industry. Crap!  It’s blatant backdoor immigration. The vested interest political class spruik that it is worth $20 billion a year to Australia; that ‘international’ students pay for secondary and…

Wyong China Theme Park exposed as wonton greed by Mayor Doug Eaton

Australians should celebrate today! The rout of the New South Wales ‘Central Coast’ collaborators with Chinese imperialism, is now apparent. Evidence has finally surfaced – as we had alleged by our trenchant questioning of Mayor Eaton and his Chinese spouse – that…

Wyong’s Warnervale is a Liberal Party corrupt sellout to the Chinese Dictatorship

Of course the Chinese Communist Dictatorship shoots its own people, invades and persecutes Tibetans.  Does a bear shit in the woods?  Ask Clive Palmer. And ‘hand on heart‘, is there any Liberal Party politician along the New South Wales Central Coast who…