Cultural Diversity: Bendigo Council’s zero tolerance for Whites during ‘Refugee Week’

Around this time every year, the Leftist propaganda spews out ‘Refugee Week‘ pounding Australians with crap like “the positive contributions made by refugees to Australian society“…”Refugee Week is a unique opportunity for the wider Australian community to experience and celebrate the rich…

Howard Legacy: Australian universities rely on foreign currency bribes to let in Chinese students to cheat, spy, work and immigrate

No Aussie VISA!   Chinese not welcome, never were by Australians. Bugger off, can’t even do a tie up! Thanks to little Johnny Howard, and subsequent Liberal-National governments, Australian universities starved of funding have stooped to becoming unscrupulous cash-desperate immigration agents, plying for…

Santa Sabina College recruits islamo-deviant inquisition to re-convert good Catholic school girls

A fanatical religious co-ordinator recruited by a Sydney Catholic Dominican school has been caught out inappropriately preaching islam to Catholic girls – head scarf wearing, sharia, FMG, things that are “haram” (forbidden by Allah), calls to prayer, halal, and jibber from da…

Sydney Uni’s Debating Society wants to censor White Aussie Males

Sydney Uni’s hottest chick Nina Dillon Britton has come out demanding more diversity amongst her fellow cultural Marxists and more vegan options in campus food.  Nina is a third year Arts/Law student regretting not doing the politics stream or modelling. She’s a…

Lynching time in Melbourne

In Victoria calling police or Crime Stoppers is a waste of time.  Leftard Dan Andrew’s appointed civil libertarian judiciary will side with the criminals, hand them bail and a slap on the wrist. Within days, youth gangs of African negro appearance will…

Two Chinese fight in Chinatown – care factor, but get rid of ‘Chinatowns’

Only Chinese would fight over a Chinese, and to do it in Chinatown, well, who cares if one succumbs? In 2016, Chinese student Jeremy Hu (then 17) (not his real name) was head kicked to death in some karate fight in Melbourne’s…

Labor Party in Victoria imposes Xi Jinping absolute rule

Frankenstein Dan Andrews is sneakily going draconian trying to do a Xi Jinping – seize absolute power. His Victorian Labor’s Local Government Bill 2018 (forced eviction bill) is set to empower local councils with absolute power of forcibly evict home owners. Councils…

Calabrian infected rockmelons picked by scab Third Worlders and killing vulnerable Australians

Reports are coming in of 15 cases of food poisoning in Australian nursing home patients in NSW, VIC and QLD in 2018 and it’s only the start of March.  Two have died as a result.  This time it’s down to listeria-contaminated rockmelons…

Melbourne home invasion crime wave by armed youth gangs ‘of African appearance’

It’s a warm midnight Saturday February 24 2018 in Melbourne’s blackened northwest ghetto and four idle Sudanese stick insect teens feel like theys back in deepest darkest Africa and are hankering for McNuggets. But theys already blown their Centrelink dole on booze…

Blue Paper – Monocultural Cohesion

This Blue Paper is a draft prescriptive standard for Australianness, arising out of multiple challenges to Australian values by foreign influences, by anti-Australian sentiment and by our governments kowtowing to unethical and backward cultures that are undermining Australian traditional values.  This is…

Latest Liberal immigration clash brings out truths

A game-play by Tony Abbott suggesting immigration should be cut by 80,000, brought out the usual ‘immigration is good for the economy’ propaganda amongst politicians and media. However, while all were carrying on the game was ignored. Abbott actually said: “My issue…

As Australia’s Agriculture Minister, Nationals Party leader Barnaby Joyce was a complete failure

He’s all talk till his red in the face. Beetroot Barney was Gnats munster appointed to protect and champion Australia’s Agriculture from September 2013 to September 2015. He then had his portfolio diluted by Water Resources up until December 2017, before Australia’s…

Third World leeches costing Australian economy billions a year – 93% get Centrelink and have no English

Vocal backbencher Tony Abbott now reckons Australia should halve Canberra’s mass immigration fetish (currently net 245,000 a year).  But go further, impose an indefinite moratorium on all immigration.  That it provides a net benefit to Australia is a fallacy.  It only makes…

‘Progressive’ Greenie punks driving up household electricity prices of Ordinary Australians

Da golly Greenie punks reckon Australia should have a target of 90% renewable electricity by 2030 presuming it will always be sunny and windy to supply the power.  And they want to tax cheap abundant coal to extinction. It’s ideologically because da…

Our Cootamundra Campaign

Dr Jim Saleam For Cootamundra – For An Ideological Revolution. | Australian Nationalists will always put Australians first, unlike globalist Liberal-Gnats coalition, the Labor-Golly Greens coalition and their stooges pretending to be independents.  Where’s Katrina Hodgkinson these days?  Swanning around Switzerland before…

Third worlders addicted to overbreeding – charities like Oxfam corrupted by millions and sex

Third world charities on the ground are as corrupt as their street and phone spruikers smiling on secret commissions. Roland van Hauwermeiren (68) (above), former head of Oxfam in Haiti and Chad happily paid charity funds for black prostitutes at loose change…

Living Next Door to a Greens Supremacist: Bandt da Rant

Adam Bandt hates Australia and everything it stands for.  Bandt’s a pre-meditated polly-careerist, a globalist supremacist, a polly more interested in throwing Australian taxpayer wealth at foreign Third World cultures and inviting the barbaric hordes downunder, so to treacherously undermine Australia’s way…

Canberra da hub of debauchery, pornography and infidelity

What’s the difference between Green golly scum and Gnats self-interest scum?  Gnats can leave their hat on…but keep their domesticating whip! They’re all at it on polly business when in Canberra – adulterers can’t keep da willy in and loosely betray marriage…

Eureka Flag culture wars: Anarcho-Slackbastard brother tweets for Liberal-Globalist ‘Guardian’

by Dr. Jim Saleam. | Jeff Sparrow – brother to the primary ‘Andy Slackbastard’, Rob Sparrow – has come out tweeting in the columns of the liberal-globalist Guardian paper on the matter of the Eureka Flag building-site-ban. A display ban imposed by…

Eureka Flag: Leftard Fitzsimons pollutes ‘ban’ discussion but raises the nationalist profile

by Dr. Jim Saleam. | The attempt by legislation to ban the display of the Eureka Flag on building sites by a Labor Party stooge front – the CFMEU – naturally drew out Peter FitzSimons, a supposed expert on the Eureka Stockade…

Progressive Left da slippery slope of Moral Relativism

“If you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything” – Gabrielle Koetsier, 2017. It’s hard to sum up the hate of da ‘progressive’ movement. What are they indeed progressing? There’s so much hate: the degradation of western values, the destruction of the…

Christine Forster’s lesbian coven brainwashing a truly stolen generation

Friday’s much propagandized legal union between activist lesbians Christine Forster and Virginia Edwards was but another Canberran construction.  It is not a legitimate marriage. It was never a quiet private affair, but always a political campaign milking the media as pin-ups pushing to…

False ‘Aboriginal leader’ Tarneen Onus-Williams blatantly incites anti-Australian hate

Kooree Youth Council leader Tarneen Onus-Williams (not a traditional Aboriginal name) on Australia Day January 26 2018, stomped in front of Melbourne’s Flinders Street Station and spewed the following diatribe by megaphone:  “Fcuk Australia, I hope it burns to the ground”… And…

Yarra Hate Council censors its staff from mentioning ‘Australia Day’..then takes the public holiday

What a damn ugly import!  This curry muncher runs the leftard Yarra Council which has permanently banned its entire 1000 staff from even uttering the words “Australia Day”.  That includes councillors, call centre staff, childcare workers, back office staff, librarians, drivers and…

Australian Day deserves extending to an ‘Australian Victory Week’ as dinkum respect for the lucky country Whites made it

That Australia is the lucky country is not accidental.   ‘The heroes of our nationhood were not resistance leaders or freedom fighters, but politicians and statesmen, most now forgotten or only half-remembered. Their creation is an achievement worth celebrating An amazing, but little…