Blue Paper – Charter of National Service

This Blue Paper is a draft prescriptive standard for Australianness, arising out of multiple challenges to Australian values by foreign influences, by anti-Australian sentiment and by our governments kowtowing to unethical and backward cultures that are undermining Australian traditional values.  This is a feeder document toward nationalist policy and subsequent draft proposed law, inviting input and debate by Australians.

Blue Paper

Nationalist Initiatives

  • Australian National Service is to include options to the individual of Australia’s:
    1. Military:  Army Reserve
    2. Military:  Navy Reserve
    3. Military:  Air Force Reserve
    4. Military:  Peace-Keeping Reserve
    5. Military:  Civil Police Reserve
    6. Non-Military: Emergency Services Reserve
    7. Non-Military: Approved Australian Community Service/Charity organisation
    8. Non-Military: Approved Australian Heritage Service/Charity organisation.
  • Each Australian-born citizen1 (both male and female) is to compulsorily contribute to Australian National Service for a minimum of 12 consecutive months between the ages of 18 and 19
  • Disabled youth between the ages of 18 and 19 shall be required to compulsorily enlist in a Non-Military unit within the Australian National Service for a minimum service of 12 consecutive months, as assessed on a case-by-case basis
  • Non Australia-born citizens1 and their offspring are prohibited from participating in any ‘Military’ designated units within the Australian National Service
  • Offspring of Australian Naturalised Citizens aged between 18 and 29 years (at the date of legislative enactment) shall be compulsorily required to enlist in their choice of Non-Military units of Australian National Service for a minimum of 12 consecutive months immediately upon being issued Australian Naturalised Citizenship.  This includes the following choice of options:
    • Non-Military: Emergency Services Reserve
    • Non-Military: Approved Australian Community Service/Charity organisation
    • Non-Military: Approved Australian Heritage Service/Charity organisation.
    • NB.  Non Australian Culture organisations are not eligible under this programme
  • The immediate offspring of migrants who have become Naturalised Australian Citizens shall be required to compulsorily participate in a newly proposed special Australian Cultural Assimilation Programme for a minimum of 12 consecutive months (between the ages of 18 and 19).  Cultural Assimilation is to include:
    • Unlearning of Anti-Australian values, attitudes and behaviours
    • Re-education in Australian First World values, attitudes, behaviour and standards
    • Australian socio-cultural education and induction
    • English language and Australian vernacular education to Year 10 competency
    • Excursions around Australia including inductive self-sufficient bush camping, beach swimming, and mixing with the opposite sex
    • Australian conditional citizenship pre-certification
    • Australian career guidance
    • Psychological, psychometric and Australian cultural assimilation testing
    • Opportunities for remedial assimilation (an additional 12 months) for those who fail the programme.
    • Those who fail the programme twice must wait two years before reapplying
    • Those who fail the programme are not entitled to apply to become Naturalised Australian Citizens.


  1. Excludes offspring of migrants


Supportive Precepts Linked to Evidence