Progressive Left da slippery slope of Moral Relativism

“If you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything” – Gabrielle Koetsier, 2017. It’s hard to sum up the hate of da ‘progressive’ movement. What are they indeed progressing? There’s so much hate: the degradation of western values, the destruction of the…

Leftards impose the slippery slope of deviant marriage

Arsewipes. It used to be that a man and a woman got married and had children.  They became parents, and the children called the man father and called the woman mother.  Deviant marriage will bring an end to all that. Deviant marriage…

Postal plebiscite on deviant marriage – the Canadian experiment warns of a looming ‘stolen generation’

The lefties in Canberra know how to waste money.  The Liberal Party’s deviant seven have bullied Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to waste $122 million on some postal plebiscite across Australia on the deviant marriage question.   The deviant seven backbencher faction? Dean Smith…