Israel’s Love Affair with Syrian Jihadis

by Keith Woods, 8th December 2024, ‘My book Nationalism: The Politics of Identity‘ is now available on Amazon. If you enjoy my writings, please consider purchasing it and leaving a positive review. © 2024 Keith Woods |  548 Market Street PMB 72296,…

Australia First ally-group in estate windfall case

Statement of the National Council of Australia First. |  In a stunning development, the Christian group British Israel World Federation Australia Incorporated – BIWF(A) – has appeared as an equal beneficiary in an Estate worth over twelve million dollars. It is expected…

The ‘Ballaarat Lawyer’ tries to be a hero of the Farquharson Inquiry effort

by Dr. Jim Saleam   So-called ‘social justice’ lawyer, Luke McMahon, has hung up his shingle in Ballaarat.  His website’s blurb suggest he wants to be known in his new town as one who not only represents ‘causes’, but who serves the common…

A YouTube discussion with Canadian nationalist and immigration critic, Mr. Paul Fromm

1st June 2024:  Veteran Canadian Nationalist and de-platformed spokesman for White Rights, Paul Fromm, chats with Australia First Party President Jim Saleam about the pressing issues of Zionism, immigration, and what’s happening in Gaza. They also touch on the great cabal that’s trying…


An active Blue Mountains environmentalist and small-business man, Mr Steven Ridd, has repeatedly come under unfair financial attack by departments of the current New South Wales Minns Labor Government. Mr Ridd is an old Army mate of AFP’s John Hood and who…

Media Release: VOTE 1 SUSAN JAKOBI for the prosperity, heritage and cultural identity of Ballarat

The following programme will be released as a leaflet in South Ward letter-boxes in the very near future: OUR CITY MUST REMAIN IN THE HANDS OF THE BALLARAT PEOPLE, NOT IN THE GRIP OF A CORRUPT AND OPPRESSIVE CORPORATE-GOVERNMENT. As you are…

Sue Jakobi gets out there: Elect a nationalist to Ballarat City Council

Sue is campaigning for Ballarat Council in various ways appropriate to the social restrictions currently imposed. It’s a postal ballot (which has some advantages with a full candidates’ statements sent to all electors). That is set for October 24. Sue is demanding…

Nationalise Virgin Australia

What if our Australian Government bought Virgin Australia outright and so nationalised the airline? The LibNat national government is throwing $130 billion around like there’s no tomorrow after its epic failure to quarantine Xi China’s unleashed bio weapon virus COVID-19. Rather than…

Australian business unwisely imbedded with Xi China should expect coronavirus implications

Recalled from his two month Chrissy holidays, Canberra’s Home Affairs Munster Peter Dutton embarrassingly has back-flipped over raw rat eating Wuhan coronavirus infected Chinese heading to Australia.  Incoming Chinese to Australia are finally being auto-quarantined so as to avert an outbreak upon…

Corona Virus: China lobs its Year of the Rat on Australians

Xi China’s imperialism is unleashing yellow peril hazards upon first world Australia: cyber attacks, import dumping, property invasion, Huawei spying 5G, yellow ghettos, SARS and now its Corona Virus Plague. Chinese reckon 2020 is Chinese Lunar Year of the Rat.  Bloody lunar…

Australia Week for True Blue Aussies

Things True Blue Australians ought to consider doing this coming Australia Week, a time for celebrating and kicking back. While the big day is January 26th and this year blows in on a Sunday, Australia’s national week for the uninitiated unofficially kicks…

When ASIO comes calling – a response

by Dr. Jim Saleam and Peter Matthews. | We Australians live amidst dirty politics and it won’t change anytime soon. At this time, Australian nationalist (and some other patriotic) movements face a problem – targeting by an aggressive political police working to…

Chinese ‘elderly parent visa’ migrants run business from Sydney’s Waterloo Towers

contributed by an anonymous Aussie pensioner   The notorious Waterloo Towers public housing estate may be scheduled for demolition that it may become part of the Chinese enclave Green Square project, but right now it appears also to harbour yet another Sino-secret.…

ANZ Bank runs censorship against Nick Griffin

by Dr. Jim Saleam and another. | The invitation to have Nick Griffin, Vice Chairman of the (European) Alliance For Peace And Freedom, speak in Australia hit yet another small snag – de facto censorship by the Australia New Zealand Banking Group…

Medevac Bill fraud repealed: normal Australia prevails against hateful Leftards

Phelpsies fuming. Yesterday, the end of Kerryn Phelps’ Medevac Bill fraud for rapefugees became nigh on Manus and Nauru. Access to penis enlargement procedures on mainland Australia has been severed.  Despite ‘progressive’ Greens-Labor, dejected in opposition, recalcitrant in stonewalling Australia’s elected government…

Australian nationalist discussions around the country

On Saturday 5th October 2019 at 1.00 pm, the party president addressed a meeting in Wagga Wagga to challenge the structured assault of an academia / media / political police narrative about a dangerous, potentially terroristic ‘Far Right’ in Australia. Jim says…

Not Conservative, Not National, Not Conservative National – But Australian Nationalism

by Dr. Jim Saleam, National President | This is the first of a series of articles on conservatism and its relationship to Australian nationalism. The Australian nationalist movement appeared to take a step forward when Fraser Anning stood up in Parliament in…

Westpac: the pedophile’s bank

Westpac’s vision out of its headquarters in Kent Street Sydney is to help its shareholders and pedophiles prosper and grow.  The bank believes that helping certain communities – illegal migrant workers, ‘cash-onry’ ethnics evading tax, jihadi sympathisers, and pedo rings – is…

Statement on the Foundation of the Australian Council of Nationalists

by Dr Jim Saleam, National President of Australia First Party | Some private supporters of the Love Australia Or Leave Party brought about a meeting with Australia First Party in Townsville in September in 2019 to discuss the formation of a fraternal…

Fairfax Anarchism (Part 6) – When Fairfax-anarchism met the Nazis: a license to troll

by Dr. Jim Saleam. | This is Part Six in an ongoing investigation and expose of the anarchist / Antifa movement and the strange concessions made to it by state and media forces. (NB. When discussing Fairfax, the author is referring to…

Fairfax Anarchism (Part 5): the ASIO Shell Game

by Dr. Jim Saleam. | This is Part Five in an ongoing investigation and expose of the anarchist / Antifa movement and the strange concessions made to it by state and media forces. (NB When discussing Fairfax, the author is referring to…

Climate Communism

Communist Idealism, Welfarism, Leftism, Anarchism, Election Loser Denialism, Born Again Communism, Redistributionism, Globalism, Scientologism, Alien Abductionism, Evangelism, Climate Evangelism, Doomsday Cultism, Nostradamusism, Apocalypticism, Y2K Bugism, Climate Armageddon, Climate Communism, and pigs fly pull the other one, it’s got bells on.  

Greens and other small-L ‘liberals’ need to confront the murder of Australian children rather than the ‘suffering’ of refugees

contributed. | How incredible it is that Australia is beleaguered with a serious quantum of mental illness which now impacts upon us directly in serious violent crime. Perhaps the most despicable product of this crisis is that of parents who can murder…