On Saturday 5th October 2019 at 1.00 pm, the party president addressed a meeting in Wagga Wagga to challenge the structured assault of an academia / media / political police narrative about a dangerous, potentially terroristic ‘Far Right’ in Australia.
Jim says that basically ‘Far Right’ doesn’t exist, and where it does – it’s just a few silly persons, or a few well-meaning people, or (ominously) some front men for shadowy agencies running black ops. He will draw on his considerable historical knowledge to make the case.
And what do we now find?
The usual suspects and ring-in screamers are crying that the meeting is outrageous, that Jim himself is a ‘terrorist’ (we kid you not) and that Australia First is just plain ‘racist’ and has no right to say anything at all.
The notorious anarchist, Professor Rob Sparrow at Monash University (better known as ‘Slackbastard’) has entered the fray and has been attempting to move local ranters to demonstrate against the meeting. Reports are that the slack prof. managed to second a Monash student bus to transport car-less ferals out to Wagga, rendezvousing for a pep talk around a Wagga Coles dumpster before, then to form a small hateful and smelly protest in ‘the usual’ way.
Many aspects of Riverina social media were drawn in to the opposition-rant. We anticipated the hysterical left was to grow in intensity as the advocates of fake news continue to be put on rigorous trial.
One venue decided under pressure that the threats were too many and too extreme and cancelled on us, but another venue was secured. The police station was close a hand. Many decent folk, curious people, and students expressed positive interest in the discussions. The meeting was videoed and shall be made available in due course on Australia First Party’s Video Channel.
Many other public meetings have been held around the country from Sydney to Canberra to Melbourne and into regional areas.
On November 30 in 2019, Australia First Party’s National President in Melbourne addressed the Australian nationalist priority topic of ‘Independence And Armed Neutrality For Australia‘. In his speech, Jim addressed the strategic problem of rise of China, Australia’s lack of independence towards the three superpowers (America, China and Russia) and why armed neutrality may be a policy that will advance the party amongst patriotic Australians.
Here is the series of three videos by Dr Jim Saleam on Australian Independence and Armed Neutrality.