Bakery Hill Maccas should be relocated to fake Chinese cemetery in Ballaarat

That Chinese cemetery in Ballaarat is fake.  It’s empty.  All the dead Chinese were shipped back to their celestial homeland in Canton. They had no business invading Ballaarat’s gold fields anyway.  No-one wanted them. Dan Andrews of the Foreign Labor Party wants…

Honest conservation doesn’t become The Greens. Economic Nationalism says buy a second-hand car

Honest conservation is buying a quality second-hand car, now that new cars are all made by foreigners overseas.  October 20, 2017 is scheduled to be the extinction date of Australian auto manufacturing when Holden makes its last car at Elizabeth, the Holden…

Asylum Seeker Centre is an oasis and safe place for ringleaders of insurance scams like Thamer Ari – AAT deport the scum!

“The Asylum Seekers Centre is a place of hospitality and welcome. It is an oasis for many people, a safe place for those who have fled situations of great danger.” Bullcrap!  It is an illegal people smuggling racket facilitating Third World criminals…

Sydney Islamic Terror Attack Christmas 2014 thanks to Greg Smith’s soft cock bail laws

So yesterday the New South Wales Coroner, Magistrate Michael Barnes, delivered his findings from his inquest into the deaths arising from the Lindt Café Siege.   It’s also played down as the ‘Sydney Siege’ and on leftist Wikipedia as ‘The 2014 Sydney Hostage…

Australia’s Bendigo Three patriots smile passed them hateful anarcho-islamists

Australia’s Bendigo Three appeared today at the Melbourne Magistrates Court to front leftist political charges against them in one of Australia’s worst censorship show trials in living memory. Now nationally famous, the Aussie patriots are United Patriots Front leader Blair Cottrell, his…

Resist Mass Immigration

Australia is being overrun by 400,000 immigrants year on year, and they multiply more than locals.  With higher birthrates than native-Australians, their proportion of the population will rise and overtake us. As at March 2012, our country had 22.6 million people, with…

Bendigo Three being kangaroo courted by Labor’s sharia sycophant Lisa Chesters

The Labor Party’s vindictive Lisa Chesters of Bendigo has misused her political influence to have police charge protesting Aussie nationalists with a concocted offence. Anti-Australian Chesters represents no borders, islamic invasion of Australia, sellout of Australia to the Third World. She’s ignorant…

Fake Refugees deportation deadline October 1, as Greens-Labor political lawyers cry crocodile tears

Australia’s Immigration Minister Peter Dutton has set a deadline of October 1 for illegal arrivals living in Australia to apply for refugee protection or face deportation. He said there are 7500 illegal boat arrivals, (courtesy of Rudd-Gillard-Rudd open invites) who have refused…

Why Sweden’s fake charges against Wikileaks investigative journalist Julian Assange dropped?

Corrupted Chief Swedish prosecutor Marianne Ny has suddenly given up the fake rape investigation against Australian investigative journalist Julian Assange. After seven years, why? Marianne Ny was incompetent, dumb and bribed. Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron and his recent successor Theresa May…

Washington Democrats Post fake news of the week

Another week, another litany of anti-Trump hateful conspiracy crap dreamt up by leftist Hilary diehards in the Washington Swamp. Churning the propaganda this week is brought to gullible copy-paste media interns, courtesy of leftist Amnesty International, leftist Jeff Bezos‘ Washington Post, leftist Jeff…

Keep bank bashing, the greedy fat cats deserve it: Royal Commission Now!

Fat Cat Banks are fat because they’re greedy, especially the bank bosses with all their long banking luncheons. Australian’s bank bash because the big banks deserve it.  They are CommBank, ANZ, Westpac, NAB and Macquarie big banks. They increase lending rates to…

Wind up Malcolm Fraser’s sham Administrative Appeals Tribunal – it’s just a tool of the leftist Refugee Council

Malcolm Fraser’s Administrative Appeals Tribunal needs to be scrapped.  It’s current president Injustice Duncan Kerr is a former leftist Labor politician (Tasmanian seat of Denison 1987-1996) and excuses fake refugees. Appointed by the leftist Rudd-Gillard legacy For starters, judges should not have…

ABC funds Chas Licciardello’s anti-Trump propaganda because leftist ABC hopelessly in Hillary defeat denial

Chas Licciardello’s hateful propaganda against elected US President Donald Trump has become paranoid. Only his drug-infused lefty hatefuls tune into his Planet Hillary propaganda. Small fake man Licciardello and his crap TV blogging needs to be countered by the truth happening in America.…

ABC Media in the deviant gutter under ‘Troughwoman’ Chinese Michelle Guthrie

ABC look out, Guthrie about. On May 9, 2017, Australia’s $1 billion annually taxpayer-funded national media broadcaster, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) aired what can only be described as perverted deviant filth on its Radio National radio programme ‘Earshot‘. Being Australia’s monolithic…

P.E.P.E the Frog introduction to the DailyStormer

P.E.P.E ? Stands for the cryptic ‘Point Emerging Probably Entering‘. It’s an ALT-RIGHT cult gone viral..but better, it’s got into the craw of antifa Hillaries. It’s drawn from a melodic 1966 tune out of Italy called ‘Shadilay’. But P.E.P.E has morphed..…

Liberal Party’s forced council amalgamations? High Court rules ‘Up Yours’ Gladys Baird

Today, the High Court of Australia has accepted Woollahra Council’s application for a full-blown appeal against the NSW Liberals’ imposed forced council amalgamation with Randwick and Waverley in Sydney’s east. Woollahra’s case was bolstered by Ku-ring-gai Council’s recent victory against the Government…

Eureka Flag Logo approved by Australian Electoral Commission

Australia First Party’s Eureka Flag Logo was approved by the Australian Electoral Commission on April 28 2017. Notably on this day in 1770, Lieutenant James Cook landed at Botany Bay in Australia, rowed ashore from his bark HMS Endeavour. The Australian Electoral…

NSW Education Minister Adrian Piccoli’s NAPLAN blackmail to HSC students a recipe for suicides

Just like tax and superannuation, every year or so the government changes the goal posts with high school curricula. They always brand their tinkering as ‘reforms’ So just for fun, on January 1 this year, NESA (The NSW Education Standards Authority) replaced…

Trolls like Luke McMahon drive Hywood to discard Fairfax rag mastheads to TPG vultures in San Francisco

Fairfax leftist value is explicit in the TPG Capital’s takeover offer for Domain so it can asset fire-sale the trolling mastheads SMH/Age/AFR quick smart, and bugger Stan.  San Francisco headquartered TPG Capital is all about leveraged buyout – fancy pawnbroking of desperate…

Bill Shorten gets desperate to join Australia First, but keeps failing the Dinki Di Test

Here’s Billy’s latest application attempt to be an Aussie nationalist, but we’re a wake up to #8: Tick,Tick,Tick,Tick,Tick,Tick,Tick, FAIL ALERT,Tick,Tick,Tick,Tick Billy gives it a good go to get on the Australia First bandwagon, like Mal’s done after his Trump cuddle. Billy also…

Australian General Post Office heritage sold off by treacherous muslim Ahmed Fahour to the bloody Chinese

Australia’s rare and significant heritage buildings are being sold off by foreigners to foreigners.  Lebanese muslim Ahmed Fahour, the overpaid underperforming egomaniac of Australia Post has been allowed to sell off Sydney’s much loved historic GPO building to a Chinese billionaire. Muslims…

Malcolm throwing borrowed money at his own delusions: NBN, Debt, Adani, Gonski, Badgerys

No these White Australians won’t be part of Gonski Welfare Mark II.  Malcolm’s Turnbull team dysfunction this week mustn’t have taken its medication.  Brain farting billions here, brain farting billions there.  Gonski welfarism is for underprivileged Third World immigrant families to the…

America’s Korean War Mark I saw Australians conscripted by Menzies, not again Canberra!

So within Donald Trump’s first hundred days, the Pentagon has hoodwinked him to beating the drums of war against North Korea. The Pentagon is self-motivated by a raison d’être to justify its existence and relevance.  It needs a war to be sustained.…

Newsflash: Extreme Left Activist identified in Attack Plot

A confidential source has named ‘Yousef’ in connection to a plan to organize serious assaults upon two Sydney nationalists. The two nationalists are Jim Saleam and Nathan Sykes. Yousef is a passionate ‘refugee advocate’ and a member of the Communist Workers’ Party…

Australian Bureau of Statistics is Canberran propaganda – biased, lying crap like its dodgy 2016 Census

Statistics from Canberra report what Canberra wants and excludes what Canberra doesn’t want Australians to know. Think its mass immigration policy. Think its multiculturalism policy.  Think its economic mirage dependent upon mass immigration and multiculturalism. Try discovering these demographic statistics: The migrant…

Multicultural riot by migrants in Western Sydney

Saturday night April 23 2017 and the local Cumberland Council’s Redgum Function Centre put on a party for Indian immigrants in Sydney’s ethnic Wentworthville.  But the negro gang in the area found out on Facebook and so gate crashes the party looking…

Australian Frontier War 1788-1934: A blinkered Dr Brendon Nelson says ‘Best We Forget’

Not political, just factual – Aborigines didn’t approve of British Colonisation.  From 1788-1934, 146 turbulent years involving ongoing frontier battles took place across the continent between Aborigines and mainly British settlers.  The main conflicts are officially documented. The fact is that military…

Liberals-Nationals corrupted in Multinational Tax Avoidance by sacking 4700 Tax Office Staff

What’s the bet Mal’s left testicle Scomo, comes out of hiding today puffing his chest from the Tax Office’s $300 million court win against multinational Chevron? US oil multinational Chevron is one of many foreign and multinational corporations that deceptively avoid paying…

Martin Parkinson: Yes Mal, the plebs will start listening if you talk “tough overhaul”

Polly toadfish Malcolm Turnbull swims up to fellow polly toadfish Martin Parkinson wondering what to do this week. Mal: “I need to be relevant to the plebs – I’ve kite flown their Debt crisis, their Unaffordable Housing crisis, their Unaffordable Gas crisis,…