Australian Day – ignore hateful fringe dwellers on public teat digging up constructed White guiltism

Australia’s northern coast and in 1942 we nearly lost our sovereignty to the invading Japs. Aboriginal councilman for Alice Springs, Jacinta Nampijinpa Price is looking foward to celebrating Australia Day along with millions of Australians of various backgrounds.  January 26 is a…

Representative Victimhood lures minorities into the hands of foreign-hugging Greens

Mostly by Piers Akerman:  ‘Lefties love a hollow gesture, not action’, January 14, 2018, in The Sunday Telegraph (Sydney newspaper)| Next month marks the 10th anniversary of Labor PM Kevin Rudd’s teary apology to the so-called ‘Stolen Generation’ – exposed as a…

Education ‘export’ con supplanting Aussie youth with Ned Kelly’s ‘mongolians’

Lazy mass immigration policy out of Canberra is destroying Australia’s urban quality of life and driving White Genocide. Flogging education to foreigners as some perverted ‘export’ is just part of this mass immigration agenda.  Of course on graduation they stay. These foreigners…

Greens Richard Luigi DiNatali’s Sicilian allegiance sides with Rohingya muslims, ignoring needy Australians

While true Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi throws down the ‘NO’ gauntlet to LGTBPEDOs over da deviant marriage by post, we turn our focus to more important matters – thwarting this month’s Greens lunacy campaign. No we don’t need another 20,000 muslims from…

Bill Leak persecuted to death by Leftist Greens Gillian Triggs…ironically over his honest human rights cartoon

 Vale Bill Leak (1956-2017) Australia’s crusading editorial cartoonist, caricaturist and portraitist Bill Leak, three days ago shouldn’t have died at age 61. Bill was still fighting the PC bastards to the end and we salute his legacy.  Bill’s untimely demise was purportedly…