An active Blue Mountains environmentalist and small-business man, Mr Steven Ridd, has repeatedly come under unfair financial attack by departments of the current New South Wales Minns Labor Government. Mr Ridd is an old Army mate of AFP’s John Hood and who…


Book; Book/Illustrated – 2011 https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/156364170 Title Pulpit Hill (1813-2013) : a nomination for heritage recognition / Australia First Party. Other Authors Saleam, Jim.Australia First Party. Published Blue Mountains, N.S.W. Australia First Party, 2011. Carrier Types other Physical Description 1 computer laser optical disc (CD-ROM).…

Australia Week for True Blue Aussies

Things True Blue Australians ought to consider doing this coming Australia Week, a time for celebrating and kicking back. While the big day is January 26th and this year blows in on a Sunday, Australia’s national week for the uninitiated unofficially kicks…

Escarpment Group scandal- ethnic hoteliers prefer to exploit 407 Visa Third World ethnics than pay decent wages to local Aussies

(contributed) Reports are filtering in of a foreign owned and controlled luxury hotel group preferencing Third World hospitality scab labour on the pretence of ‘internship training‘ while shunning qualified local Australians. A 14-month investigation by The Fair Work Commission and the Department…

Foreign Alan Joyce’s leftist-deviant plot to destroy Australia’s heterosexual sports

Multicultural deviance is undermining traditional Australia.  Imported sexual deviant Alan Joyce is steering QANTAS sponsorship to bankrupt Australian cultural sports like rugby.  Imported fat chick Kiwi Raelene Castle is in cahoots because she just wants her All Blacks to win. Her parents…

Alan Joyce’s Easter evangelism: “bugger the Bible”

QANTAS boss Alan Joyce has no intention of repenting his sins.   This Easter he preaches the death and the evil of Good Friday.  He has turned out to be perhaps Australia’s most outspoken homosexual CEO and homosexual evangelist.  In the lead up…

Labor’s confession: Asians are taking Australian jobs

Of course they are, and it’s refreshing that Labor’s leader has called it out. This is the Wentworth Falls Pub Confession by Labor’s opposition leader in New South Wales, Michael Daley, speaking a ‘Politics in the Pub’ public forum at the Grand…

Australian Nationalists get behind our party and support our candidates

https://www.facebook.com/AusFirstParty/videos/2189901387937136/   The 2019 NSW State Election: COOTAMUNDRA Campaign Facebook Page:  Dr Jim Saleam For Cootamundra – ‘For An Ideological Revolution’ The 2019 Federal Election: LALOR Campaign (VIC) LINDSAY Campaign (NSW) LINGIARI Campaign (NT)  (TBA:  Watch this space) LONGMAN Campaign (QLD) Western…

White Ribbon movement has an uphill battle against paternalist rape subcultures pervading Australia

This is particularly so in Melbourne, where murderous rape is in barbaric paternal cultures, excusable?  Women are not safe alone. In the year ending 31 December 2016, Victoria Police recorded 12,956 sexual offences across the state, with an offence rate of 214…

Vietnamese dance drug dealer Thanh Truc Phan killed Sydney teenager Callum Brosnan at rave festival

Another unregulated rave festival on December 8 and patron Callum Brosnan (19) of Sydney’s Baulkham Hills gets poisoned by illicit drugs smuggled into Sydney Olympic Park. Callum, a promising AFL footy player went for a night out with his girlfriend Bianca to…

Hey White Aussie, try getting a job

What in the city?  Employers have got the upper hand and expect epic work experience to selfishly avoid the cost and effort of training new recruits. The big companies typically only offer casual contracts, else pay crap wages like in slave cadetships,…

Chinese threaten us with kitchen knives, military imperialism, and moon randing

Think Chinese and think copycats, invasion and scary big knives.  On entry to Australia, Chinese need to be read the bloody riot act. Invading Chinese celestials have been read our Riot Act since 1861 by Diggers at Lambing Flat. Chinese Invasion of…

Clover Moore foists lesbian ‘purple hijacking’ agenda on Sydney’s NYE family fireworks

Purple lesbianism hijacks Sydney NYE Fireworks.  It only lacked the labrys symbol on the Bridge.   Sydney City Council’s Lord Mayor, spiky-haired Clover Moore, an outspoken campaigner for everything Left (globalism, multiculturalism, sexual deviance) has politically hijacked the Sydney New Years Eve…

Vibrant and enriching diversity brawl breaks out in Multicultural Melbourne

Multicultural Melbourne is working like a dream, a bad dream that is.  What happens when a gang of unemployed African offspring walk into Alfreida Street in Melbourne’s St Albans? Well, Christmas Day and the Vietnamese owner of pork roll joint Sông Hương…

‘Necessity of Responsibility’ – stoic young men are the bastion of manhood and our nationhood

‘We (acknowledge and share) Canadian Professor Jordan Peterson’s take on the post-modern orthodoxy where men, and in particular young White men are being gradually hammered down to near the bottom of the ‘progressive stack’.  Such is the leftist hateful persecution promulgated by…

ACTU protest exploitation of school children fails Working with Children checks – it’s time for Nationalist Schools

Leftist immoral ABC media labels them as ‘young people’, but decent Australians just refer to them as ‘children’. Just abolish the ABC. It only serves itself and preaches Leftist bias. The hateful Commo-Left knows no bounds of depravity and abuse by using,…

A tale of two universities – one’s Australian, the other’s in Canberra

Outside the urban ethnic enclaves, the rest of Australia remains a celebration of White Western Civilisation, since British colonial liberation from barbarism in 1788, before the French did. So to empower Australian youth with this proud First World heritage, the University of…

Wogball soccer wedges out traditional Aussie sporting codes toward White minority status

Foreign soccer is unleashing on Australia.  Foreign money has more power than local Aussie membership dues. Immigrant billionaire Frank Lowy has poured his Westfield profits into it since 2004 to appeal to ethnics who can’t play Aussie contact sports.  It’s a multicultural…

Tanya Plibershrek pre-bullies Labor’s 2018 Conference ordering all babies be auto-classified aSexual

Since the implosion of the federal Liberal Party in August, voter disengagement and dysphoria has trended.  The Labor Party has been captured by fringe identity activists – gender identity, gender expression and anyone experimenting with hormone replacement cocktails. What struggling working class?  …

Legislate rights for Child Rape Victims to be ‘Redress Creditors’

Gillard’s selective commission into institutional child rape (the 2013 Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse) has logically concluded that institutions had “seriously failed” to protect children since the 1960s, as expected.   Some 230 prosecutions have commenced.  It has made…

Glib Gillard rewarded a standing ovation by sympathisers of pardoned pedophile Muslims

After five years of Labor PM Julia Gillard’s Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Liberal PM Scott Morrison (Scomo) blathers out another national empty apology like Labor PM Kevin Rudd gestured to the Aborigines.  So Scomo’s October 22 in…

Anti-Australian biased Michelle Guthrie sent packing back to her quota Chinese culture

Exactly a month ago anti-Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull was sent packing.  Today, Turncoat’s quota chick appointee, installed to culturally steer the ABC further leftward, well follows him packing – hopefully overseas as well.  Michelle Guthrie (can’t be her real name) has been…

Fraser Anning’s First Speech reflects raw Aussie sentiment

What a breath of fresh air Senator Fraser Anning is? This is his maiden speech to the Australian Parliament (as reproduced here in full). He has said some very important things. However, we are aware and should point out to our supporters…

Bulls#@t Birmingham lies about me a fortnight back but now threatens life of Blair Cottrell?

by Dr Jim Saleam, August 8, 2018. | “A couple of weeks back, notorious sci-fi falafel fiction writer John Birmingham, alias Bulls#@t Birmingham, twot about me while a candidate in the Longman by-election in July 2018. Non-fictioning history that could have landed him…

Operation Total Top: Marise Payne’s gender neutral policy to obliterate Australian Defence morale

Look out China, shake in ya boots!   Australian Defence is so desperate for recruits it’s inviting foreigners, Chinese, Muslims, and faggots to join up.  Why not palliative care patients and dead people.  If the Commonwealth Bank can..? Aussie soldiers have been told…

Who allowed tasteful Daylesford to be besmirched by some deviant ChillOut sect?

When did country Daylesford degrade to being so ‘Greek love’ with hissy-fitting faggots in ya face?  1997, when poofs invaded? A normal bloke can’t drive into town these days to pick up supplies without being indecently leered at by FIFO Prahran Poofs…

Globalist Canberra hell-bent on betraying the ethic of Australia’s forefathers

Worldly patriotic Australians of good character were elected in 1901 to form Australia’s first national parliament.  Australia’s Parliament was established in the heart of the nation’s industrious wealth and culture – Melbourne and it should have remained so. And this was the…

White Vigilante defence against Black Gangster Africa

In Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), the former dictator, Robert Mugabe, permitted and encouraged a campaign of violence that drove the European farmers off the land. Mugabe ruined his country’s agriculture, forcing the importation of food. Simultaneously, he sold diamond wealth to foreign (mainly Chinese)…

Cultural Diversity: Bendigo Council’s zero tolerance for Whites during ‘Refugee Week’

Around this time every year, the Leftist propaganda spews out ‘Refugee Week‘ pounding Australians with crap like “the positive contributions made by refugees to Australian society“…”Refugee Week is a unique opportunity for the wider Australian community to experience and celebrate the rich…

Canberra da hub of debauchery, pornography and infidelity

What’s the difference between Green golly scum and Gnats self-interest scum?  Gnats can leave their hat on…but keep their domesticating whip! They’re all at it on polly business when in Canberra – adulterers can’t keep da willy in and loosely betray marriage…

Progressive Left da slippery slope of Moral Relativism

“If you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything” – Gabrielle Koetsier, 2017. It’s hard to sum up the hate of da ‘progressive’ movement. What are they indeed progressing? There’s so much hate: the degradation of western values, the destruction of the…

Christine Forster’s lesbian coven brainwashing a truly stolen generation

Friday’s much propagandized legal union between activist lesbians Christine Forster and Virginia Edwards was but another Canberran construction.  It is not a legitimate marriage. It was never a quiet private affair, but always a political campaign milking the media as pin-ups pushing to…

Australian Day deserves extending to an ‘Australian Victory Week’ as dinkum respect for the lucky country Whites made it

That Australia is the lucky country is not accidental.   ‘The heroes of our nationhood were not resistance leaders or freedom fighters, but politicians and statesmen, most now forgotten or only half-remembered. Their creation is an achievement worth celebrating An amazing, but little…

Australian Victory Week from Cronulla to Kalgoorlie

This week since January 26 we are celebrating Australian Victory Week. Why the whole week?  Well, there’s just so much to celebrate – best country in the world, beach weather, leftovers, unused leave, and all da leftard froth street entertainment. Public servants…

Australia Day Awards hijacked by leftard agenda evangelism – behold: ‘The Order of the Toad 2018’

Sly fox Turncoat was so joyous and resplendent at Canberra’s Social Justice Warrior awards ceremony last night, that CrownBet had Mal odds-on to anoint himself Australian of the Year. In 2016, Canberra anointed a ‘Tranny of The Year‘ and in 2014 a…