Globalist Canberra hell-bent on betraying the ethic of Australia’s forefathers

Worldly patriotic Australians of good character were elected in 1901 to form Australia’s first national parliament.  Australia’s Parliament was established in the heart of the nation’s industrious wealth and culture – Melbourne and it should have remained so.

And this was the Temperance era run by feminists.

These noble men represented Australians in our nation’s first ever parliament, so elected on Friday 29 March and Saturday 30 March 1901.  Our nationalist leader at the birth of our nation, Australia’s first Prime Minister, Edward Barton, leader of the Protectionist Party, that very same inaugural year, enacted vital legislation to defend the cultural sovereignty of Australia: the Immigration Restriction Act 1901.

On 23 December 1901, the Immigration Restriction Act came into law. It had been among the first pieces of legislation introduced to the newly formed federal parliament.

The legislation was specifically designed to limit non-British migration to Australia and allowed for the deportation of ‘undesirable’ people who had settled in any Australian colony prior to federation.

It represented the formal establishment of the ‘White Australia policy’.

In 1901, 98% of Australians were White because White Europeans (predominantly British by civilized discovery) – had pioneered, toiled, invested and developed the country.  Whites evolved and liberated Third World natives into the First World.  And after considerable improvement, building, and sacrifice our lucky country has become the envy of the rest of the world.

So what is mistletoed leftist Canberra doing to unravel Australia and our forefathers’ hard-earned sovereign wealth and First World values?

  • Imposing mass immigration 200,000 year-on year, most from the welfare-dependent Third World
  • Imposing multiculturalist foreign culture and laws to marginalise Australians and erode our traditions
  • Privatising public owned asset wealth to foreign control to expose Australian citizens to price hikes and an unaffordable cost of living
  • Unravelling our national protections (cheap energy, tariffs against Third World dumping) to ruin Australian industries
  • Canberra’s destroy Australia hate agenda goes on

Canberra is ruining the Australia we love and treasure and strive for

Words of Australia’s Founders

“White Australia is not a mere policy as far as Australia is concerned: It is a religion.”
by Senator Burford Sampson, 1928

“With the Oriental, as a rule: The more educated, the worse man he is likely to be from our point of view. The more educated, the more cunning he becomes, and the more able: with his peculiar ideas of social and business morality: to cope with the peoples here. The Objection I have to the mixing of these coloured people with the white people of Australia – although I admit is to a large extent tinged with considerations of an industrial nature – lies in the main, in the possibility and probability of racial contamination!”
by John C. Watson, Leader of the Australian Labor Party 1901-1907

“It is our duty to preserve this Island continent for all eternity to the white race; irrespective of where they may come from. If the Australian people had only lived in the southern states of America, as I have – and had seen the dire results present mingling of the Africans with the whites, they would put their feet down and say: We are not going to leave such an unholy problem behind for future generations to solve!”
by King O’Malley – Australian Minister of Home Affairs

“We ought to preserve our ideal of a White Australia – even if we have to fight and die for that ideal.”
by Major-General Granville Ryrie

“The coloured man must be kept out, whether he is Japanese, a Chinamen or an African. This is really a matter of life and death to the Australian people.”
by James C. Stewart, Senator Queensland Labor, 1901

“White Australia must not be regarded as a mere political shibboleth. It was Australia’s Manga-Carta. Without that policy, this country would have been lost long ere this. It would have been engulfed in an Asian tidal wave. There would have been no need for the Japanese to invade this country, we would have been swallowed up by the rolling advance of a horde of coloured people.”
by John T “Jack” Lang, 23rd Premier of New South Wales

“Ninety-Five out of one hundred Australians reject the very idea of racial equality.”
by William “Billy” Hughes, 7th Prime Minister of Australia

“The White population is being driven out of the labour market by an inundation of Mongolians and when the white man is driven to desperation.. There will be desperate times.”
by Edward “Ned” Kelly

“The White Australia Policy was racial in the best sense of the word; It is based on the belief that by drawing immigrants from races which assimilate readily, we shall produce a stronger and more cohesive people and avoid unhappy racial differences. It is not an attitude of racial superiority, but of facts.”
by Robert G. Menzies, 12th and longest serving prime minister of Australia.

“We can only preserve our heritage for our descendants by preserving the homogeneity of our race, and that we must and will do. We cherish no annexationist ideas, we covet no other territory and we have no imperialist ambitions. If Australians are ever foolish enough to open their gates in a significant way to people other than Europeans; they will soon find themselves fighting desperately to stop the nation from being flooded by hordes of non-integratables. The Communists base their appeals on the sympathy Australians feel for the poor and oppressed in backward countries; They preach equality, but ignore the fact that equality does not necessarily mean similarity or the ability to live and work together.”
by Arthur A. Calwell, Leader of the Australian Labor Party 1968

“Experience has shown us the awful mistake of the mixing of white and coloured people. The mixture is not a fortunate one. We do not want it in this country, and should endeavour to prevent it for the sake of the white and coloured races alike. History teaches us that the races, are better kept apart in their own countries.”
by John MacDonald, Labor Senator for Queensland 1922

“The White Race should come to a common understanding; and present a united front to its potential enemies. We say that the policy of a White Australia is worth defending, and we are prepared to defend it.”
by William G. Spence, Founder and leader of the Australian Labor Party and Australian Workers Union

“A White Australia does not by any means mean only the preservation of the complexion of the people of this country. It means the maintenance of conditions of life fit for white men and white women; It means protection against the underpaid labour of other lands; It means social justice so far as we can establish it, Including just trading and the payment of fair wages.”
by Alfred Deakin, 2nd Prime Minister of Australia

“Nationalism is necessary as the interests and feeling of different races are too discordant to be harmonised under one single central Government.”
by Charles H. Pearson

“It is possible to live on the highest terms of mutual respect with ones neighbour whilst recognising that it would be destructive of all harmony to invite him to become a permanent resident in ones household.”
by Jack Beasley, Labor Member for West Sydney 1928-1946

“We intend to keep this country white and not allow its people to be faced with the problems that at present are practically insoluble in many parts of the world.”
by Stanley Bruce, 8th Prime Minister of Australia

Young drover in 1914:    ‘We fought and died for our new Australia’

Sources courtesy Eureka Youth League.