If Tom Sewell isn’t working for the other side, he might as well be. That’s a comment we’ve heard in strict confidence from disillusioned ex-comrades of Sewell who won’t be named. There is no love lost between this author and Sewell, as…


The first seven submissions to the Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security’s Inquiry into extremist movements and radicalism in Australia have become available. What we find is an overall priority of ‘management’ coming from those state-based contributors. There is no interest in…


The author of this article is Barry Spall It is shared from our friends at New Australian Bulletin New Australian Bulletin has never had a Facebook presence. Our work is occasionally shared by trolls and our friends at Australia First Party, but…


The Australian Defence Force is serious about security. So serious, it has decided that it’s impossible to protect the nation’s military data, therefore it has given up and awarded China direct control of our sensitive military information. Or, you’d be forgiven for…


Pauline Hanson has called for a ban on the swastika and other ‘hate symbols’ because Australians “don’t like racism.” In a classic Hansonesque double-cross, the 66-year-old faux-nationalist has once again come out with a statement that displays her political and social commitment…


China has announced its intention to finagle its way into building a $39billion on Daru Island in Papua New Guinea, which would effectively place it on our doorstep. The proposed project, which is so far only in the ‘threat’ stage, would result,…


The following article is shared from our friends and Australian Council of Nationalists partners at New Australian Bulletin.  Time Magazine has done the unimaginable and admitted that a “cabal” of “powerful people” were responsible for engineering Donald Trump’s loss at last year’s…

Media Release: VOTE 1 SUSAN JAKOBI for the prosperity, heritage and cultural identity of Ballarat

The following programme will be released as a leaflet in South Ward letter-boxes in the very near future: OUR CITY MUST REMAIN IN THE HANDS OF THE BALLARAT PEOPLE, NOT IN THE GRIP OF A CORRUPT AND OPPRESSIVE CORPORATE-GOVERNMENT. As you are…

Sue Jakobi gets out there: Elect a nationalist to Ballarat City Council

Sue is campaigning for Ballarat Council in various ways appropriate to the social restrictions currently imposed. It’s a postal ballot (which has some advantages with a full candidates’ statements sent to all electors). That is set for October 24. Sue is demanding…

Announcement by Australian Council of Nationalists

The affiliates of the Australian Council of Nationalists have discussed continued reports by media, the comments of politicians and academics and the intervention of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation – upon the subject of a so-called ‘Far Right’ said to be active and growing in our country and which may opt to run violence campaigns.

We are disturbed by what appears to be a scaremongering campaign to persuade some Australians to accept restrictions on the freedom of speech and organisational association in order that this supposed threat be contained.

Capitalism Without Creed – The Third Phase of Australian Cultural-Political Rulership

Under Imperial Constitutionalism, patriotism was determined by a monarchist devotion, while advocating for an independent Australia amounted to Bolshevism. In the first phase — and the pre-perestroika part of the second phase — the greatest threats to rulership were communism. At no time in our history has nationalism been allowed to flourish to the point of rulership. Strangely, communism has become acceptable to a capitalist class which once ran McCarthyist purges against those believed to be red. This disparity in trading with Communist China we define as ‘capitalism without creed’, since the capitalist ‘system’ has become divorced from the capitalist ‘essence’ which when running free has no conscience and honours only allegiances that result in profits.

Dr. Kristy Campion Fibs Again – Her (Non-Existent) ‘Far Right’ Is About To Use The Virus As Propaganda

Dr. Kristy Campion at Charles Sturt University in Wagga Wagga is fibbing again about a non-existent “Far-Right” in Australia. She claims that this Far-Right is now actively working to take political advantage of the coronavirus pandemic. And she’s being backed up in her assertions by “Andy Fleming” a so-called “researcher” of the Far Right, but who is really the notorious anarchist leader Rob Sparrow (aka Slackbastard).

Now SBS has pitched in to help, by spinning far and wide their lurid tales of “Far Right” plots to use fear of the coronavirus to spread hate – and more hate and more hate. In the chaos of hate, it is said this Far Right could acquire political influence.

Nationalise Virgin Australia

What if our Australian Government bought Virgin Australia outright and so nationalised the airline? The LibNat national government is throwing $130 billion around like there’s no tomorrow after its epic failure to quarantine Xi China’s unleashed bio weapon virus COVID-19. Rather than…

Wagga Awakes! Council Cuts Ties To China

Wagga council voted on Tuesday night to end its 32-year-old relationship with Chinese sister city Kunming. In a hotly debated motion, the winning vote to ditch Kunming was cast 4-3.

The meeting was held via a conferencing app owing to COVID-19 restrictions with the motion’s initiator, councillor Paul Funnell, addressing the council.

In a speech full of blunt truths, he highlighted the existential problems of being a democratic council with “…a business ethics document that speaks of transparency, ethical decision making and procurement practises”, while its sister city holds to “the very opposite” of those policies.

Nationalism & The Virus – The Politics of Tomorrow (Part One)

This series of articles concerns the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic upon Australia’s politics. Comments and ideas can be directed to the party at ausfirst@alphalink.com.au   Each week, we will deal with a few issues as events unfold.

Daily Mail Attacks Patriot Who Called Out Chinese Death Cultists

The Daily Mail has taken aim against a conscientious Aussie bloke who made a symbolic stand outside the Chinese consulate in Sydney.
Their use of the pejoratives ‘rant’ and ‘racist’ have undermined the genuine sentiment expressed by this fearless Akubra-wearing patriot who took his anger to the street outside the consulate. There, he cracked a long whip, while vocalising the feelings of all true Australians who, courtesy of the Kung Flu, have woken up to the evils of the Communist Chinese Dictator State.

XYZ – You Don’t Speak For Nationalism!

A public statement by Dr. Jim Saleam

The nationalist without nationalism website XYZ is at it again, pretending to speak for Australian nationalism. And with a clever plan!
An article published today under the penname of ‘Golem’ has a lot to say that pretty much confirms for us the snaky and dangerous quality of a group of people who wouldn’t understand Australian Nationalism, even after and by a miracle of time travel if, John Curtin, Jack Lang and Henry Lawson materialized in their ‘office’ and patiently tried to explain it to them. Let alone beat it into them.

This time, XYZ is calling for present-day nationalist leaders to come forward and set about building a “united front” and then – becoming “politically organized”. Of course, united fronts are good things, when the elements composing them are positive forces.

China-flu Brings Mass Unemployment & Divides Australia

Depending on whereabouts in the country you are, the contingencies the Morrison government have taken to contain the outbreak of COVID-19 so far have seemed a bit like a phoney war. That was until today with images of tens of thousands of Australians queuing up outside of Centrelink offices, many for the first time in their lives.

Melbourne Neo-Nazi Group Is An Asio Trojan Horse

Three weeks ago, ASIO’s Director-General Mike Burgess cited ‘Neo-Nazis’ as “among our most challenging security threats.” A week later, in a pub in west-Melbourne, a gaggle of toxic outcasts who’ve been causing headaches for dedicated nativists for a while now initiated a new club in the hope of remaining relevant.
The leader of this paltry group is known to talk to the feds and has often sat down with ASIO. His timing couldn’t have been better.

‘Mad Turk’ Erdogan declares war on Europe

Having discharged a human wave by relaxing control of Turkey’s military zone the Mad Turk has broken his 2016 pledge to the European Union to shelter refugees until the situation recovers. His hostile act confirms that he is, unlike the much-maligned Bashar al-Assad, a global villain.

The announcement came more than a week ago as Russian-backed Syrian Government Forces staged an air offensive in Syria’s northwest Idlib province where Turkish troops are pinned down. Dozens of Turks were killed and close to a million Syrian refugees made their way towards the Turkish border.

Nick Griffin & Jim Saleam on the Andrew Carrington Hitchcock show — the coming collapse of western civilization

Two of the greatest nationalist minds prove they’re also two of the finest speakers in the world of nationalism in this must-hear broadcast recorded live on ACH radio. British nationalist veteran Nick Griffin, formerly the leader of BNP, an MP with the European Parliament, and now with the APF (Alliance for Peace and Freedom) joins Australian nationalist veteran Jim Saleam, AFP President, to discuss parliamentarism VS nationalism, their mutual past, the Brexit, the implications of the coronavirus and ultimately the collapse of western civilization. The show is hosted by Andy Carrington Hitchcock on the Rense Network. Click the link to listen and follow Andy’s program live at the times listed on his page.

Far-Right And Neo-Nazi Terror Threats – Just One Big ASIO Lie

In a public address yesterday at the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation’s Canberra headquarters, ASIO Director-General Mike Burgess, gave many warnings (sic) about espionage” and jihadi terrorism in our country. Some of that is probably true, as far as it goes. But he also lashed out at “far-right groups”. And then he singled out those neo-Nazis!

High court ruling on Aborigines may end in civil war

The constitution, imperfect though it is, is under attack. Recently, the High court voted 4-3 to allow to foreign-born criminals to avoid extradition on the basis that each had Aboriginal ancestry.

In doing so, they have conferred special rights upon the blackfella which supersede our migration laws on the basis that their ‘Aboriginality’ connects them to the land in a wholly transcendental fashion not applicable to the rest of us; not even those of us White Australians with ties going back several generations. Suddenly, race matters very much.

Holden is dead – long live the spirit of Holden

Holden is gone, much to the indifference of General Motors, who only kept it around because it was paid for by government handouts.

Being a Yank mob, primarily responsible for such beaut gas-guzzlers as the Buick, Cadillac and Chevrolet, their management was never likely to be bothered by any social impact closing Holden might have. After all, they are quartered in the post-apocalyptic city of Detroit. And this is business.

Sydney Morning Herald inserts communist ‘China Daily’ into paper

Outrage has been expressed by both politicians and senior journalists at Nine as the Sydney Morning Herald has openly displayed its agenda by flagrantly promoting Communist China’s interests.

Indian man chokes Aussie girl in regrettable act of cultural confusion

An Indian man assaulted a white Australian girl in Sydney on the 13th of February, after following her from Chester Hill station in Sydney’s greater west. A story published this week revealed the scrawny little unidentified Indian male snuck up behind the young woman as she went to cross a road at around 6 pm, before looping his trouser belt around her neck and trying to choke her.

The XYZ of political finagling

For years now we’ve been aware of an Alt-Right website that hosts certain Young Liberals not above styling themselves as nationalists.
XYZ was created in 2015, at the height of the Alt-Right phenomenon, as a local response. It is listed prominently in the Executive Council of Australian Jewry’s report into anti-Semitism, but unlike nationalists, they are never harassed by media companies nor the police. In short, they continue on all the platforms where true political threats have become proscribed.

Jim Saleam on the Rense Network’s ACH programme – The State of Australia Today

Dr Jim Saleam, Australia First Party president, talks to Andrew Carrington Hitchcock on his popular Rense Network programme ACH.

Australian business unwisely imbedded with Xi China should expect coronavirus implications

Recalled from his two month Chrissy holidays, Canberra’s Home Affairs Munster Peter Dutton embarrassingly has back-flipped over raw rat eating Wuhan coronavirus infected Chinese heading to Australia.  Incoming Chinese to Australia are finally being auto-quarantined so as to avert an outbreak upon…

Corona Virus: China lobs its Year of the Rat on Australians

Xi China’s imperialism is unleashing yellow peril hazards upon first world Australia: cyber attacks, import dumping, property invasion, Huawei spying 5G, yellow ghettos, SARS and now its Corona Virus Plague. Chinese reckon 2020 is Chinese Lunar Year of the Rat.  Bloody lunar…

Australia Week for True Blue Aussies

Things True Blue Australians ought to consider doing this coming Australia Week, a time for celebrating and kicking back. While the big day is January 26th and this year blows in on a Sunday, Australia’s national week for the uninitiated unofficially kicks…