The XYZ of political finagling

For years now we’ve been aware of an Alt-Right website that hosts certain Young Liberals not above styling themselves as nationalists.
XYZ was created in 2015, at the height of the Alt-Right phenomenon, as a local response. It is listed prominently in the Executive Council of Australian Jewry’s report into anti-Semitism, but unlike nationalists, they are never harassed by media companies nor the police. In short, they continue on all the platforms where true political threats have become proscribed.

Sydney Trad Dingo counter-culture: ‘Alt-Right’ youth wiser to take the Nationalist high road

by Dr. Jim Saleam, July 6 2017     I link through here to an article published by United Nationalists Australia. It concerns the meeting of the Dingo counter-culture held Saturday night July 1 2017 in Sydney. I consider the article a…