Pacific Islander coconuts need to be banned from Australia – cannibalism is illegal

Sigaragh Baea (22) a barbaric Third World islander, was an immigrant to Australia then he stabbed 48-year-old Prasad Somawansa 38 times in Hoppers Crossing in ethnic Melbourne in February 2015. The coon butchered his childhood friend’s mother to death while her husband…

Victoria Police hide African crime statistics of negroed Melbourne

Contributed by one of our new members   Canberra’s Mass Immigration Policy has unleashed on Melbourne. Thousands of Third World Negros from war-torn black Africa have been secretly dumped on outer Melbourne into clustered ghettos and they are causing menace.  Negro gangs…

Daniel Andrews outsources policing of Sudanese gangs to Melbourne dad patrols

Baseball bats are now the new black with Melbourne dads. | Victoria Police claim that having a “live now, die young” attitude is making Sudanese immigrant youths in Melbourne’s growing black ghettos commit violent and dangerous acts.  Melbourne faces a growing community…

Apex Gang invasion of Melbourne – Aussie fathers respond with baseball bats and vigilante patrols

Since Canberra keeps naively inviting da disturbed African black into Melbourne on welfare encouraging multiculti attitude, Australians in Melbourne have suffered a black gang crime wave. The negro Apex Gang has gone unchecked because Canberran Leftist immigrators bully state governments to sort…

Melbourne’s 2016 Coburg Rally by Australian patriots protesting imposed immigration, imposed multiculturalism

Anti-Refugee Rally in Coburg. | We note the Australian peaceful street protest rally organised yesterday (Saturday May 28, 2016) in Melbourne’s inner northern ethnic/Leftie suburb of Coburg.  We also note the subsequent clash with violent Lefties – masked black bloc students, student…

Melbourne African Negro Gang Violence

Point Cook Home Invasion by 100 Sudanese Negros May 21, 2016:  The hosts of a teenage party barricaded themselves in a bedroom as their party was invaded, and their home smashed and robbed, in Melbourne’s west.  Up to 200 negro refugee youths…

Australian girls and women don’t feel safe in public places at night, thanks to Third World immigration policy

Liberal and Labor in Canberra happily approve Rampant Third World Immigration with no background checks.  They call it their dutiful UN humanitarian intake; typically 6000 every year, but then Rudd’s 12000 Middle Easterns and Africans managed to sneak in during 2013 and…

Carjacking in Melbourne happens when Third Worlders are dumped on ‘White Privilege’

We told you Frankenstein was running Spring Street.  Union-installed Premier Daniel Andrews’ is about social re-engineering.  Think Leftie Cultural Marxism – welfarism, borderless Third World migration to the West, national debt until bankruptcy, decriminalisations, social liberalisation, globalism and Agenda 21.  He’s even…

Zaburoni Sex Lesson: Have it with a Third Worlder and live da HIV black worm nightmare

Ever since the slave trade and later exploration by the likes of Livingstone and Stanley, deepest darkest Africa has been a story of war, disease, corruption, repression, poverty and barbarism.  Welcome to the Third World.  You need more than an elephant gun…

Dan Andrew’s $1.6B horror elevated rail out beyond ethnic Dandenong to fuel high-rised Third World ghettos

Labor’s accidental Premier in Victoria, Daniel Andrews, is a political puppet of powerful vested interests and an arrogant wasteful spender of other people’s money. The bolt head wants to build an elevated rail line costing taxpayers $1.6 billion to drive massive high-rise…

Premier Daniel Andrews hiding under the bed during Melbourne’s 2016 Moomba Race Riot

Daniel Andrews:  “No, Melbourne’s not safe, Melbourne’s not safe!” “Where’s Daniel Andrews? Violent gangs are rioting on city streets, families are afraid to go to Moomba celebrations, shootings in our suburbs have become a daily occurrence and there aren’t enough police to…

Race riot in Melbourne Federation Square during Moomba Festival

It was only a matter of time.  Let the Third World scum in and they will bring their numbers, barbarism and violence. Islanders, Africans…   And so it was last Saturday night (March 12, 2016) during Melbourne’s annual Moomba Festival, that black…

Where there are Muslims there are gang rapes – it’s about ethnic cleansing

Waves of sexual attacks on European women by so-called ‘asylum seekers’ are being reported all over the EEC. The German cases have been particularly severe, so much so, that even ‘feminists’, usually associated with the Left, have been forced to protest. Now…

Sarah Hanson Young in Italy to bring back African illegals to Australia

Queen of the illegals, Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, has gushed and rushed over to Italy to find and bring back as many African illegals as she can muster – at Aussie taxpayers’ expense of course. “Tragedies happen, accidents happen.” I will find…

Chancey Luna, one of 40 million Africans fleecing America’s social woodpile

Back in August 2013, Australian baseball star Chris Lane (22) was on a scholarship at Oklahoma’s East Central University.  He was jogging along a residential street in the rural Oklahoma city of Duncan, when an African gang of teenagers drove pass opening…

Conservatives chipping away at barbaric multiculturalism – forced marriages to be outlawed

The Labor Party under Leftist leader-to-be Tanya Plibersek, embraces and celebrates the impost of multiculturalism on ordinary Australians. She has a vested interest, being an immigrant herself. Plibersek’s justification for multiculturalism being good for Australians is the exotic food.  So her argument…

Sydney women not safe to go out with black gang rapists about

Yet another asylum seeker has been charged with rape in Sydney. A 16-year-old girl leaving Liverpool Library in ethnic South West Sydney at 9:30pm on June 21, 2014 was accosted by Somali/Ethiopian asylum seekers in the library forecourt, then gang-raped her in…

Rapes by asylum seekers continue across Western Sydney’s ethnic ghetto

Yesterday, two 16 year-old Sydney schoolgirls were gang-raped in broad daylight by three Middle Eastern men in Fairfield Park in Western Sydney. Police Superintendent Peter Lennon said the girls had skipped school in the Blacktown area to go shopping at Castle Hill,…

Civil Unrest on the rise across urban Australia – a final solution

Race riots are on the rise in Australia’s major cities because it is the outer urban areas that the ethnic ghettos have been allowed to grow and fester.  Urban Australian society has disintegrated and decultured since Whitlam’s naive 1972 multiculturalism manifesto. Australia…

Migrant Violence Intolerable

Mirrabooka:  Perth’s Immigrant Melting Pot   When violence is reported in the Australian mainstream media, rarely is ethnicity mentioned, due to a self-policing media code of conduct that is premised on claims the reporting of ethnicity risks inciting racism. The Australian Journalists…