Canberra da hub of debauchery, pornography and infidelity

What’s the difference between Green golly scum and Gnats self-interest scum?  Gnats can leave their hat on…but keep their domesticating whip! They’re all at it on polly business when in Canberra – adulterers can’t keep da willy in and loosely betray marriage…

Eureka Flag culture wars: Anarcho-Slackbastard brother tweets for Liberal-Globalist ‘Guardian’

by Dr. Jim Saleam. | Jeff Sparrow – brother to the primary ‘Andy Slackbastard’, Rob Sparrow – has come out tweeting in the columns of the liberal-globalist Guardian paper on the matter of the Eureka Flag building-site-ban. A display ban imposed by…

Eureka Flag: Leftard Fitzsimons pollutes ‘ban’ discussion but raises the nationalist profile

by Dr. Jim Saleam. | The attempt by legislation to ban the display of the Eureka Flag on building sites by a Labor Party stooge front – the CFMEU – naturally drew out Peter FitzSimons, a supposed expert on the Eureka Stockade…

Progressive Left da slippery slope of Moral Relativism

“If you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything” – Gabrielle Koetsier, 2017. It’s hard to sum up the hate of da ‘progressive’ movement. What are they indeed progressing? There’s so much hate: the degradation of western values, the destruction of the…

Christine Forster’s lesbian coven brainwashing a truly stolen generation

Friday’s much propagandized legal union between activist lesbians Christine Forster and Virginia Edwards was but another Canberran construction.  It is not a legitimate marriage. It was never a quiet private affair, but always a political campaign milking the media as pin-ups pushing to…

Yarra Hate Council censors its staff from mentioning ‘Australia Day’..then takes the public holiday

What a damn ugly import!  This curry muncher runs the leftard Yarra Council which has permanently banned its entire 1000 staff from even uttering the words “Australia Day”.  That includes councillors, call centre staff, childcare workers, back office staff, librarians, drivers and…

Australian Day deserves extending to an ‘Australian Victory Week’ as dinkum respect for the lucky country Whites made it

That Australia is the lucky country is not accidental.   ‘The heroes of our nationhood were not resistance leaders or freedom fighters, but politicians and statesmen, most now forgotten or only half-remembered. Their creation is an achievement worth celebrating An amazing, but little…

Australian Victory Week from Cronulla to Kalgoorlie

This week since January 26 we are celebrating Australian Victory Week. Why the whole week?  Well, there’s just so much to celebrate – best country in the world, beach weather, leftovers, unused leave, and all da leftard froth street entertainment. Public servants…

Australia Day Military Honours 2018

Amongst the Australia Day 2018 Honours List are celebrated members of Australia’s Defence Force included in the Honours List’s Military Division – deservingly recognised by The Governor-General and Chancellor of the Order of Australia, His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove…

Best part of Australia is coming home

As an Aussie, unless you’ve been overseas and seen what its like there, it’s difficult to appreciate how great Australia really is and how lucky we are downunder. “Being Australian means being passionate wherever you are, whatever you’re doing,” says Sally Fitzgibbons,…

Australia Day Awards hijacked by leftard agenda evangelism – behold: ‘The Order of the Toad 2018’

Sly fox Turncoat was so joyous and resplendent at Canberra’s Social Justice Warrior awards ceremony last night, that CrownBet had Mal odds-on to anoint himself Australian of the Year. In 2016, Canberra anointed a ‘Tranny of The Year‘ and in 2014 a…

Australia Day BBQ halal-kosher free PORK – bugger Coles and Woolies islamic-kosher lamb propaganda

This is the true blue Aussie way to go on Australia Day. Not only will Aussies be supporting fellow local Aussie independent butchers and sampling some of the best taste sensations, we’ll be sticking it up the anti-Australian PC diversity brigade and…

Australian Day – ignore hateful fringe dwellers on public teat digging up constructed White guiltism

Australia’s northern coast and in 1942 we nearly lost our sovereignty to the invading Japs. Aboriginal councilman for Alice Springs, Jacinta Nampijinpa Price is looking foward to celebrating Australia Day along with millions of Australians of various backgrounds.  January 26 is a…

Australia’s dysfunctional Political Police pick on Aussies ahead of Australia Day

A week before Australia Day 2018 and with Melbourne under attack from car jihadists, chinese and bikie gangs smuggling in record tonnage of narcotics, African negro gangs running riot, and Australia’s current National Terrorism Threat Level rated as ‘PROBABLE’; who does Australian…

It’s lotto hell flying low-cost airlines of the Third World

It’s one reason why the Third World country is called ‘Turkey’. Ethnic drivers are renowned for depressing the accelerator instead of the brake, so why should piloting be any different for them? | Flying 101:  Upon landing apply brake This 20-year-old Boeing…

Terror Attacks redefined and excused by leftard governments as ‘mental health episodes’

We suggest to Australians that upon sight of ethnics rampaging in ‘mental health episodes’ to take out the scum then plead some ‘mental health episode’.  It’s called payment in kind. This may go some way to restoring the statistical accuracy of terror…

Australia Day January 26th is the foremost celebration of cultural Australianism

Australia Day is the foremost celebration of cultural Australianism, originating from European Settlement Day, Pioneers Day, and Anniversary Day festivals of our pioneering era; all recognitions of our Australian community and Native Soil. In 1886, the Australian Natives Association resolved for January…

Silence of Susan Lamb’s foreign citizenship status – knowingly in breach of s44 and deliberately misleading Parliament

Susan Lamb MP is the Labor Party’s parachuted puppet in Queensland’s obscurely named seat of Longman (aka Brisbane’s Caboolture cum Moreton Bay district). She’s gone all conspicuously silent over the charge of her dual citizenship. Yet all along she’s been knowingly in…

Diversity Dan Andrews Labor to condemn Victorians to thousands of curry munching fake students, scab labour and acid attacks

Last weekend, Labor’s union puppet Premier in Victoria, Daniel Andrews, went out on the town for Indian, savouring the samosa and chook curry washed down with several Kingfisher sherbies. Dan:  “Yeah so I couldn’t eat it all, cos pumped with too much…

Melbourne being negroed into an Australian Detroit – our decent society cornered, our vulnerable preyed upon

Melbourne has copped yet another armed robbery by imported negros this time at the United Petrol Station in Narre Warren North around 4am. One negro was armed with a machete, the other with a large rock.  It was a typical negro prey…

Daniel Andrews told us to say Victoria Police have no African Crisis – “Jabal khara”

“Jabal khara“?  – it’s Sudanese for “mountain of shit“! Everyone in Melbourne except for the Labor Party and its PC police chiefs recognise that Melbourne is now unsafe at night. Prime munster Malcolm Turncoat attacked Premier Daniel Andrews last week over “growing…

Serial head stomping low-life Yowane Raymond Namaibai gets just 3 years in Darwin’s Holtze Zoo

Australia doesn’t deserve Third Worlders. It has enough of its own overcrowding our prisons. Hey if ya African and try to stomp a strangers head to death, in the Northern Territory the going punishment is just 3 years minimum prison.  Message is…

African negro immigration copying America was always set to fail – da communal violence is intergenerational

It’s high time the spate of African-youth criminal attacks upon people and property in Melbourne be raised up from a discussion of ‘gang violence’ to one of ‘communal violence’. ‘Communal Violence‘ may be simply put in this case, as: endemic violence organized…

Visa Overstayers in Australia number 62,900 – ethnic racket fed by Canberra Birdie Num Nums

Some 62,900 illegal migrants are living and working in Australia under Canberra’s unplugged radar  – most of whom are foreign tourists and foreign students refusing to leave our country after overstaying our visas. Guess who comprise most of the alien filth? Third…

Labor Party blind to African Gang Crime in Melbourne

Melbourne’s outer west new suburb of Tarneit is an African negro gang haven. It has become the hub of African gang crime that has been allowed to spiral “out of control” according to Federal Minister Greg Hunt, who represents the seat of…

Australian airline training neglect sees Barnaby Joyce let in Third World pilots

Australian passengers on regional airlines beware that if your plane now crashes it will be because Gnats Barnaby Joyce ordered cheap Third World pilots into Australia just to prop up tourism numbers. Third Worlders can’t drive, what makes Barney think they can…

Against Same Sex (Deviant) Marriage – The Six Point Case

by Frank Turek, Compliments of Correct, not Politically Correct ‘Each of these six points against same-sex (deviant) marriage will be explained in detail in the following articles. Natural marriage is the foundation of a civilized society. Homosexual behavior is inherently destructive.…

Adela Pankhurst Walsh – co-founder of the Australia First Movement

Australian campaigner for the causes of women suffrage, anti-conscription agitation and challenging Australia’s foreign policies Adela Pankhurst Walsh (1885-1961) speaking in Sydney in 1931.  

Gillard Royal Commission into pedophilia politically ignored the cults of leftard faggotry and pedo-islam

Murdock propaganda downunder: “One of the best things about life in 21st century Australia is that for the first time in human history, we are actually listening to children’s voices. PM Gillard, instigator of the current kiddy-fiddling Royal Commission, being atheist and…

It’s not racist to worry about imposed mass immigration – Aussie concerns against such unarmed invasion are just patriotic

December 17, 2017, by Peta Credlin, News Corp Australia Network ‘A couple of days ago, I spent the morning out in Sydney’s Chinese enclave of Bennelong because I don’t think you can ever judge a political campaign unless you get out and…