Malcolm Turnbull lost in his Labor’s false economy fraud and sovereignty sellout

As Australians we could learn from the leadership in America (censored by the ABC) for instance on Energy Policy  (what’s dat Mal?)…frankly we could well learn to talk real from straight shoot’n Texan Governor Rick Perry..(recall just like Texan John Wayne –…

Jun 30: Lambing Flat Digger Uprising of 1861 – rename Young back to ‘Lambing Flat’

Today is Australia’s annual observance of the Lambing Flat Uprising by Diggers against invading Chinese back in 1861. Main street of the since renamed town of ‘Young’   Lambing Flat lies in the Burrangong region (south-west slopes) of NSW.  Regrettably Lambing Flat…

PM Turnbull backs Bachar Houli’s islamic violence against an Aussie in sport

Kicking goals or first Islamic Terror at the G?  Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s blind Islamic allegiance is treacherous and anti-Australian.  This week has seen the ‘Turnbullartist‘ provide an inappropriate character reference for Islamic thug Bachar Houli, Richmond footy club’s token Muslim midfielder. Last…

Australian Census 2016 confirms Chinese now exceed one million as the yellow peril colonises Australia!

Aussies need to recognise that our nation is under relentless invasion condoned and invited by Canberra. Mass Immigration Rate:  400,000 extra ethnics year on year!   The massive explosion in the Asian (specifically Chinese) population of Sydney points to a fundamental demographic…

Media bias coverage called out by True Blue Crew reflecting on their Melbourne Rally

by True Blue Crew, June 25, 2017 (originally entitled ‘Media Predictably Skews T.B.C. Rally as Anti-Racist Event’) | Anyone surprised that the mainstream media intentionally skewed the reporting of yesterday’s Australian Pride Rally organised by the True Blue Crew, should yield…

Capitulating Canberra obsessed with Finkel Fraud and Faggot Surrogacy

The polly wombles of Canberra are experimenting with good choofing twent as far away from reality as they can dream… “The greatest contribution the Finkel Review makes to Australian public policy may, in fact, be a new verb” (or herb). by Brett…

Jun 25: Australian Pride Rally in Melbourne

WHEN?     Sunday, June 25 2017 from 11:30am to 2pm (forecast weather is cold, sunny, calm) WHO?       Hosted by the True Blue Crew, with many supporting Australian nationalists and patriots WHERE?   Meet outside front of (south side) Royal Exhibition Building, Carlton Gardens, Melbourne…

Australians Resist Injustice!

  Injustice Topics (click to access respective articles) Australian Underclass Born and Bred but Unskilled Citizens’ Rights Ignored Cost of Living Stress Decent First World Wages Expatriates Abandoned Indigenous Welfare Trap Deviants and Pedophiles Rape Childhood Disrespect for Australian Heritage Free Trade…

Australians Resist Tyranny!

Tyranny Topics (click to access respective articles)   Ordinary Australians Vilified Mining Industry Fascism Privatisation is Public Theft Order and Justice Migrant Racists Aligned with Hateful Leftists Muslims Hate Us Negro Savagery invading Melbourne Stop Exploitation by Big Business Sharia Law is…

Canberra politician entitlements are elitist and obscenely unAustralian – end the rorting now!

Underground overground wombling free, Australia’s Parliament when sitting, fights, shites, fluffs and ponces.  So what is the artificial 1911 Burley Griffin Experiment’s annual value to Ordinary Australians? Perhaps $1 billion per annum? – parliamentary time-wasting plus all dem polly extra-curricular perks?  …

Warwick Thornton just another whingeing anti-Australian: perhaps he’d have preferred French or Japanese colonisation

by Dr. Jim Saleam, June 12 2017   Since we commented here about the new film by Warwick Thornton on the matter of the Southern Cross Flag (Eureka Flag), the debate / discussion has gone national. We are advised that versions of…

Shorten Labor despatches CFMEU criminal John Setka to standover thuggery and to break laws

John Setka, a hypocrite CFMEU criminal with stand over form has again tried to intimidate Australia’s construction authority while backing foreign scabs like Croatian import Luba Grigorovitch. So yesterday, Labor’s left testicle, the CFMEU feeling irrelevant and itchy, went feral in their…

Boycott Foreign Owned Beers like VB, Tooheys and Cascade

The purchase of Fosters Brewing by South African based company SABMiller, continues the buyout of Australian breweries by globalist corporations, and stoking further the foreign takeover of our community wealth. More foreign investment to make us all rich as liberal/labor politicians parrot,…

Australia’s Suicide Crisis in wake of Chinese invasion at Wantirna Park – one suicide, two attempts

Activists from Australia First Party in Victoria have kept a close eye on the proposed re-development of Melbourne’s Wantirna Caravan Park Affordable Housing Crisis since its takeover by a greedy Chinese-born investor, Yunhe Yu (calls himself ‘Andrew’ to sound Anglo) and his…

Salvos Red Shield Appeal funds illegal refugees, while they knowingly employ pedophiles

Donations to the Salvation Army make their way to supporting and encouraging illegals in this country.  The Salvos have lost their way (if ever legitimate) becoming an onshore Oxfam, side-lining needy Australians. WTF? The Salvos claim to be focusing on Australia’s homelessness…

Jun 17: Henry Lawson at 150 years: Prophet of the nationalist and people’s struggle

by Dr. Jim Saleam and others   Today is the 150th anniversary of the birth of Australia’s national prophet, Henry Lawson. Local people in the old gold town of Grenfell will honour him today and other groups of Australians in many locales…

Aussies best ignore Canberra amnesty

So Canberra wants another gun amnesty? Since Howard’s final will and testament?  Since Canberra let in millions of illegal economic migrants in from the backward third world – Middle East, Africa, Asia, Pacific? And since Canberra’s border farce has slipped through 260,000…

Cheap tower cladding Made in China makes highrises blaze like Chinese New Year

May be that’s what the Chinese intend. West London’s cheap and nasty Grenfell Tower housing Third Worlders started from a dodgy fridge short circuiting.  The entire building got torched within minutes because of external aluminium composite panel cladding consisting of a highly…

Queen’s Birthday Honours usurped by Gough’s Orders for likes of alarmist Blanchett and deviant Joyce

On December 10 2013, The Queen conferred a knighthood on British Olympiad Bradley Wiggins at Buckingham Palace in a ceremony he described as “humbling”. Sir Bradley, who won gold at the London Olympics and became the first British winner of the Tour…

Tax Ruling 2017/05 Siphoning Cash Scheme to maintain Canberran lifestyle

This private ruling outlines the tax avoidance scheme by which a Tax Commissioner can siphon off vast sums of cash from employee withholding taxes in order to lubricate one’s own bank account instead of the Tax Office.   It is expressly approved…

Goulburn Gitmo should be outsourced to the real Gitmo, better than offshoring – it’s called deportation

Wasteful Canberra has brain-snapped another dumb scheme – upgrading Goulburn Supermax prison 200km south-west of Sydney to a larger purpose-built ‘Goulburn Gitmo‘, for dem incoming and breeding islamists in Australia. WTF?  It’s like inviting a global nuclear waste dump here without even…

Anti-Australian hateful leftie attempts to hijack Eureka Flag spirit

by Dr. Jim Saleam, June 12 2017 The Culture war around the Southern Cross (Eureka) Flag has heated. Since we commented here last week about the new film by Warwick Thornton on the matter of the Southern Cross flag, the debate /…

Jun 12: Blackhawk Goggles Coverup of the Army’s 18 guinea pigs – 21st Anniversary

Eighteen Australian elite soldiers and flight crew perished on this day in 1996; this now the 21st anniversary.  We honour their service.  Rest in Peace. The survivors, families, friends, colleagues and emergency responders shall never forget, and Australians must not.  We owe…

Contain China Imperialism and Canberra Corruption – reverse Andrew Robb’s Trade Deal

We keep trying to explain to Australians that the Chinese are up to no good.  Our First World ought never trust this backward and thieving culture as far as we can spit. A deal with China is only good for China, so…

Embrace Australian Nationalism – join Australia’s only registered nationalist party Australia First!

Nationalism is the only way forward to secure our identity, independence, freedoms and our right as a people to our own self-determination. Our nation was founded on nationalist principles, it was the past and it is the future. Australia First Party is…

Saudi Arabia directs Islamic Terror, so Canberra deport da ambassador, close da embassy and boycott trade to King Salman of ISIS

And there it is. Full-time. Australia deservedly beat Saudi Arabia 3-2. The odds were Australia $1.40, Saudi Arabia $8.50, draw $4.50. So what a wasted trip ragheads? Saudis, in our land you deserved to lose before play started   So where did…

ABC’s Troughwoman peddles anarcho-islamist ‘Behind the News’ weekly across Australian primary schools

Hey kids, wanna be deviant and islamic?  Then watch the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s ‘Behind The News‘.  And don’t forget to bring ya ISIS flag to school.  We’re going to pretend to be jihadis. Troughwoman keeps thrusting leftist shite down our throats –…

Melbourne Vigilantes forced to choose between a pump action or their home invaded, ransacked and family butchered

Victoria’s PC-utopian leftist Premier Daniel Andrews and his PC patsy Police Chief Graham Ashton are PC blind to have condemned Melburnians to a state of siege by fully-imported negros. It’s reached the point of full-metal-jacket resolve. June 1, 2017 in suburban Melbourne:…

Muslims Hate Us: Terror in Brighton by Somali Refugee Yacqub Khayre, so ASIO Duncan Lewis just sack yourself

A week ago, director-general of ASIO, Duncan Lewis, told a parliamentary committee: “I have absolutely no evidence to suggest there’s a connection between refugees and terrorism.” Duncs had forgotten his medication that day. Now it transpires that the terrorist, Yacqub Khayre, was…

Jim Saleam interviews Chris Shortis re Labor’s show trial denying Bendigo Three protest rights against Islam

May 1, 2017 video on Facebook (Note:  Being stored on Facebook, video access is restricted to logged-on Facebook account holders, yet even then the video drops out and so needs to be re-run a few times. Go leftist Zuckerberg). Nationalist 4 Corners…

Muslimed Britain has a choice between dumb and dumber on Thursday

The recent remarks by British Prime Minister Theresa May that “enough is enough” in dealing with Islamist terror in her country – is a crock. The terror is blowback, a result of long standing British foreign policy and intelligence decisions to play…

Vale, Leon Gregor who defeated fake ‘conservative/nazi’ conmen – a warning to celebrate his life

by Dr. Jim Saleam and another, May 6, 2017. | Leon Gregor died sometime Friday night – Saturday morning in the western New South Wales country town he had made his home. Our commentary is written here as a political obituary, not…

Manchester attack was ‘blowback’ and the Australian government knows it

by Dr. Jim Saleam, President of Australia First Party May 24, 2017  | The Islamist killer Salman Abedi who murdered at least twenty-two people and injured scores of others in Manchester – was just one more darling of the Intelligence apparatus and…