Gerard Henderson’s ignorant attempt to rewrite Australian History to some Liberal-Globalist agenda

History wars yet again. Globalist-Liberal Gerard Henderson on his propaganda channel The Sydney Institute, ignorantly slurs Ned Kelly as a “terrorist”.  When some ideologue brands themselves an “institute”, you know they’re spruiking a propaganda agenda.  In this case, a stooge of the…

Syrian Refugees: Gross Leftist Exploitation of HSS Humanitarian Program in Australia

It is wrong for First World nations like Australia considering it acceptable to encourage and facilitate permanent displacement of a poorer nation’s population to exodus to the First World. What message does this send but the same PC evil inflicted upon Germany…

Melbourne pedestrians let mown down by ethnic ICE addict and Graham Ashton’s passive policing

Witnesses along footpaths in Melbourne’s CBD on Friday recount a crazed hoon of Middle Eastern appearance, Dimitrious Gargasoulas (26), doing multiple doughnuts in an old maroon Commodore in the intersection of Swanson and Flinders Streets, while foot police passively watched on like…

Civil War all but over in Syria so Syrians can return home

Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad with his loyal Syrian Army and the critical support of Russia have succeeded in crushing ISIS and the insurgents of the Syrian nation. The long Syrian Civil War is all but won and over. All Syrian refugees and…

QMS Media hate billboard shows hypocrisy of Labor Party in Victoria forcing barbaric islam upon Ordinary Australians

Labor Premier of Victoria, multiculturalist, multiracialist, and divisive Daniel Andrews, has abused taxpayers money to commission islamic propaganda to slur Australia Day and incite hatred against Ordinary Australians. Andrews approved a request from his meek, ring-snatching Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Robin Scott…

Shan Ju Lin a no “good asian” for Liberal James Ashby’s One Nation

Shan Ju Lin – straight of sexual orientation, true of slanty eyes, steady and aglow.   Back in 1996, then newly elected Pauline Hanson in her maiden speech, rightly declared “I believe we are in danger of being swamped by Asians“, now…

Pauline Hanson dumps on her members twice in WA

Femme fatale Pauline Hanson has a history of dumping on her loyal One Nation supporters, her candidates..and her many lovers. The original and legitimate branch of One Nation (One Nation Western Australia Inc) was arbitrarily expelled by Pauline Hanson in 2013. No…

Wagga Citizens and Heritage Group to represent Wagga residents

In Wagga Wagga for too long, residents have been ignored, used and abused by those in power and influence for too long to remember. Enough is enough!  Locals are taking a stand and being pragmatic in the process. Long term committed local…

Myth of Hansonism anything but ‘Australian Nationalism’: PART 2 FOREIGN OWNERSHIP & WELFARE

Pauline Hanson’s contractual support with billionaire globalist Gina Rinehart is desperate stuff.  It makes a mockery of One Nation policies being any different to the Liberal Party. Gina can pull her purse-strings lifeline drip to Pauline any minute. So both women are…

Labor’s Lisa Chesters orders a Bendigo Show Trial supporting Islamists and leftists against Free Speech

In a legal first, the Bendigo Three will face a Melbourne Magistrates Court charged under Victoria’s Racial & Religious Tolerance Act 2001 Section 25 (2), over a harmless political protest in Bendigo back in October 2015. Australians at one of the many…

Centrelink welfare debt letters akin to a Ruddster Shitstorm imposed by merchant banker PM Turnbull

Think tragically of Labor’s Kevin Rudd to recall his ‘2009 Pink Batts Debacle’ when four Australians perished from heat stroke and electrocution. Think Liberal Malcolm Turnbull and his ‘2017 Centrelink Shitstorm‘ against disadvantaged Aussies intimidated to the point of depression and suicide!  …

Sydney Fish Market to be demolished by Liberal Party for more Chinese highrise

If it smells fishy and corrupt, it is.  And so yet another Australian icon, the famously popular Sydney Fish Market, is to be trashed by the Liberal Party to make way for more ugly Chinese and their ugly highrise. According to Liberal…

Chinese onry shopping facilitated in multicultural Australia

Multicultural Australia eh?  In Sydney, you can be turned away from certain shops for not being Chinese. If you snoop around their premises, you will be photographed by sullen faced Chinese who may even squawk at you to leave. What goes on…

Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s leftist Propaganda Manifesto

Sssh! So why when Australians watch news bulletins and current affairs programmes on the ABC (and SBS also for that matter) does selective bias come to mind in the stories they choose, don’t broadcast; the interviewees they select to give opinion, the…

SA blackout leftist saga: Jay Wetherill’s chinese windfarm folly

South Australians have again suffered another blackout – five episodes in the past year, one tragically. 23-31 Dec 2016:  Around 155,000 households, almost 20 per cent of SA Power Networks’ customers, endured a prolonged blackout of a week over Christmas without any…

Costly New Year’s Eve in islamified Melbourne and Sydney

New Year’s Eve 2016 in Melbourne and Sydney is set to be the most costly security event to date in Australia’s history; burdening the state governments of Victoria and New South Wales of over a billion dollars combined. Yet without all the…

Pauline Hanson now swimming in Asian Swamp

So Pauline Hanson’s electioneering addiction finds her fishing for anyone who’ll put up their hand to be a candidate. She’s thrown a line out and will net anything that bites.  Never mind the “risk of being swamped by asians” that she bloated…

We celebrate Christmas in Australia

We wish all our members, supporters, financiers, followers and readers a Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year. We look forward to continuing to champion the just cause of Australian nationalism in 2017 while rattling the cages of anti-Australians and…

Australia First Party objects to registration of Hanson party in Western Australia

The following documents were filed by Australia First Party this morning on the Western Australian Electoral Commission. We commend our material to the attention of the Honourable Member for Rinehart, Pauline Hanson. Document 1   Australia First Party (NSW) Inc P.O. Box…

Snub Liberal Treasurer Scott Morrison and stash your cash

Do Ordinary Australians really give a toss about the bile emitted from Canberra, from pollies who insist we “do as I say not as I do“? So Treasurer Scott Morrison in his latest budget update yesterday wants us to invest, spend money…

Pauline Hanson One Nation Party splitting up

Pauline Hanson’s One Nation party is suffering internal tiffs and now its first defection.  And less than five months since Hansonism returned to the Senate. WA Senator Rod Culleton has had enough of Pauline Hanson and has just quit the party, announcing…

‘Religious hate charges’ trumped up against ‘The Bendigo Three’ patriots

Ordinary Australians like Chris Shortis have had a gutful of being told to be tolerant of foreign Islamics and alien Muslim groups arriving in Australia – those from the troubled Third World and foreign civil wars who are incompatible with our Australian…

By default – Pauline Hanson has reported Australia First Party to the Federal Police

Well, it was only a matter of time before Pauline Hanson moved against One Nation Western Australia (ONWA). One Nation Western Australia is an incorporated body which has just under 100 members (claimed) but hundreds more potential members (even if they are…

Liberals deploy Pauline Hanson to capture patriotic voters blowing off steam

Australia First Party candidates have said that the One Nation immigration policy is essentially ‘a scam‘, in face of reports Dick Smith will support that party in a push into Western Sydney.  [Read ‘Murdock’s Pro-Liberal Media Release’ below] Australia First Party announced…

Special Sydney Forum: ‘Syrian War, Terrorism and the Refugee Crisis’ Sat. Dec. 17

A special Sydney forum on the Syrian War, terrorism and the Syrian refugee crisis has been convened. Date: Saturday, December 17. Time: 10.30 am – 3.30 pm Admission: $10 (Tea / coffee / biscuits $1). Venue: provided when you book. Bookings –…

Bill Julia Turnbull’s globalist fraud to destroy Australian industry

“Froggy and Toad destroy the swamp while living in isolation and luxury.” Canberran buffoons are hell-bent on killing Australian Industry.  Read More. (Extracted from frustrated Liberal journalist Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun, December 5, 2016) “This would be a serious political and…

Blue Mountains swamped by barbaric asians

Rude shock in the Blue Mountains as local resident discovers chinese tourist defecating in a public urinal in Leura. What a shame given the Leura Public toilet concerned was architecturally-designed in 2012 at a local ratepayer cost of $470,000.   So that invading…

Asian Rock Fishing Deaths provide novelty betting odds

Life jacket-free rockfishing is all the rage amongst Sydney’s middle-aged immigrant asians. The free-spirit sport has become so ‘poprular’ that it’s a cert to read about yet another ‘noodle son’ becoming shark burley off the east coast each month. Early this year,…

Sydney King’s School of Bullying Faggotry

According to Sydney’s The Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sydney elitist King’s School does not just facilitate student faggotry, but bullies any parent who dares challenge its LGTBI policy. A queen at Kings, and proud!   Headmaster Dr Timothy Hawkes labelled the father of…

Traitor Andrew Robb MP – was he always working for the Chinese to enrich himself?

The man behind the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) of 20 December 2015 was the Liberal Party’s Minister for Trade and Investment Andrew Robb. By February 11, 2016 (just eight weeks later) Robb resigned from government and parliament to join US investment…