Ned Kelly’s family are finally allowed to bury their Edward, despite again the Victorian Government

An Australian legend is finally to be given a decent burial by his family 132 years after being hung by the Victorian Government in 1880. Irish-Australian bushranger, rebel, Ned Kelly, will be finally laid to rest by his family this weekend at…

Logan Race Riot 2013 – immigrant Tongans terrorising Indigenous Australians

Plane loads of uneducated tribal Tongan males have disgracefully abandoned their once proud Pacific island nation and have year on year Invaded Australia by Visa. They have flocked to Brisbane’s Logan City, tribally grouping to set up their Pacific Islander ghetto, creaming Aussie…

No to a Chinese Trade Centre in The Riverina!

Wagga Traitor Mayor proclaims Chinese Imperialism his Economic Master No Chinese Trade Centre for our Riverina! Revive Riverina Industry with Riverina Locals! A Chinese scheme to build its $400 million ‘trade centre‘ in Wagga Wagga represents an attack upon all Riverina people…

Chinese Government takes control of Ord River for its food bowl

Foreign apologist Labor’s Bill Shorten (Gillard’s backstabber in waiting), claims Australia’s national interest equates to jobs, but he is referring to foreign jobs and foreign national interests in Australian wealth. Shorten, as with all Labor power desperates, only thinks short term.  …

In Australia, Australian values Rule OK!

Mass immigration is undermining Australian Traditional Culture. Australian traditions based on heritage, sporting culture and common language are threatened by mass immigration, a leading demographer has warned. Monash University population expert Dr Bob Birrell has said the huge influx of people with…

Blair’s invited Muslim Invasion of Britain forewarns of an Australian wakeup call

Be very, very careful what you wish for when incumbent government grows so unpopular as to provoke public frustration and angst such to legitimise rebound approval of the incumbent opposition party. But such an electoral outcome could well mean leaping from an…

Bankstown Arabs bashing police need to be auto-deported

Another week, another outburst of Fethnic violence in ghettoed South West Sydney. Last Wednesday, an entire adult Arab family in the now Muslim ghetto of Bankstown (South West Sydney) started brawling and attacking police. It was Boxing Day of all days, but…

‘Free trade’ with Malaysia translates to yet more Australian job losses

Tomorrow, January 1, 2013 heralds in another LibLab free trade agreement to further dumb down Australian industry to force it to compete with two bit waged nations. This time Gillard Labor has locked Australia into a so-called ‘Free Trade Agreement’ with Slave…

Australia’s asylum seeker policy, stopping the boats

Enough is enough!  It is time ordinary Australians demanded a fair go for Australians and demanded that our Australian Government put an end to the flood of illegals invading our country. Asylum seeker invaders crossing into Australia’s north-west coastal frontier have escalated…

Fracking AGL greed undermining Australian homes

The previous Labor Govermment in New South Wales approved dozens of mining leases underhandedly.  That is why the Independent Commission Against Corruption in Sydney’s Castlereagh Street has been so busy of late. ‘Corruption’, be it of the illegal or immoral persuasion, happens…

Single Mothers’ Fiscal Cliff

In a few days’ time, Gillard Labor’s shunning of Australian single parents will cut off Child Allowance to Australian single mothers, fathers and carers of dependent children aged 8 years or older. This will immediately force single parents on to lesser unemployment…

Blue Mountains Refugee Support Group shuns homeless

There is a growing extreme Leftist element permeating the Blue Mountains community, hell bent on encouraging more foreign illegals to Australia, while at the same time shunning our own home grown homeless nationals. The Blue Mountains Refugee Support Group, as it calls…

Australia’s Nation State corroded increasingly by Leftist Labor Party dogma

Before Ben Chifley’s day, Australia was not without its shortcomings, yet it uphold a foundational social phase of our cohesive nation state. Australian pioneers and the harsh wide landscape shaped our nation from the bush into the cities. They forged their own…

Red Cross bans Christmas to pander to Leftist fanatics

HO, HO, HO , Merry Christmas! Ring the bells! It’s Christmas! Christmas Blessings to one and all! If you’re standing on Western soil, you are most heartily welcome to be apart of our traditional festive Christmas season of giving, joy, remembrance and…

Banking and shareholding in ANZ perpetuates Corporate Aristocracy

The ANZ Bank has become the most blatantly greedy and selfish bank in Australia. It is the slowest to pass on Reserve Bank interest rate cuts on home loans.  It sacks a thousand banking jobs.  It’s bosses give themselves the biggest pay…

Australian Customs and Immigration infiltrated by corrupt foreigners

Yet again it has taken journalists to do the core task of Australian Federal Police to uncover systemic corruption in Australia’s national security. Australians deserve to expect more from government. But Gillard’s girlfriend in crime, Nicola Roxon, who has got the plumb…

South West Sydney has descended into Bazza’s Beirut

Labor’s arrogant Gough Whitlam started it.  He opened up and exposed a secure prosperous Australia, the envy of the world, to the Slave Third World and its hordes of overbreeding eastern cultures.  It was probably because he’d personally grown tired of his…

Liberals and their Toxic Waste rightly rejected by Penrith people

So New South Wales Premier Barry O’Farrell is pushing ahead with the Liberals’ arranged toxic dumping on Penrith? How hollow was John Howard’s ‘battler’ electoral spin? How useless has Liberal Stuart Ayres been since leveraging in on the electorate rebound of toxic…

Salvos Red Shield Appeal now going to illegal boat arrivals?

Australia’s premier charity for Australians enduring extreme financial hardship, The Salvation Army, is a legendary church organisation of which most Australians will be long proud. Every year, tens of thousands of Australians generously donate to The Salvation Army person with the tin…

Against the ‘Culture-Bust’ Muslim Cemetery Plan for Hawkesbury!

A People’s Resistance Grows. Across the Hawkesbury Region (outskirts of Sydney), there is a growing community anger directed against local council’s plan to permit a ‘Muslim Cemetery’ – to feature along Packer Road, Blaxlands Ridge, on the foothills above our heritage township…

Leftist Taboo against ‘Protectionism’ deepens our Manufacturing Jobs Crisis

Global Free Trade Zealots and their propaganda denying local job rights are steadily killing Australian Manufacturing and Local Small Businesses.     A pertinent article by respected political journalist, Lenore Taylor, in The Fairfax Age newspaper August 27, 2011:   Australia’s Manufacturing…

LibLabs can’t be trusted to protect Australian land from foreign ownership

If you vote Liberal or Labor (LibLab), you vote for foreign ownership of Australia. Australia’s Foreign Investment Review Board is supposed to ensure that Australian land stays in Australian hands.  But Labor says that it can permit foreign ownership of Australian property…

Smart Meters another harebrained scheme of the Dumb Bitch

Everything The Gillard touches turns to shite, from major accounts at Slater and Gordon to Asylum Seeker control to harebrained ‘Education Revolutions’ and Labor’s Broadband Network, Grocery Watch, Petrol Watch and now Smart Meters. Hey, I’ve got another idea!   The Gillard’s…

Navy Veteran’s fight for government recognition to honour fallen mates

Typical bloody government.  You serve your country, somehow manage to survive if you’re lucky, but for the rest of your civilian life the government of the country you defended, won’t even give you the friggen time of day. Royal Australian Navy veteran…

Free Trade dumping on Australian industry and jobs

Another week, another industrial plant closure in first world Australia, as no decent business can hope to compete with two-bit third world wages. Last week it was Rosella Foods’ parent company announcing receivership through lack of profit.  Today, one of Australia’s largest…