VDL dairy sale by Scott Morrison to China denies Australians of milk wealth future

So fat Chinese babies have secured their formula milk from Australia. The Chinese have just bought 25 dairy farms from dairy giant Van Diemen’s Land Company (VDL) in Tasmania.  With 17,000 odd hectares of prime dairy country, with 30,000 dairy cows producing…

LibLabs can’t be trusted to protect Australian land from foreign ownership

If you vote Liberal or Labor (LibLab), you vote for foreign ownership of Australia. Australia’s Foreign Investment Review Board is supposed to ensure that Australian land stays in Australian hands.  But Labor says that it can permit foreign ownership of Australian property…

Selling the farm, eroding livelihoods

Is this the thin edge of the Gillard’s ‘Asian Century’ wedge?  The Foreign Labor Party has been approving the sale of Australian property to Chinese state-owned corporations since it lied to the electorate to snatch power.  The Chinese are strategically acquiring vast…