Darling Downs farmer George Bender suicided because of Origin Energy Grant King’s intimidating greed

On Wednesday evening October 15, 2015, Queensland cotton farmer George Bender took his own life after more than a decade of fighting Origin Energy that is planning to build CSG wells on and around his Hopeland property. Hopeland lies on the fertile…

Julia Gillard’s slush record with Slater & Gordon Lawyers suggests it takes one to know one

In the public interest, we reproduce Larry Pickering’s website article: “Labor and corrupt unions’ favourite corrupt law firm, Slater & Gordon, is under an ongoing ASIC investigation concerning a, a’hem, “book-keeping error” totalling $90 million. Its share price has dropped sixty per…

Australian First Home Buyers priced out of Sydney and Melbourne by banks, government and foreigners

Many Australians are unable to save a deposit for a home loan. Contributing factors are the rising cost of rent and rising costs of living.  Urban house prices continue to be driven up by immigrant demand. Ask any young Australian under 30…

Cranbourne Carlisle school principal Cheryl Irving accused of raising anti-Australians

Send your kids to Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School and watch them be steadily radicalized to hate Australia, to hate Australians and to reject our values. In Melbourne’s outer south-east pasture come suburbia, the Third World have moved in.  Cranbourne school principal Cheryl…

Indian frausters in Australia fleece taxpayer millions through Pyne’s Privatisation

Are you an Indian student or worker on a working visa in Australia and wanna make some extra coin? Then phone the Liberal Party’s privatisation man, Christopher Pyne. Pyne will pay millions into your bank account up front.  All you need to…

Australia’s cartel bank bashing sport has a prosperous future

Australia’s well-heeled banking cartel continues to have a financial lend of Ordinary Australians. It’s how elitists thrive. And the thieving scam was conceived under Hawke-Keating Labor’s sale of taxpayers’ People’s Bank in the 1990s.  Both Hawke and Keating are now Lefty Labor…

The ‘Anti-Islam Movement’ narrative – Why Australia First stands alone

by Dr. Jim Saleam and others. | A journo has made comment on her blog regarding the so-called ‘anti-Islam movement’ and its different shades of opinion and agendas. Now we found the video of our friend Sheikh Rattle and Roll the worthwhile…

Labor’s 17% Bill Shorten supporters should watch his Plibersek back

Chippendale feminazis rule metrosexual-Labor. | If big arsed Gillard pre-loaded the Leftist indignant language of ‘misogyny‘ into Australian politics, it was Plibersek who pre-loaded the Leftist indignant language of ‘mansplaining‘. Classic male hate feminazism – she can’t help herself. Coutts-Trotter keeps his…

Cronulla 2005 – Not a “riot”, nor just about Islam, but a civil uprising of AUSTRALIANISM

by Dr. Jim Saleam. | The three stooges of ‘Ziono-patriotism‘ – Nick Folkes, Shermon Burgess and Ralph Cerminara, have announced that they are organizing a ten year commemoration for the “Cronulla so-called riots“, “where it all began” for the “anti-Islam” movement.  …

The only good thing about multiculturalism, mmm, is the food?

Good Aussie Tucker has been more and more sidelined by the spicy foreign stuff. It dates to Whitlam’s 1970s obsession for everything foreign.  But at what price to us, generations on? In Australia’s infected ethnic urban, cases of salmonella poison­ing have risen…

Would our pioneering fathers be proud? Chinese Hu and Zhang now control Tasmania’s oldest dairy

In October 2015, Australia’s largest and oldest dairy farm was sold to the Chinese for $220 million. Herman Shao-ming Hu and Kenny Zhang now own Tasmania’s 190-year-old Van Diemen’s Land Company (VDL). Mr Hu is a deputy of China’s National People’s Congress.…

Australia needs fortitude in fumigating fraudulent migration agents

In 2013, Australia actually deported Indian migration agent fraudster Randeep Singh Waraich.  He was stripped of Australian citizenship and rightly deported back to where he cometh.  Shock horror.  At the time, the case attracted headlines and a startling revelation that he would…

Islamic teens screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’ (Allah’s shit don’t stink) – according to Lefty Luke Foley, wants the scum fairly treated?

In Sydney, Leftist Labor opposition leader Luke Foley, well mindful of Labor’s snowballing Muslim Vote, has come out rejecting any calls to detain teen jihadi suspects any longer than teen graffiti misdemeanors.  Foley wants jihadi teens to have immunity on the basis…

Lone Wolf attack in Parramatta organised by Islamic rabid wolf packs in mosques and Goulburn Supermax

Islamic terror inflicted upon Australians in our own country is being casually dismissed by the Liberal’s New Left, Malcolm Turnbull, as just another “lone wolf attack“. No links to organised Islam, nuh!   Likewise, Sydney’s smiling Mike Baird publicly dismisses each Islamic…

Penrith mosques – Liberals con game brings in stooge Pauline Hanson

by Jack Schmidt. | The Protect Penrith group, linked to (Liberal) Councillor Marcus Cornish on Penrith City Council, is to host a fundraiser at $150 to support legal action to stop the building of not one, but TWO MOSQUES. Pauline Hanson has…

Deporting criminal New Zealanders – John Key take back your imported coconuts!

Australia does not need more imported criminal scum like this. So when New Zealand prime minister John Key reckons Australia should keep his Kiwi crims, claiming legal detainment and deportation goes against the “ANZAC bond and spirit”. Good try Bro, Key’s just…

Parramatta Mosque Gun Emporium a boon for Islamic jihad in Sydney

Western Sydney door delivery no worries. | Like Lakemba Mosque Basement Gun Shop. And Parramatta Mosque has its own sound-proof test firing range Handgun Room since named in honour of Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar ASIO hasn’t yet dialogued with CASA over this…

Mark Scott’s time is nigh at Labor’s ABC for a better offer as Labor’s 2016 campaign director

Labor’s national propaganda director, ABC’s Mark Scott, has revealed that having paid off his mortgages of multiple properties, he has amassed sufficient taxpayer millions to step down as managing director, but not until 2016. There’s an investment property or two and a…

Globalisation – ugly, overpopulated and no longer Australian

The globalization of Australia, if the traitor planners have their way, will throw up mega cities that are simply part of the universal culture of the globalist system. In Australia’s case, it means following the Asian lead. For our part, we promise…

Australia’s Jodie Fesus murdered by ethnic husband (allegedly)

Another ethnic male accused of murdering his wife. Today in a Sydney court a jury heard that in the days and weeks after his wife, Jodie Fesus, went missing, immigrant ethnic Steve Frank Fesus was allegedly concerned with two things: getting the…

Globalised Australia, Islamic Terror, Nick Kaldas and Counter Terrorism

by Dr. Jim Saleam. | The present focus of the majority of Australians on the subject of Islamist terrorism on our own soil demands a clear response from Australia First Party, indeed an articulated response from all patriotic people. It is our…

Lakemba stabbing in Sydney by migrant Tongan Sateki Siale who couldn’t find his machete

Sydney’s most ethnic crime ridden western ghetto region, last weekend bore witness to yet another murder by an immigrant. It doesn’t take much for barbaric refugee types to resort to violence and murder. Ask Sydney women. Imported Arab Muslim Simon Gittany was…

We refuse to take our patriotism kosher

by Dr. Jim Saleam and others. | Concerned at the matters of Islamist terror and the incompatibility of Muslim culture with Australian values, many citizens have come forward to voice their righteous worries. Struggles against Mosque constructions have been continuous in many…

Islamic Frankenstein Daniel Andrews is coming to Bendigo to tell Aussie patriots how to spell ‘Bendigo’

Frankenstein Daniel Andrews is coming to Bendigo this Saturday (tomorrow) to tell protesting Australian patriots how to spell “Bendigo”. Andrews just gifted half a billion to can the East West Link – not his money, not Labor’s money. Problem is, Andrews is…

Mike and Mal expect us all to appease the Muslim brothers

“..travel all over the countryside, appease the Muslims, appease the Muslims. travel all over the countryside, appease the Muslim brothers!”   Hi, I’m Mike. Hi, I’m Mal.   We luv our mussies, and we want to share our Islamic luv with all…

Liberals spruik ChAFTA con expecting Australian workers to compete with $2 an hour barefoot chinese

Australia’s last steel makers, Bluescope and Arrium, are under critical pressure from the flood of cheap import dumped steel from China into Australia. Cheap Chinese steel has decimated Australian steel industry’s fair market share. Australian industries pay decent Australian wages and operate and deliver…

Islamic As: a key message for Australia is NOT one of Muslim Appeasement

An Islamic, before being radicalised. | For Ordinary Australians in denial under a rock, wake up! Islam has invaded Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth and is extending its fanatical tentacles to regional centres like Townsville, Cairns and Bendigo. Labor and Liberal alike…

Oct 10 BENDIGO RALLY! – Bendigo Council inviting Islamic sharia, jihad, beheadings, murdering of police and FGM

Walk out of a police building in Australia and now expect to be shot in the back of the head by an Islamic. Liberal Party ‘philosopher king’ PM Malcolm Turnbull, has come out dismissing last Friday’s cold-blooded jihadi murder of a police…

Islamic jihadi attack on NSW Police Headquarters in Sydney

Yesterday, a 15-year-old Islamic Arab male walked from his Sydney home in North Parramatta armed with a loaded semi-automatic pistol in his black Nike backpack.  He prayed to Allah in his Friday afternoon prayers at his Parramatta Mosque, before stalking and jihading…

Lebanese Refugee offspring Salim Mehajer revealed as Sydney’s insecure weights dropper!

Big Leb man, Salim Mehajer, does helicopter weddings taking over neighbourhoods because his narcissist Arab ego is imploding. Da Big Leb developer tycoon with his tattooed bikie crims thinks he owns the inner west Sydney suburb of Auburn, by becoming deputy mayor.…

Chinese buying up Australian property wealth

Chinese middle class investors are buying up almost one-fifth of new housing built in Sydney as part of a $5 billion annual outlay on Australian real estate which is pushing up prices and will ultimately change the way property values are calculated.…