Israel’s Love Affair with Syrian Jihadis

by Keith Woods, 8th December 2024, ‘My book Nationalism: The Politics of Identity‘ is now available on Amazon. If you enjoy my writings, please consider purchasing it and leaving a positive review. © 2024 Keith Woods |  548 Market Street PMB 72296,…


An active Blue Mountains environmentalist and small-business man, Mr Steven Ridd, has repeatedly come under unfair financial attack by departments of the current New South Wales Minns Labor Government. Mr Ridd is an old Army mate of AFP’s John Hood and who…


Book; Book/Illustrated – 2011 Title Pulpit Hill (1813-2013) : a nomination for heritage recognition / Australia First Party. Other Authors Saleam, Jim.Australia First Party. Published Blue Mountains, N.S.W. Australia First Party, 2011. Carrier Types other Physical Description 1 computer laser optical disc (CD-ROM).…


As the Albanese Government throws open our borders following the debacle of the global pandemic, they’re beckoning unprecedented numbers of immigrants and international students. Australians are jostling to find rental properties and are unable to meet soaring living costs. Despite defying common…

Sue Jakobi gets out there: Elect a nationalist to Ballarat City Council

Sue is campaigning for Ballarat Council in various ways appropriate to the social restrictions currently imposed. It’s a postal ballot (which has some advantages with a full candidates’ statements sent to all electors). That is set for October 24. Sue is demanding…

Nationalise Virgin Australia

What if our Australian Government bought Virgin Australia outright and so nationalised the airline? The LibNat national government is throwing $130 billion around like there’s no tomorrow after its epic failure to quarantine Xi China’s unleashed bio weapon virus COVID-19. Rather than…

Holden is dead – long live the spirit of Holden

Holden is gone, much to the indifference of General Motors, who only kept it around because it was paid for by government handouts.

Being a Yank mob, primarily responsible for such beaut gas-guzzlers as the Buick, Cadillac and Chevrolet, their management was never likely to be bothered by any social impact closing Holden might have. After all, they are quartered in the post-apocalyptic city of Detroit. And this is business.

Australia Week for True Blue Aussies

Things True Blue Australians ought to consider doing this coming Australia Week, a time for celebrating and kicking back. While the big day is January 26th and this year blows in on a Sunday, Australia’s national week for the uninitiated unofficially kicks…

Australian nationalist discussions around the country

On Saturday 5th October 2019 at 1.00 pm, the party president addressed a meeting in Wagga Wagga to challenge the structured assault of an academia / media / political police narrative about a dangerous, potentially terroristic ‘Far Right’ in Australia. Jim says…

Yellow Supremacist threatens Australia with China War propaganda (Part 1)

by Dr Jim Saleam, Ron Owen and others. | So China’s self-anointed dictator Chairman Xi dispatches his top con-artist to threaten Australia’s independence? Confucius Professor Wang Yiwei … likes winners. Yellow Supremacists unwelcome, dude! Then, the Chinese ambassador, Cheng Jingye, on the seventieth…

Contain Nazi China to stand up to Beijing’s dynastic Fourth Reich under Emperor Xi Jinping

On Wednesday August 7 in 2019, Australia’s Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security wrote an important article in The Sydney Morning Herald. It’s savvy and informed author warns Australians that if the People’s? Republic of China’s imperialist ambitions are not contained,…

National Wattle Day 2019 on September 1 – Call for nominations for Order of the Wattle Blossom

PRESS RELEASE:  National Wattle Day, 1st September 2019 Nominations for the Native Australian Award: THE ORDER OF THE WATTLE BLOSSOM are invited from Fairdinkum Australians General Criteria: Persons nominated should have displayed a commitment to Australia’s heritage and culture, our national values,…

Contain and deport China imperialism out of Australia and from our sovereign territories

China’s self-anointed emperor Xi Jinping (since 2012) is hell bent on despotic world domination – soft power, debt trap diplomacy, cyber attacks, dud trade deals, intellectual property theft, chinatownage, ‘educities’, whatever it takes.  The Xi dynasty seeks to emulate the Mao Tse-tung…

Visit Communist China for holiday? Be prepared for Beijing baseball bats bashing British entrenched democracy

China’s emperor Xi Jinping and his ‘One Belt One Road’ dream of global domination certainly manifested its will yesterday in Hong Kong. Beijing enforced it’s authoritarianism dispatching a gang of thugs wielding confucius whip-sticks against the free people of Hong Kong. Media…

Escarpment Group scandal- ethnic hoteliers prefer to exploit 407 Visa Third World ethnics than pay decent wages to local Aussies

(contributed) Reports are filtering in of a foreign owned and controlled luxury hotel group preferencing Third World hospitality scab labour on the pretence of ‘internship training‘ while shunning qualified local Australians. A 14-month investigation by The Fair Work Commission and the Department…

Foreign Alan Joyce’s leftist-deviant plot to destroy Australia’s heterosexual sports

Multicultural deviance is undermining traditional Australia.  Imported sexual deviant Alan Joyce is steering QANTAS sponsorship to bankrupt Australian cultural sports like rugby.  Imported fat chick Kiwi Raelene Castle is in cahoots because she just wants her All Blacks to win. Her parents…

Now Canberra’s sheltered workshop is spying on Ordinary Australians

Canberra’s Mass Immigration Department lets the enemy inside our gates and ceremoniously hands over unconditional citizenships willy nilly.  Then Australia’s Signals Directorate (another spy agency) says it now can’t trust Australians. And that’s not just the imported fake ones, but hard working…

Immiscible ethnics undermine Australia’s monocultural bliss

(contributed) There can be absolutely no doubt that many years ago the honourable heads of government around the world decided to follow in Napoleon Bonaparte’s footsteps and aim for a world without boundaries. This was decided upon after the last Great War…

VOTE 1: Australia First’s Peter Schuback for the seat of Longman in QLD

  And we remind Australian voters to patriotically make their vote count, else an invalid vote is wasted.  If you are against politicians and prefer to vote anti-politics then choose Australia First Party, because we’re Australian nationalists and anti-politics. Australia First Party…

VOTE 1: Australia First’s Michael Chehoff for the seat of Swan in WA

  And we remind Australian voters to patriotically make their vote count, else an invalid vote is wasted.  If you are against politicians and prefer to vote anti-politics then choose Australia First Party, because we’re Australian nationalists and anti-politics. Australia First Party…

Susan Jakobi for Lalor (VIC): “I shall return quality and enjoyment of life to working people and families”

My Programme for Return of the ‘Vision Splendid Ideal’ for Working Families: – Producerism  |  Prosperity  |  Independence .   Replace the enslaving, unsustainable neo-liberal economics of Big Business, for Australianist National Self-Sufficiency economics. AUSTRALIANS TO OWN, create, grow, manufacture, build, service…

Alan Joyce’s Easter evangelism: “bugger the Bible”

QANTAS boss Alan Joyce has no intention of repenting his sins.   This Easter he preaches the death and the evil of Good Friday.  He has turned out to be perhaps Australia’s most outspoken homosexual CEO and homosexual evangelist.  In the lead up…

UNA: Questions surround shootings of mosques in New Zealand (Part 9) FINAL

We publish unedited, a major article written by the United Nationalists Australia media group on the Christchurch murders.  That the blogsite upon which this article was written was taken down – suggests the State reaction to simple truths and questions.  We make…

UNA: Questions surround shootings of mosques in New Zealand (Part 8)

We publish unedited, a major article written by the United Nationalists Australia media group on the Christchurch murders.  That the blogsite upon which this article was written was taken down – suggests the State reaction to simple truths and questions.  We make…

UNA: Questions surround shootings of mosques in New Zealand (Part 7)

We publish unedited, a major article written by the United Nationalists Australia media group on the Christchurch murders.  That the blogsite upon which this article was written was taken down – suggests the State reaction to simple truths and questions.  We make…

UNA: Questions surround shootings of mosques in New Zealand (Part 5)

We publish unedited, a major article written by the United Nationalists Australia media group on the Christchurch murders. That the blogsite upon which this article was written was taken down – suggests the State reaction to simple truths and questions.  We make…

UNA: Questions surround shootings of mosques in New Zealand (Part 4)

We publish unedited, a major article written by the United Nationalists Australia media group on the Christchurch murders.  That the blogsite upon which this article was written was taken down – suggests the State reaction to simple truths and questions.  We make…

UNA: Questions surround shootings of mosques in New Zealand (Part 3)

We publish unedited, a major article written by the United Nationalists Australia media group on the Christchurch murders.  That the blogsite upon which this article was written was taken down – suggests the State reaction to simple truths and questions.  We make…

UNA: Questions surround shootings of mosques in New Zealand (Part 2)

We publish unedited, a major article written by the United Nationalists Australia media group on the Christchurch murders.  That the blogsite upon which this article was written was taken down – suggests the State reaction to simple truths and questions.  We make…

UNA: Questions surround shootings of mosques in New Zealand (Part 1)

We publish unedited, a major article written by the United Nationalists Australia media group on the Christchurch murders.  That the blogsite upon which this article was written was taken down – suggests the State reaction to simple truths and questions.  We make…

Labor’s confession: Asians are taking Australian jobs

Of course they are, and it’s refreshing that Labor’s leader has called it out. This is the Wentworth Falls Pub Confession by Labor’s opposition leader in New South Wales, Michael Daley, speaking a ‘Politics in the Pub’ public forum at the Grand…

Australia First’s Peter Schuback for Longman (QLD) – Electoral Platform

These are my aims, if elected: No More Immigration End immigration.  Mass immigration dumping 300,000 breeding migrants every year into Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane is Canberra’s economic ponzy extremism.  It is blinkered beholden to the narrow 20th Centory one-eyed metric of GDP. …

Australia’s $56B annual coal exports to 700 Chinese coal-fired power stations should go to 7 new clean Aussie ones

The Greens are as paranoid about coal as if it were kryptonite.  They crap on that world demand for coal is falling and that they’re “watching a renewable energy revolution transform the world.” It’s another Greens big lie, like exhaling being bad…

As Australian nationalists, Australia First champions re-nationalising Australia’s energy

Last Wednesday’s public forum in the New South Wales regional town of Young in the state electorate of Cootamundra, Australia First’s candidate Dr Jim Saleam said all power should be “nationalised into one single authority”.   Dr Jim Saleam – candidate for Cootamundra…