Freedom of Speech was the essence of Australia’s ‘Bendigo Three’ case

by Dr. Jim Saleam “I believe our member Chris Shortis has correctly articulated on ABC’s 7-30 report the issues raised by the decision of a Melbourne magistrate to convict the Bendigo Three of inciting severe contempt and hatred against Muslims. The ABC…

Hooded Caucasian Aboriginal vandalises Australian statues..paying respect to Elders past and present

Another leftard divisive hate campaign dreamt up on a gunge binge, another justification to cut their welfare. Seems some half-cast has used his DOLE cheque to buy graffiti spray paint to do a rant on a Sydney Hyde Park statue of James…

Don’t be a donkey, VOTE 1 Australia First Party in Parramatta (Dundas Ward)

Australia First Party is the only party placing Australians first.  We recommend no preferences. Australia First needs your vote in Dundas Ward in Parramatta tomorrow. VOTE ONLY ABOVE THE LINE   Australia First’s Victor Waterson is our candidate for Dundas Ward in…

Leftard Victorian Racial And Religious Tolerance Act snares intended prey: Defenders of Australian Decency

Of course it’s leftard political. The complaint came out of the Labor Party office in Bendigo on the corner of Williamson and Myers Streets… Bendigo Three Case will end up as a major legal battle for Democratic Liberty by Dr. Jim Saleam,…

Mal’s Malfeasance: $70M compo to illegals, $122M to pop deviant marriage question

Malcolm Turnbull as PM is out of his depth. The Turnbull Coalition Team’s namesake ought to direct his hot air to all the freezing Ordinary Aussies this season who can’t afford extortionate electricity in our coal and gas rich lucky country. But…

Chinese health workers contaminating Australians with Hong Kong Flu strain

Australian Quarantine’s biosecurity is as useless as tits on a bull. AQIS employs ethnics as if they give a toss and look what’s happened.  The Asian prawn white spot outbreak decimating our own industry.  Citrus canker disease from Brazil ruining our limes,…

Australian Immigration lets in witchdoctor Jie Shao to kill Jean Huang at Chippendale backyard clinic

Hey attention-seeking chicks, want cheap plastic boobs? Go ‘Made in China’ for cheap-cheap breast procedures.  Even cheaper if ya let da ching come to you: Fry-in-fry-out (FIFO), stabby stabby, nip tuck – all care no responsibirity!  Cheap, cheap like Big-W, where everything…

Who is representing conservative issues on Cootamundra Council? No-one.

No Prison Expansion in Junee, No Council Amalgamations, Regulate Greyhound Racing – Don’t Ban It, No Chinese takeover of prime agricultural land, No more lapdog Nats doing Sydney Liberals’ bidding – Katrina Hodgkinson did stuff-all then mid-term, dummy spat. Nationals Katrina Hodgkinson:  …

Australia First Cootamundra Campaign on Facebook

  A special Facebook page has been opened to support the campaign of Australia First Party president, Jim Saleam, in the New South Wales by-election for Cootamundra. All nationalists in the Riverina area continue to receive campaign updates. Our Cootamundra Campaign Platform…

Urban Growth to destroy Australia’s unique cultural heritage in North Parramatta – Vote AUSTRALIA FIRST to stop it!

The Liberal Party’s Urban Growth New South Wales proposes to destroy Parramatta’s unique Australian heritage with 3,000+ apartments through the North Parramatta Heritage Precinct. This has been approved despite more than 1,000 objections from the public to this development and rushed through before…

Cootamundra by-election: Jim Saleam the true Australian candidate

In the wake of Katrina Hodgkinson selfishly abandoning rural Australians of The Riverina, Australia First Party’s national president, Dr Jim Saleam, has felt compelled to throw his hat into the by-election ring. Frankly it’s about time rural Australians had a real choice…

National Party’s Katrina Hodgkinson resigned suddenly with no explanation to Cootamundra. Why?

Fairfax’s Cootamundra Herald re-printed a National Party press release July 31, 2017 stating the Nationals federal member for Cootamundra, Katrina Hodgkinson MP, had suddenly dummy spat with no explanation.  Issuing a statement at 4pm on Monday July 31, Katrina Hodgkinson claimed it…

Look out Parramatta, invading Chinese are white washing Australia’s cultural heritage

Chinese cash man Zhehui Wang has a development application currently before Parramatta City Council for a restaurant in a new building on the corner of Marsden and Macquarie streets, Parramatta.  Yet, Mr. Wang currently lives in one of the old Waterloo ‘towers’…

Sahand (Sam) Dastyari not just dual Arab but a dual Chinese spy

Old Tawny ‘Sam’ is not his real name. Australian is not his real nationality.  He’s one of them dual nationals with foreign allegiances.  Labor’s dastardly Senator Sahand (Sam) Dastyari has moved his office to Parramatta to be closer to his yuan.  …

White Australia Cleansing across Sydney and Melbourne – look at Parramatta!

The replacement of the Australian-European population in suburbs of the major cities is a matter of fact – starkest in high-rised Sydney and Melbourne.  Data provided on a daily basis shows it not be any fantasy. If Sydney requires 700,000 units for…

Leftard fantasist half-caste Stan Grant froths for massacre memorials

Blinkered and culturally lost ABC journo, Stan Grant, has clearly been watching too much CNN in America. Stan, direct your Black Australian History wrath at the Australian War Memorial Stan da man has been addicted to watching the hateful leftards in America’s…

Inverse Nazis: the end game of Leftards is suicide, just don’t hold up the train

Patriots light the beacons, for our leftard government is betraying our homeland to invaders, letting hate in, selling off our sovereignty.  It’s divide and conquer. Social deviants who morph into retards usually via teen narcotic addiction, have part of their brain abnormaled. …

Julian Cadman EU travel lesson: Australians safer to holiday in Australia

Australians planning to travel to Angela Merkel’s muslim saturated Europe ought take out jihadi insurance. Once travel to Europe was considered safe, but with Merkel’s invited 20 million muzzie invasion of Europe, the continent is now but an ethnic extension of the…

George Brandis the quivering leftard clown of Senate overburden

by Bill Martin, Quadrant, August 20 2017. | ‘You expect the likes of Penny Wong to peddle multiculti pablum in defence of the burqa, identity politics being modern Labor’s stock in trade. But a Liberal attorney-general bringing himself to the brink of…

Dick Smith and Alan Jones finally a wake up to mass immigration invasion – go further, go much further!

Australian businessman Dick Smith is ramping up his stance on Canberra’s mass immigration impost.  He’s called it  The Insanity of Endless Growth in his latest book, and he has a new website and has launched a campaign to reduce immigration. Dick Smith…

Migrant offspring crime deserves racial profiling, especially the machete Sudanese invading Melbourne

Fat bitches Amanda Vanstone and Christine Nixon are responsible for the machete Sudanese invasion of once marvellous Melbourne.  Vanstone let ’em in and Nixon lied about their crimes – symptoms of leftard quota mediocrity.  Someone should design a blob statue of them…

George Brandis weeps for islam like a dual national Arab

Yesterday, another Labor-lite Liberal, Senator George Brandis openly wept for islam in Australia’s Federal Parliament. It was when Senator Pauline Hanson paraded in a full black burqa, arriving like apparition gliding to her seat in Parliament to protest against islam in Australia.…

Maroochydore mosque has lost its mascot, midnight retrievals welcome

Got a spare dead feral pig with an unwanted head? Well check out Church Street in downtown Maroochydore.  They keep losing their local mascot, despite generous pig doggers willing to replenish them after a good shoot. Drop off pike placing:  14 Church…

Yarra leftist Council divisive hate for Australia Day, invoking severance of State and Federal funding

In inner Melbourne last night, leftie Yarra Council passed a smelly motion by extremist Councillor Stephen Jolly to reject Australia Day and to sever cultural ties with Australia. Jolly, aka the ‘Red Wart’ – a disaffected commo and wannabe revulooshunry, conned 88…

Gladys gouges a $80 E-toll fee from Western Sydney battlers for taxpayer funded M4 Freeway

Greedy Gladys, smiling greedy Gladys.  New South Wales Liberal Premier Gladys Berejiklian is a carbon copy of elitist Mike Baird, her predecessor.  She is personally responsible for re-imposing tolls on Sydney’s M4 Western Freeway and host of other freeways.  She, Baird and…

Parramatta Council elections – Labor and Liberal both support M4 tolls by WestConnex

The M4 Western Freeway connecting Western Sydney to the city was paid for many times over by the RTA’s old greedy $2.75 toll.  Both Labor and Liberal governments in New South Wales gouged hundreds of millions out of commuters and truck drivers…

Canberra has no Energy Policy for Australians

by Stephen Cable The Spectator, ‘Energy policy: the meatgrinder of the poor’, August 10, 2017 ‘The outstanding success of the South Australian government of giving their people the highest power prices in the world is going to be replicated around the country.…

Turncoat deal with Trump to accept 31 Gitmo terrorists for zero boat illegals

In PM Malcolm Turnbull’s worst betrayal yet of Australians, a leaked transcript of his verbal deal with U.S. President Donald Trump on January 28 2017 has revealed the turncoat secretly offered to clear Gitmo of 31 suspected terrorists and receive them in…

Bill Shorten hissy fit on Same-Sex Marriage Plebiscite – needs to read hurtful filth of Canada’s homo parenting

He waited until the House was cleared and then Bill Shorten read out some speech writer’s speech, with Plibersek monitoring. It must have been like practicing in the mirror. No point quoting from it, as it was not Bill’s own words, just…

Australia First nominates for Parramatta Council: Vic Waterson to lead ticket

Australia First Party has a ticket in the Parramatta Council election on September 9. Our ticket of three in Dundas Ward is led by Victor Waterson. Mr Vic Waterson This Ward covers the Greater Sydney suburbs of Dundas, Ermington, Telopea, Oatlands, North…

Postal plebiscite on deviant marriage – the Canadian experiment warns of a looming ‘stolen generation’

The lefties in Canberra know how to waste money.  The Liberal Party’s deviant seven have bullied Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to waste $122 million on some postal plebiscite across Australia on the deviant marriage question.   The deviant seven backbencher faction? Dean Smith…

Criminal Bank of Australia (CBA): crooked Kiwi Ian Narev hangs out dirty money laundry

Another month another banking scandal.  How many more reasons does merchant banker Malcolm Turncoat need to order a royal commission into the banking and financial services industry?  Seems the fox in the Lodge is more besotted with bowing out on his deviant…

Liberal Faggot Faction puts pecuniary deviant urges ahead of public trust

Tony Abbott’s ol’ Liberal Party has yet another self-interested faction, da Faggot Faction has come out interpreting ‘Liberal’ to mean ‘liberal’ – bi-sexual, homo-sexual, uber-sexual, deviant – as if they’re all card-carrying Greens-Labor. Da seven immaculately conceived naughty closet escapees: Dean Smith…

Aug 5, Cowra Breakout by Japs in 1944

The farming town of Cowra is situated over 300km west of Sydney. During World War II, a large prisoner of war (POW) camp was constructed outside the town so as to be well away from the coast and the bulk of the…

Australian Defence now recruiting? Fit young Aussie men need not apply, insists fat leftie Marise Payne

She’s leading from the lounge, hoeing into halal KFC.  Defence Muster Marise Payne is on a recruitment drive for the Australian Defence Force (ADF) to plug the hole of thousands of good service men and women resigning every year. ADF’s annual turnover…

A nuclear shield policy? Better an armed neutrality policy for an independent Australia

Kevin Rudd reckons Australia should plan for some ballistic missile defence programme against Kim Jong Un.  In Washington, security expert Andrew Shearer at the US Centre for Strategic and International Studies reckons Australia should plan for continental missile defence against China’s 100…