Medevac Bill fraud repealed: normal Australia prevails against hateful Leftards

Phelpsies fuming. Yesterday, the end of Kerryn Phelps’ Medevac Bill fraud for rapefugees became nigh on Manus and Nauru. Access to penis enlargement procedures on mainland Australia has been severed.  Despite ‘progressive’ Greens-Labor, dejected in opposition, recalcitrant in stonewalling Australia’s elected government…

Climate Communism

Communist Idealism, Welfarism, Leftism, Anarchism, Election Loser Denialism, Born Again Communism, Redistributionism, Globalism, Scientologism, Alien Abductionism, Evangelism, Climate Evangelism, Doomsday Cultism, Nostradamusism, Apocalypticism, Y2K Bugism, Climate Armageddon, Climate Communism, and pigs fly pull the other one, it’s got bells on.  

Greens and other small-L ‘liberals’ need to confront the murder of Australian children rather than the ‘suffering’ of refugees

contributed. | How incredible it is that Australia is beleaguered with a serious quantum of mental illness which now impacts upon us directly in serious violent crime. Perhaps the most despicable product of this crisis is that of parents who can murder…

Mandate Scomo so short-sighted and PC-ignorant of Australia’s indebted billions, Chinese renewables and mass immigration

Busy working Australians have voted to reject Greens-Labor coalition’s neo-communist threats of taxing to death working Peters to subsidise lazy Pauls.  Decent Australians have voted to reject: Knuckle-dragging Third World invasion Greens-imposed Stone Age blackouts Venezuelan welfarism, extreme poverty and civil riot?…

Australia hater Julian Burnside has become Greens grim reaper for DEATH TAXES

The Anarcho-Greens despise White Australia. White themselves of privilege they shun Ordinary Australians for exotic indulgences in all their spare time.  Most have travelled the globe many times, are landlords and have enough time on their hands to ponce around and indulge…

Getup!!! forms Henny Penny CO2 Alarmist Party, batten down the hatches!!

Get!Up!s uni dropout cult leader Peter Van Oosting reckons the sky is falling in under the weight of 0.0000000001% humans CO2 exhaling. So flee for the hills!    Henny Penny, the Sky is falling in! Get!Up!s Brady Bunch of Climate Cult Alarmists…

Greens Vegans go feral – passive Government invites extremists to be countered by extremists!

Australia has another home-grown terror group, a zeal of vegan extremists labelling themselves contrarily ‘Aussie Farms‘, which of course they’re not.  They target and attack Australian farms, wanting them all ideologically shut down.  They want to ban farms and farming.  They’re raving…

As Australian nationalists, Australia First champions re-nationalising Australia’s energy

Last Wednesday’s public forum in the New South Wales regional town of Young in the state electorate of Cootamundra, Australia First’s candidate Dr Jim Saleam said all power should be “nationalised into one single authority”.   Dr Jim Saleam – candidate for Cootamundra…

Scomo’s $2 billion pork barrelling wasted on Climate Change Cult better off going to Queensland floods and NSW drought

‘Laboral’ PM Scomo has launched his pork-barrelling pre-election sweetener to appease the Climate Change Cult lobby, pledging $2 billion for brainsnaps to reduce Australia’s CO2 (exhaling rate) emissions by humans, industry and animals (but only farm animals at this stage). The $2…

Stalinist Greens lure dumb doctors and ethnics as seat warming candidates

If you’ve got a doctorate in any obscure thing and you do as you’re told, then The Greens are on the lookout for seat warming Doc candidates. If you’ve scammed a doctorate in meths, Islam, asylum seeking, Chinese solar and wind farms,…

Phelps yelps for überbreeding Third Worlder ‘medevac’ backdoor migration

Kerryn Phelps is staring down cross benchers to ram through her medevac get-out-of-jail-card for fake refugees in offshore detention.  She reckons two doctors should have more power than the Australian Government to let in all fake refugees on Manus Island and Nauru. …

Vietnamese dance drug dealer Thanh Truc Phan killed Sydney teenager Callum Brosnan at rave festival

Another unregulated rave festival on December 8 and patron Callum Brosnan (19) of Sydney’s Baulkham Hills gets poisoned by illicit drugs smuggled into Sydney Olympic Park. Callum, a promising AFL footy player went for a night out with his girlfriend Bianca to…

Clover Moore foists lesbian ‘purple hijacking’ agenda on Sydney’s NYE family fireworks

Purple lesbianism hijacks Sydney NYE Fireworks.  It only lacked the labrys symbol on the Bridge.   Sydney City Council’s Lord Mayor, spiky-haired Clover Moore, an outspoken campaigner for everything Left (globalism, multiculturalism, sexual deviance) has politically hijacked the Sydney New Years Eve…

Anti-vax regretful mother coven unleashes chickenpox epidemic up the Queensland coast

An extreme coven of regretful mothers, based in freak’n Mullumbimby in the New South Wales Northern Rivers region, is evangelising its anti-vaccination superstition across the border into coastal Queensland. The vaccination rates in the Northern Rivers are far lower than the national…

ACTU protest exploitation of school children fails Working with Children checks – it’s time for Nationalist Schools

Leftist immoral ABC media labels them as ‘young people’, but decent Australians just refer to them as ‘children’. Just abolish the ABC. It only serves itself and preaches Leftist bias. The hateful Commo-Left knows no bounds of depravity and abuse by using,…

Climate Change aka Global Warming is a leftist cult hoax to undermine capitalism

This leftist con reckons that carbon dioxide is causing the planet to heat up.  It’s crap because the planet is not heating up, except usually each summer, and because carbon dioxide or CO2 is not an “environmentally harmful gas”, but occurs naturally…

It’s OK to be White Australian – NO! insists Anarcho-Greens

One planet in everyone’s backyard..except our white privilege MPs   “We Greens tell Aborigines what to say, ethnic migrants what to say, illegals what to say, because we know once we get them White welfare, they will be indebted to vote Greens.”…

Greens vegan Daisy Barham hates fish so she’s behind the Sydney Marine Park ban on recreational fishing

Marine parks provide places for people to watch wildlife, dive, and go boating, snorkelling and fishing. Importantly, they create jobs in industries like fishing and tourism, and provide us with food and energy. But in August 2018, da Greens campaign intimidated the…

Greens Dr Dope prescribes anarcho-dystopia

“Piws testing is da go for marijuana, cocaine, heroine, ICE, cyanide.  That’s why I has a speech impediment.” Da Chinese celestial filth first contaminated our pure southern landwith their illegal opium. No wonder Diggers rised up against this Third World scum? Bob…

Quota trumping merit? Behind it for sure are globalist Greens campaign weed smoking Australia’s downfall

April 17 2018:  ‘Greens announce plan to legalise cannabis’, Senator Richard Di Natale says he has a farm in the Victorian Otways ready to grow it in a massive Green house and sign up millions of new addicts. Bong on into oblivion…

Greens Senator Whish-Wilson is the go-to $71 million bagman behind the Coles-Woolies Cartel

Every month da Greens bong on and every month following, they conceive another leftist agenda lunacy. This month it’s ‘Ban da Shopping Bags‘.   Down in Tasmania, Greens Senator and Tamar Valley elitist wine connoisseur Peter Whish-Wilson has urged froth and tizz…

Emperor Gonski’s new con for edu-welfare

Canberra’s national education budget of $18.6 billion, is duplicated at state level with more billions thrown at schools.  Gonski round 2.0 recommends yet another curriculum overhaul.  We’ve had how many re-engineered curricula in how many years?  More review and more reports.  Gonski…

Turncoat Greens-Labor running leftard protection racket: Parliament red dye Superglue7 get off scot-free

The leftards are clearly running Canberra – Turncoat’s coalition of Greens-Labor policy. Recall on November 30 in 2016 when around 30 feral lefties were secretly invited to gatecrash Federal Parliament by Greens commo senator Lee Rhiannon on the last sitting day to…

Progressivism is Neo-Communism

Contributed by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh, April 14, 2018   ‘The obsessed and irrational infatuation of intolerant Millennials with neo-communism they euphemistically call progressivism can be understood when one takes into account academia’s professorial and administrative cadre of communist indoctrinators and…

‘Progressive’ Greenie punks driving up household electricity prices of Ordinary Australians

Da golly Greenie punks reckon Australia should have a target of 90% renewable electricity by 2030 presuming it will always be sunny and windy to supply the power.  And they want to tax cheap abundant coal to extinction. It’s ideologically because da…

Living Next Door to a Greens Supremacist: Bandt da Rant

Adam Bandt hates Australia and everything it stands for.  Bandt’s a pre-meditated polly-careerist, a globalist supremacist, a polly more interested in throwing Australian taxpayer wealth at foreign Third World cultures and inviting the barbaric hordes downunder, so to treacherously undermine Australia’s way…

Australian Day – ignore hateful fringe dwellers on public teat digging up constructed White guiltism

Australia’s northern coast and in 1942 we nearly lost our sovereignty to the invading Japs. Aboriginal councilman for Alice Springs, Jacinta Nampijinpa Price is looking foward to celebrating Australia Day along with millions of Australians of various backgrounds.  January 26 is a…

Representative Victimhood lures minorities into the hands of foreign-hugging Greens

Mostly by Piers Akerman:  ‘Lefties love a hollow gesture, not action’, January 14, 2018, in The Sunday Telegraph (Sydney newspaper)| Next month marks the 10th anniversary of Labor PM Kevin Rudd’s teary apology to the so-called ‘Stolen Generation’ – exposed as a…

Gillard Royal Commission into pedophilia politically ignored the cults of leftard faggotry and pedo-islam

Murdock propaganda downunder: “One of the best things about life in 21st century Australia is that for the first time in human history, we are actually listening to children’s voices. PM Gillard, instigator of the current kiddy-fiddling Royal Commission, being atheist and…

Crying Greens Senator Sarah Hanson Young is a rocky horror show

Greens drama queen, Sarah Hanson Young’s been crying again after using excessive mascara ahead of her Senate performance today. She reckons young Australians should be happy with Australia’s 2017 plebiscite 60% ‘YES’ outcome to allow deviant marriage, knowing full well that the…

Malfeasant Mal Turncoat skanking Australia towards early onset

Excuse me while I light my spliff.  Backstabbing globalist banking putrid skank Malcolm Turnbull, despite electoral stones hitting the back of his neck, refuses to look around. Mal’s agile mind splurts thought bubbles from week to week, like raising the GST, income…

Australia’s capital cities invaded and swamped by ethnics – Aussies fleeing to the countryside!

Australian capital cities have become unlivable to Ordinary Australians who grew up in a time when Aussie was Aussie, with the odd Chinese takeaway. The Bureau of Statistics reckons a third of the population in Australia in 2017 are foreign.  Another 20%…

Inverse Nazis: the end game of Leftards is suicide, just don’t hold up the train

Patriots light the beacons, for our leftard government is betraying our homeland to invaders, letting hate in, selling off our sovereignty.  It’s divide and conquer. Social deviants who morph into retards usually via teen narcotic addiction, have part of their brain abnormaled. …

Lefties red dye of Parliament Pool swamps Bendigo Three’s red dye splash on footpath

When in October 2015 on a quiet Sunday morning, three members of the United Patriots Front beheaded a dummy that spurted ‘blood’ in protest at a mosque being built, a small splash of red food dye hit the footpath outside council chambers. It…

Poor Australians at risk of dying of cold from The Coalition of the Freezing

It’s a leftard coalition of hateful anti-Australians putting globalist ideology before life’s basic necessities like heating in winter.  The Climate Hoax Cult justifies some nonsensical notion that naturally occurring carbon dioxide (CO2) is somehow as bad as carbon monoxide (CO).  So the…

Honest conservation doesn’t become The Greens. Economic Nationalism says buy a second-hand car

Honest conservation is buying a quality second-hand car, now that new cars are all made by foreigners overseas.  October 20, 2017 is scheduled to be the extinction date of Australian auto manufacturing when Holden makes its last car at Elizabeth, the Holden…