ASIO gets flash $630M building but handicapped by Hanson-Young’s illegal invaders

Once again the known Chinese Cyber Hacking Regiment has illegally obtained classified secrets on the Australian Government.  This time Australia’s Secret Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) has been hacked. But given the years of aligned Labor Party comrade trips to China is it any…

In secular Australia, the only good mosque is a bulldozed one

Thanks to the Foreign Labor Party’s policies of open door immigration, multiculturalism, ethnic ghetto concentration and corrupt immigration officials, Sydney has amassed a population of 170,000 muslims! Sydney Muslims are getting worse. Now with their numbers they are demanding special rights and…

Foreign workers not welcome in Australia – scrap the 457 Visa Scam!

Not only have Liberal and Labor Party (LibLabs) destroyed the rights of Australian workers by removing unions and allowing workplace contracts, they encourage foreigners to take Australian jobs in the 457 Visa Scam. Many anti-Australian employers are allowed to import foreign workers…

Australians protest the breeding islamic enemy within

Foreign Islamic extremist cult, Hizb ut Tahrir, has set itself up as an Islamic State enemy on Australian soil. LibLab governments running our country have been socialistic lax and treasonable allowing such extremist anti-Ausytralian enemies to setup and flourish in Australia. Clearly,…

Islamic Sharia extremism pushes its bigoted weight around Sydney

Want to feel the rath of Islamic extreme prejudice? No need to pilgrimage to Mecca or Yemen, just drive out to western Sydney. Last week reported in Sydney’s Sunday Telegraph April 07, 2013, mourners at the Auburn Gallipoli Mosque were told they…

Liberal Party conflict of interest as rotten as NSW Labor

The Liberal Party’s heavyweight and former treasurer, Peter Costello, has been found both auditing the Queensland Government’s finances, while apparently owning a business that lobbies state corporations of the Queensland Liberal National Government that stand to benefit from state asset privatisation. Costello…

Macquarie University housing foreign rapists

A Sri Lankan illegal immigrant accused of putting his hand down the pyjamas of a sleeping Macquarie University student allegedly tried to break into a second unit to assault another victim. Daxchan Selvarajah, 21, who ASIO let into Australian society without full…

Harris Park, a Brown Ghetto of the Foreign Labor Party

And still the illegal leeches keep coming under Australian Foreign Labor Party’s abandoned Border Protection policy.   The Green’s Queen of the Illegals, Sarah Hanson-Young knows she has Labor by the short and curlies holding the balance of power in the Senate.…

Migrants driving up urban house prices

Almost all immigrants into Australia choose to and are allowed to settle in our already overcrowded and over-priced Capital cities – Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth and even Darwin of late. Why?  Gillard Labor and Abbott Liberals continue to evangelise Kevin Rudd’s ‘Big…

Melbourne’s Leftist thug Anthony Main wanted for assault

Last Tuesday’s highly organised Leftist protest in Melbourne against Dutch politician Geert Wilders saw unprovoked violence by known Melbourne extremist thugs. Notorious amongst the mob was a hardcore Trotskyite ‘Socialist Party’ heavy, one Anthony Main, aged 36.  Main artificially secured a stint…

Macquarie University, Labor’s latest free housing for illegals

The Gillard Labor Government’s abandonment of Australia’s border control is so chronically out of control that Immigration has housed 80 Sri Lankan illegals – all able- bodied men work ready, in free accommodation at one of Sydney’s leading universities – Macquarie University.…

Occupy Melbourne aligns with Sharia Law Muslims to protest against Wilders

Dutch politician, Geert Wilders, gave his first Australian speech in Melbourne yesterday. He says that his aim is to  raise Western awareness about the serious threats of Islam to a country like Australia. He opposes the “Islamisation” of the Netherlands and has…

Sydney suburbs dominated by traditional Australians statistically are safer

It’s official, the New South Wales Government’s Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research in Sydney has concluded that Sutherland Shire is Sydney’s safest area to live, with the lowest crime rates across the city, new analysis has revealed. Sutherland has a predominantly…

Illegals stealing our wealth, infecting us with tuberculosis

A national government has a primary duty to uphold the territorial integrity of a nation’s sovereignty by protecting its borders from invasion, else the people have a right to take up arms and do the task themselves. Australia’s Labor Government is failing…

Sydney’s first Muslim beheading, Nice.

Australians should be very wary about the dangers of continuing government policy allowing the mass immigration of Muslims into Australia. Australians need to look at the socially corrosive European experiences of Britain, Holland, Germany, Spain, France and elsewhere across Western Europe, and…