Liberals, Labor, Greens alike all happy for transexuals to rear Aussie kids

At least John Howard and Julia Gillard stood up for traditional Australian family values when they were in power. But this latest parachuted lot in Canberra are more than happy to undermine Australian family values by enacting deviant marriage legislation that will…

Asian rock fishermen prone to drowning deaths

Rock fishing is one of the most dangerous recreational sports in Australia, and it is mostly Asians who are dying.  Do we care? Asians can’t swim, can’t read the ocean and think they are heros.  So let ’em be outside the flags!…

Liberal, Labor both selling out Australian property rights to multinational gas companies

Ordinary Australian voters who continue to vote back into government Liberals or Labor have resolved to become but daft fucknuckles. Laberal Evangelism Both Liberal and Labor political parties at both state and national level continue to preference their own and their financially…

Anti Australians Named and Shamed

Blue Mountains ‘Refugee’ Advocates must become targets of People’s Power! Like much of Australia, the Blue Mountains has its pockets of poverty – unemployed people, pensioners and struggling families come to view. Yet it seems that according to a growing band of…

Foreigners infecting Australians with diseases

With Greens Labor abandoning our borders, the economic illegals not only continue to invade our shores into Hanson-Young’s open arms, but bring their filthy diseases and contagions with them. Third World foreigners from unsanitary slums of the Earth, flood through Australian international…

Greens $7 billion ‘welfare entitlement’ to slug Australian businesses and taxpayers

Thieving Labor has just undemocratically gifted $400,000 of Australian taxpayers’ money to Papua New Guinea politicians unconditionally for no workable solution to boat illegals. Labor’s New Right Kev has gone Swan Lite on us – a ‘why bother‘ product. Not one Choco…

Australian farmers may be forced to plant rice and noodles

Australian farmers may be forced to plant rice and noodles to feed the Asian Century. LibLab  ‘Asian Food Bowl’  vision for Australia  by 2025 The Labor Party has recognised that Asians to our north and their plane loads immigrating into Australia daily,…

Reckless Rudd the pink batt fool should just “disappear”

Labor’s reckless pink-faced Rudd can’t be trusted with Pink Batts, or with young Australian lives, or with protecting Australia’s borders, or with Australian manufacturing, or with Australian jobs, or with financial management, or simply with the plain truth. Labors expensive failed schemes…

Greedy Banks will be regulated under the Australia First Party

Gillard, Rudd, Abbott don’t represent ordinary Australians.  They represent their own egos and their rich mates like the banks. Successive LibLab governments have set up Australia’s big four banks, Commonwealth, ANZ, Westpac and NAB to be Australia’s uber-rich elite.  These four banks…

Rudd’s Boat Invasion of Australia

When Foreign Labor’s Kevin Rudd came to power in 2007, he and Greens’ Senator Sarah (floodgate) Hanson-Young took it upon themselves to unravel Australia’s border protection laws and to facilitate the mass influx of boat arrivals to Australia’s north-west. Since 2007 Australia…

Gillard Foreign Labor’s Inverbrackie Lie to Australians

Irvine Must Accept ASIO’s Failures David Irvine, the boss of Australia’s secret intelligence organisation ASIO has comprehensively failed the Australian people again, twice in two weeks. Last week, Australians embarrassingly learned that Chinese Government computer hackers had comprehensively stolen the communications systems…

ASIO gets flash $630M building but handicapped by Hanson-Young’s illegal invaders

Once again the known Chinese Cyber Hacking Regiment has illegally obtained classified secrets on the Australian Government.  This time Australia’s Secret Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) has been hacked. But given the years of aligned Labor Party comrade trips to China is it any…

In secular Australia, the only good mosque is a bulldozed one

Thanks to the Foreign Labor Party’s policies of open door immigration, multiculturalism, ethnic ghetto concentration and corrupt immigration officials, Sydney has amassed a population of 170,000 muslims! Sydney Muslims are getting worse. Now with their numbers they are demanding special rights and…