Baiada Poultry exploits 417 holiday visa scab labour to process cheap chooks

Chicken is cheap in Australian supermarkets and fast food outlets for a logical reason. They are illegally processed at Third World labour rates by Third World scab labour. Labour hire firms/agents are criminally exploiting Australia’s visa laws by contracting low-cost asians on…

Chancey Luna, one of 40 million Africans fleecing America’s social woodpile

Back in August 2013, Australian baseball star Chris Lane (22) was on a scholarship at Oklahoma’s East Central University.  He was jogging along a residential street in the rural Oklahoma city of Duncan, when an African gang of teenagers drove pass opening…

Tony Abbott’s ‘Capricorn Partition’ set to divide Australia and Australians

Abbott cannot be trusted. Australian nationalists continue to highlight Abbott’s secret plan to sell off Northern Australia from the Tropic of Capricorn to Asians. The line is the old Brisbane Line in defence of Australia, inverted to sell off Northern Australia to…

Wyong China Theme Park exposed as wonton greed by Mayor Doug Eaton

Australians should celebrate today! The rout of the New South Wales ‘Central Coast’ collaborators with Chinese imperialism, is now apparent. Evidence has finally surfaced – as we had alleged by our trenchant questioning of Mayor Eaton and his Chinese spouse – that…

Ramadan ‘Eid-al-Fitr’ awareness campaign in Australia 2015 mate, WTF?

Across our proud land Australia, we’re in winter in the southern states, while up north in the Top End and environs we’ve got the Dry Season. But thanks to globalist Greens-Labor, Australians have witnessed our country invaded by 400,000 muslims. They now…

‘Anti Racism’ is a code word for Anti-Australian hate

Public Meeting: Sat July 25  | ‘Anti Racism’ is NOT the opposite of what we might imagine are foolish or negative attitudes and conduct by a few Australians towards people of different races. Not at all! Anti Racism is a vicious ideology…

Reclaim Australia and our ‘Anti Islam’ movement: Nationalists must develop a Political Line

by Dr. Jim Saleam (and others) Events are quickening; opportunities develop – such is what so many nationalists have observed to me in recent correspondence and conversations. Some nationalist activists and organizers have assessed the Reclaim Australia movement as opening up new…

Stop ‘Australian Registered Charity’ exploitation by ineligible sects, movements and non-Australian beneficiaries

Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) as a national authority needs to revoke church and charity status of dozens of sects and political movements that falsely call themselves an ‘Australian Charity‘.   Many receive illegitimate funding from the Australian taxpayer through a…

Jihadists, violent muslims, islamic sympathisers, islamic funders, halal funders – in Australia to lose citizenship

Migrant offspring born in Australia under multicultural gated communities involved in terrorism face being stripped of their citizenship, along with dual nationals, as part of the Abbott government’s efforts to tighten national security laws. Influential back bencher and government deputy whip Andrew…

Outlaw multiculturalism for being anti-Australian, socially divisive and for discriminating against Australians

Multiculturalism is an unsound political theory, advocated by liberals, academics, media personnel, social theorists, government officials, and politicians. While it is supported by a majority of those people, it is actually opposed by the overall majority of Australians. It is a deliberate…

Australia to revoke citizenship of jihadist offspring of immigrants

Australia is pushing ahead with plans to withdraw citizenship of Australia-born children of immigrants who join the Islamic State, immigration minister Peter Dutton said last month (May 21,2015). Australia’s Immigration Minister, Peter Dutton MP (Note:  It is a misnomer to call them…

We agree with the official statement of Nationalist Alternative on the Reclaim Melbourne Rally

Our friends at Nationalist Alternative have issued an official statement on the call for a united response to the threat of confrontational violence made to the next Reclaim Australia Rally in Melbourne – Saturday July 18, location TBA. The Melbourne extreme-left deserves…

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) pandemic – ban all foreigners, especially arab camel herders

Anything from the Middle East is suspicious. Islamic camel tugging just asks for problems. Camel breath is bad enough, but muslim deviants need to leave their gonads alone! The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified a new ‘Middle East Respiratory Syndrome‘ (MERS)…

African colonisation of Europe is not just invasion but deliberate manifestation of UN Agenda 21

The African diaspora is menacing Europe.    There are about five million Africans living in Europe.  About half are of North African origin, mostly residing in France, Italy, Belgium, Spain and the Netherlands, while the other half are of Sub-Saharan African origin, present…

Sale of NSW Electricity Assets to foreigners reveals joint political fraud by Labor, Christian Democrats, Liberal Hard Right

It’s June 2015 and in New South Wales it must surely be the winter of our discontent.  But it’s not the sudden cold snap.  It is the joint privatisation of the people’s electricity assets by NSW Premier Mike Baird’s Government, in which…

Our Australian Australia Policy

Australians are about ordinary Australians and their families living life in our lucky country. Our white (Australian) Australia Policy traces its origins to the First Fleeters, to Settlers even before the 1950s Gold Rush.  Traditional Australians were here well before. We go…

Greg Smith’s and Mike Baird’s weakened bail laws are culpable for Martin Place Terror, so confess and compensate!

If Iranian asylum seeker, come Islamic terrorist, Man Haron Monis, hadn’t been granted bail, then Lindt Chocolate Café manager Tori Johnson and customer Katrina Dawson (a respected lawyer) would still be alive, still be in doing coffee in Martin Place, and still…

Tahera Ahmad in a hijab asks for trouble on a US flight

Last Friday, an ostentatiously dressed Islamic woman in the United States, Tahera Ahmad, boarded a United Airlines flight from Chicago to Washington D.C. – the US Capitol. Would anyone be happy sitting next to this on a flight to Washington D.C.?  …

Lebanese union official, now a Labor MP, rorted $2M from Spotless workers

Yesterday, Australia’s Royal Commission into Trade union corruption and slush funds revealed that yet another Labor man, Cesar Melhem MP, has been accused of rorting AWU members at the Spotless cleaning company when he was AWU Secretary. The Royal Commission has heard…

Liberal Andrew Robb’s brain snap: flog off Australian aviation to multinationals

Australia’s Trade and Investment Minister Andrew Robb on the Liberal Party’s Expenditure Review Committee (ERC) has had a brain snap to flog off Australia’s domestic aviation routes to foreign airlines like China Southern. His radical “open skies policy” for northern Australia would…

Labor Party values according to Plibersek to undermine marriage so that deviants get adoption rights

The Australian Labor Party’s installed puppet is playing into the hands of social deviants. Bill Shorten is towing the line for Tanya Plibersek’s extreme-left agenda. She is hell-bent on undermining Australia’s respected Marriage Act 1961 for her own political purposes. No Conscience…

Fortress Australia – because our country remains prized by the world’s poor and greedy

by Alex Norwick  | “One provides a link to an item concerning the effort of Sir John Philip Baxter KBE to equip Australia with tactical nuclear weaponry in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Sir John Philip Baxter, KBE (1905-1989) Biography:   One met…