The ‘Ballaarat Lawyer’ tries to be a hero of the Farquharson Inquiry effort

by Dr. Jim Saleam   So-called ‘social justice’ lawyer, Luke McMahon, has hung up his shingle in Ballaarat.  His website’s blurb suggest he wants to be known in his new town as one who not only represents ‘causes’, but who serves the common…


Book; Book/Illustrated – 2011 Title Pulpit Hill (1813-2013) : a nomination for heritage recognition / Australia First Party. Other Authors Saleam, Jim.Australia First Party. Published Blue Mountains, N.S.W. Australia First Party, 2011. Carrier Types other Physical Description 1 computer laser optical disc (CD-ROM).…

Media Release: VOTE 1 SUSAN JAKOBI for the prosperity, heritage and cultural identity of Ballarat

The following programme will be released as a leaflet in South Ward letter-boxes in the very near future: OUR CITY MUST REMAIN IN THE HANDS OF THE BALLARAT PEOPLE, NOT IN THE GRIP OF A CORRUPT AND OPPRESSIVE CORPORATE-GOVERNMENT. As you are…

Sue Jakobi gets out there: Elect a nationalist to Ballarat City Council

Sue is campaigning for Ballarat Council in various ways appropriate to the social restrictions currently imposed. It’s a postal ballot (which has some advantages with a full candidates’ statements sent to all electors). That is set for October 24. Sue is demanding…

VOTE 1: Australia First’s Michael Chehoff for the seat of Swan in WA

  And we remind Australian voters to patriotically make their vote count, else an invalid vote is wasted.  If you are against politicians and prefer to vote anti-politics then choose Australia First Party, because we’re Australian nationalists and anti-politics. Australia First Party…

“Thank You Mathias Cormann For Giving Me A National Profile”

by Dr. Jim Saleam   I must thank Liberal Cabinet Minister Mathias Cormann for a sterling endorsement! In a statement which appeared on the website editions of newspapers as diverse at the Adelaide Advertiser, the Australian and he Hobart Mercury, to radio…

Susan Jakobi for Lalor (VIC): “I shall return quality and enjoyment of life to working people and families”

My Programme for Return of the ‘Vision Splendid Ideal’ for Working Families: – Producerism  |  Prosperity  |  Independence .   Replace the enslaving, unsustainable neo-liberal economics of Big Business, for Australianist National Self-Sufficiency economics. AUSTRALIANS TO OWN, create, grow, manufacture, build, service…

Australia First’s Peter Schuback for Longman (QLD) – Electoral Platform

These are my aims, if elected: No More Immigration End immigration.  Mass immigration dumping 300,000 breeding migrants every year into Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane is Canberra’s economic ponzy extremism.  It is blinkered beholden to the narrow 20th Centory one-eyed metric of GDP. …

Gladys tram wreck in Wagga

Sydney-centric Gladys has lost Wagga to a local doctor who actually cares about the locals.  Independent Dr Joe McGirr, the former director of emergency medicine at Wagga Wagga Base Hospital is set to represent Riverina locals in Macquarie Street. Voters have told…

Political Class just gave themselves another pay rise out of taxpayer anaemic real wages

Julie Bishop:  “Meet my polly protégé, spoilt parachuted princess Emma Husar.  She’s bred of Party Political Class sense of entitlement.” Canberra Elitism:  Spoilt princess-come-MP on taxpayer $200,000 a year committing Parliamentary Rort Privilege   Emma Husar MP, an ethnic, was parachuted by…

Most of Longman voted for more of the same

Whether directly or by preferences, globalist LibLabs got returned to power in Longman (70% directly).  The Longman by-election and the other four by-elections in Braddon, Perth, Fremantle and Mayo were so caused because dishonest politicians breached Australia’s Constitution by illegally and secretly…

LibLabs keep dumping parliamentary privilege on Ordinary Aussies of Western Sydney

We’re waiting to see Husar’s taxpayer pearls.  Liberals and Labor are so elite alike, that they seem to take turns dumping their seat warming candidates on Ordinary Australians.  The Queensland seat of Longman (sprawl-enforced outer Brisbane) is the current example.  The outer…

One Pauline candidate Matthew Stephen flouts Constitution as a pending bankrupt?

Pauline Hanson knows how to pick ’em. Her Longman candidate Matthew Stephen looks set to do a Rod Culleton – breach the Australian Constitution as a bankrupt?  Surely not.  Poor voters of Longman.  Labor forces them to a by-election because their incumbent…

Australia First Party policy platform in Longman

Give Aussies in Longman a real voice in Canberra, not another useless LibLab senate seat warmer. End all immigration and scrap the 1958 Migration Act. End contract visa labour: visa subclass 457, 417, 462, 189, 601, 651, 600, 202..the bloody lot! End…

Hanson dupes 18 per cent of Longman for Liberal preferences, now implodes on cue

Mathias Cormann: “Don’t come Saturday Pauline.  You’ve got 18% preferences for the Liberals.  Take that cruise to China you’ve always talked about.” We warned patriots. Pauline Hanson’s ‘useful idiot’ status for the Libs has expired.  Yesterday, The Courier-Mail newspaper found One Nation’s…

Dirt digging Liberals in Longman and Braddon – German-born Eric Abetz tries to call the kettle black

Australia First Party’s candidate for Longman in the July 28 by-election, Dr Jim Saleam, has blasted Liberal Party Senator Abetz for his comments made on July 17 that he was “a crook and a nazi”. That was mighty foolish of the former…

Longman By-Election: LibLabs parachute in foreigners as Senate seat warmers

As if Labor’s lying, cheating, playacting Susan Lamb isn’t shameful enough.  Labor apparatchiks think they can sew the foreign parachute and the voters of Longman will forget the citizenship duplicity saga ever happened. Yet Liberals show the same disdain and contempt for…

China’s buying up our country and traitors are flogging Aussie wealth future to cashed up coolie filth

American satellite business news channel CNBC has created this video compiling all the major assets that China is buying up in our country. It seems our American friends are right on top of this issue which is still largely suppressed here in…

Australian Nationalism – Repudiating a ‘new model’ that cannot Advance its Cause

by Dr. Jim Saleam in March 2018 [The text here is edited from a talk given to Victorian nationalists. We have retained the original speech-style.] | “My speech to you today has been a long time coming. It is time the truth…

Australian Day deserves extending to an ‘Australian Victory Week’ as dinkum respect for the lucky country Whites made it

That Australia is the lucky country is not accidental.   ‘The heroes of our nationhood were not resistance leaders or freedom fighters, but politicians and statesmen, most now forgotten or only half-remembered. Their creation is an achievement worth celebrating An amazing, but little…

Best part of Australia is coming home

As an Aussie, unless you’ve been overseas and seen what its like there, it’s difficult to appreciate how great Australia really is and how lucky we are downunder. “Being Australian means being passionate wherever you are, whatever you’re doing,” says Sally Fitzgibbons,…

Serial head stomping low-life Yowane Raymond Namaibai gets just 3 years in Darwin’s Holtze Zoo

Australia doesn’t deserve Third Worlders. It has enough of its own overcrowding our prisons. Hey if ya African and try to stomp a strangers head to death, in the Northern Territory the going punishment is just 3 years minimum prison.  Message is…

Commemorating the 163rd anniversary of the Eureka Rebellion

Sunday, December 3rd marks 163 years since the digger uprising by the gold miners at Ballaarat against the colonial authority of the British Empire in 1854. This brave stand taken by the miners was, as Henry Lawson articulated, a courageous expression of…

Election Update

The election count continues. The formal vote tallies of Australia First Party will have improved over previous Federal electoral performances. We expect to have 1000 votes in Lindsay and 1500 in McMahon (New South Wales), 2600 in Lalor (Victoria) and a comparative…

Susan Jakobi for LALOR – how to vote for us against the major self-serving parties

Australia First pledges to the People of Lalor: 1. No China City in Werribee – we do not support 100,000 Chinese students and family living in an enclave on Aussie land. We become aliens in Australia. 2. Stop Visa Labour – we…

Lalor’s Werribee Train Line overcrowded by flood of migrants

Werribee train line is the worst in Melbourne for overcrowding. (November 20, 2015, Wyndham Leader). So to fix the political cause of the problem, vote for Susan Jakobi, Australia First Party. A recent Public Transport Victoria report has shown that 40% of Melbourne’s…

Westgate Bridge congestion: Melburnians ain’t seen nothing

Melbourne sprawl is out of control. Werribee, south-west of outer Melbourne used to be for market gardeners using sewage treated soil.  The place took its name from the old local Aboriginal word for the river which used to flood a lot.  There…

Werribee welcomes the Australia First Party

Tuesday June 7, 2016:  Australia First Party members were present welcoming local Susan Jakobi, Australia First Party – as she filed her nomination papers for the Federal Seat of Lalor in Werribee (Wyndham) on the south-western fringe of Melbourne. Susan Jakobi, Australia First Party…

Australia First Party for Lalor

The Australia First Party shall contest the Federal Seat of Lalor in Victoria for Australia’s forthcoming 2016 national election. This electorate takes in parts of still outer south-western Melbourne and rural areas toward Geelong, and our chosen candidate is a local, Sue…

Feb 19: Imperial Japanese Bombing of Darwin

Just before 10am on February 19, 1942, Darwin was attacked by the Japanese in the first of two air raids under the command of Naval Captain Mitsuo Fuchida, who had ten weeks earlier bombed Pearl Harbour. Darwin, the largest population centre in…