With Greens Labor abandoning our borders, the economic illegals not only continue to invade our shores into Hanson-Young’s open arms, but bring their filthy diseases and contagions with them.
Third World foreigners from unsanitary slums of the Earth, flood through Australian international airports and seaports, or just rock up overcrowded on dodgy smelly fishing boats anywhere.
Recent media reports tell us that full ASIO security checks were suspended on August 13, 2012. Labor has kowtowed to the bleeding-heart Leftist Greens by all but abandoning mandatory detention, instead releasing illegals directly into the Australian community. Offshore detainees have been chartered flighted back to onshore detention.
Since May this year, Labor’s now Immigration Minister Brendan O’Connor, announced that asylum seeker families were being released into the community and handed out bridging visas.
At the same time, health examinations of these boat arrivals had revealed one case of a child with typhoid, four confirmed measles cases and one case of malaria. An illegal who had overstayed his visa and was taken to the Villawood Detention Centre, was diagnosed with the highly infectious disease meningococcal meningitis. Nice.
“Many people who are in Australia unlawfully came from areas where diseases such as typhoid and tuberculosis are found.”

Some 50,000 illegals have been ‘welcome matted’ into Australia since Kevin ’07 and 100 a day continue to flood in. At the same time Labor has been cutting back on critical services like health and border protection.
Australians can’t trust Labor to properly fund our border quarantine services to stop all the foreign infectious communicable diseases getting through. Boat people and foreigners arriving on planes posed serious a health concern to the Australian community
Chinese have introduced bird flu to Australia in recent years and this month a 61-year-old Chinese woman from northern China has been confirmed as having the H7N9 bird flu virus after buying vegetables at a primitive local market where live poultry was also being sold.
In Queensland over recent month, Cairns copped an outbreak of dengue fever from foreigners flying in direct to its international airport. More than 170 people in Cairns now reported having contracted the mosquito-borne virus since December.
Dengue fever originates from China and has spread through the south east Asian tropics, just like the Chinese themselves. Chinese like coming to Cairns for the REEF casino. They are lured by the gambling, and Packer wants them all in Sydney, when his Barangaroo casino opens.
Dengue fever spreads through overpopulated urban slums areas having poor water systems, poor sanitation, poor sewerage and waste management. It is set to become an endemic in far north Queensland and Australians are urged not to travel there.
Global dengue cases correlate to growth in Third World migration
Even worse than contagious dengue fever, is the African Chikungunya viral disease that similarly spreads to humans by mosquitoes. The disease has spread from Tanzania in East African to India and Sri Lanka following human migration.
Chikungunya has recently been diagnosed in travellers from affected countries who have recently arrived in Queensland. Queensland copping it again, while the Queensland Liberals have cut $3 billion from their health system and sacked over 4,140 health workers.
Chikungunya causes high fever and painful joints as well as headache, muscle pains, nausea, fatigue and rash. The joint pains are often very debilitating, and may last for six months.
Boat illegals on Christmas Island have come in infected with highly contagious typhoid fever in early 2012, a disease rarely seen in Australia.
Now with Rudd encouraging the illegals to set up in Papua New Guinea, it has become pretty obvious the Papuans won’t put up with the Muslim illegals, and civil unrest is on the cards. So the presumption is that the tribal machete threat will then force the illegals to make the short 4 km island hop across the Torres Strait into far north Queensland. They will bring their Papuan tuberculosis with them, and Papua has long been a hotspot for TB.
Urban Cairns and nearby Townsville are set to become the new Christmas Island melting pots of dirty illegals and their diseases.
And the filth get jobs in Australia at fast food outlets. North Queenslanders will remember the bout of food poisoning over a year ago where 82 cases of food poisoning occurred. Migrants were handling raw chicken and not washing their hands (not trained to) and so campylobacter food poisoning quickly spread from Cairns to Townsville and down to Mackay.
Look who’s working at your local fast food outlet – you want campylobacter with that?