CFMEU hires Pacific Islander Halafihi Kivalu on a 457 visa to replace Aussies..who then does the dirty

CFMEU National Secretary is a train wreck.  Another week, another exposed union official before the Royal Commission. A CFMEU construction union organiser, Tongan, Halafihi “Fihi” Kivalu (39) has been arrested last week (July 16, 2015) for allegedly extorting more than $150,000 from Canberra…

‘Nazi’ a revised word submission for the Macquarie Dictionary

‘nazi’ – noun (derogatory) Any person who disagrees with extreme Leftist ideology.  Apparently any citizen proud of their heritage and country. A slur directed by anarchist hypocrites who themselves hate where they were born/raised who were abused/deprived as children, who have aged…

Mike Baird’s spiraling health costs dilemma driven by immigration, so get Abbott to fund the problem

So smiling Mike Baird wants his immigration growth for a massive Sydney, while not wanting to pay for the cost burden – spiraling immigrant demand on health, education, housing, transport congestion. So smiling Mike Baird wants ordinary Australians to pay more tax…

Leftist counter turnout to Aussie Patriot Rally in Melbourne’s winter fizzled due to lefty feral dumpster diet

Leaders of UPF debrief on their successful Aussie Patriot Rally a few hours ago in Melbourne. | Australia’s new nationalist organisation United Patriots Front (UPF) has had a gutful of Islamists terrorising Australia with their imported murder, jihad, rape, riots, pedophilia, girl…

Defend true blue Australia from the Left’s evil islamisation

Speak Up for Aussie Values. Australia for Australians. Australians don’t want foreign Multi-cultism. Australia is Democratic not Islamic. One Australian Law not Sharia Law. No to Burqas, Hijabs or Nijabs. No Muftis, no Caliphs, no Caliphates. No to Halal. No Zakat to…

Egyptian Nick Kaldas: White Supremacists (Australians) are a threat to multicultural social cohesion

‘POLITICAL POLICING UNDER WAY AS “RIGHT WING EXTREMISM” PRONOUNCED AS DANGEROUS AS ISLAMIST MILITANCY’- MY OPEN REPLY TO NICK KALDAS’ by Dr. Jim Saleam | “Nick Kaldas is a Deputy Commissioner of the New South Wales Police. He spoke yesterday at a…

Chinese Shenhua Watermark mine gets corrupt approval by both Labor and Liberals

How can Liberal Party approval for a massive open cut coal mine in the verdant Liverpool Plains, be anything but corrupt?  Both the Abbott and Baird Liberal governments have done just that. That they are prepared to destroy Australian agriculture in the…

Fairfax Media smears United Patriots Front

by Dr. Jim Saleam | Australia First Party declines interviews with the metropolitan press because it operates to a script that never changes. Whenever nationalists or patriots are involved, forward comes a litany of bull dust about connections with neo-nazis, anti-semitism and…

Jim Saleam: Open Letter to Aunty Jenny, Aboriginal Tent Embassy, Eora Redfern

Dated:  July 11, 2015 “Dear Jenny Munro, Last year you and I had a brief correspondence after some person displayed a poster in Redfern calling upon Aborigines to resist Chinese property purchase. The authorship of that poster is still in dispute, although…

Caltex sacks qualified Australian seamen so parent Chevron can profit from Third World slave labour

Caltex Australia’s new corporate boss, CEO Julian Segal (a Romanian), is about profit at any human cost. To him Australians are expendable – our world-class seamen and our national fuel security. The faces of Chevron snubbing Australia When have foreign industry chiefs been…

Asian supremacist, Tim Soutphommasane, slurs patriotic Australians

One of Kevin Rudd’s Chinese IEDs has gone off. Rudd’s legacy Anti-Australian Discrimination Commissioner, Tim Soutphommasane, sides with Islamic extremists accusing Australian patriots of threatening community harmony in our own country. Soutphommasane has said that government rhetoric about terrorism had “emboldened” groups…

CFMEU delegates Joe Myles and Luke Collier appear on criminal assault charges against AFP nationalists

This week, two union delegates, Joe Myles and Luke Collier, appeared in a Brisbane court this week (Monday July 6, 2015) over assaults and other offences directed at Australia First Party members on May 2, 2014. Joe Myles and Luke Collier –…

Immigrant Tim Soutphommasane an elitist thorn in the side of White Australians

Australians have had a gutful of privileged immigrants coming to our country and telling us what to do. Immigrant Tim Soutphommasane, was appointed to the sanctimonious title of Race Discrimination Commissioner in August 2013 by then PM Kevin Rudd in the dying…

Muslim Multiculturalism in Australia – it’s harmful cost burden

Pitt Street Sydney:  Islam is costing Australia billions. 10% of Australia’s National Budget in 2015 is mainly to tackle Islam! Keeping Australia and Australians safe and secure is the highest responsibility of any government.  Because of Greens-Labor letting in hundreds of thousands…

Plibersek Economics looks to Greece for anarchist inspiration

Labor’s opposition leader-in-waiting, Tanya Plibersek, a card-carrying extreme immigrant leftist, is considering leading a delegation to Greece to see how her fellow leftist anarchists dispense profligate economic management. With Labor’s coalition partner, the Greens Left led by Sicilian familia Richard Di Natale…

Australia’s ‘northern zone’ is Abbott’s ‘jaundicing’ of northern Australia for asian multinationals and their immigrants

Australia’s PM Tony Abbott and his Liberal Party’s current Northern Australia ‘White Paper’ is to ‘economise’ the northern half of our entire continent apparently just because it is less populated than the southern half of Australia. Another Liberal policy smelling like a…

Nationalists will win a working class base

by Dr. Jim Saleam and another  | We note that the official union movement in Victoria has come out against the Reclaim Rallies, instead in favour of multiculturalism dogma. That was no surprise. However, the extreme-left is once again theorising over the…

Di Natale (the Don) takes forest Greenies to extreme Left such as embracing islamic multiculturalism

Milne’s Meg Lees GST betrayal and abandonment of Tassie grassroots forest conservationists to unrelated immigrant communist Lefties. What drove Milne’s sudden betrayal of Tasmanians? In 2013, The Australian Greens Party then spokesperson for its multiculturalist dogma, Senator Richard Di Natale, (‘the Don‘)…

Mark Scott and his Leftist brotherhood continue to bring ABC independence into disrepute

If a news item is foreign and/or anti-Australian, Australians now expect the ABC to cover it in all its networked news services. If a news item is pro-Australian, the ABC has editorial policy in place to ensure it is omitted or twisted…

Aussie patriots protest against ABC islamism

Most Australians have had a gutful of the relentless anti-Australian leftist bias spewing out of the ABC daily.  Why are Australian taxpayers funding this ‘lefty lynch mob’ a billion a year? Last week was the last straw, when anarchist Tony Jones invited…

Tony Abbott targets foreign Islam while violent ANTIFA acts with impunity in Australian cities

Tony Abbott is simplistic about his grasp on violent threats to Australians. He ignores repeated violent protests and criminality by globalist anarchist group ANTIFA, which frequently acts with impunity in Australian cities. Violent ANTIFA with similar anti-Australian hate groups on another occasion…

Natural Marriage still valued in Australia – a boon for nuptial tourism downunder

The love between a man and woman is made an eternal commitment by marriage. Nature is about procreation and humans beings are part of Nature.  Procreation is natural and marriage binds and legitimizes having children for a lifetime. Marriage does not mandate…

Mark Scott ideologically a Globalist Goebbels

ABC Labor ‘progressives’ running circles around Conservative Australia What was Mark Scott thinking? Last Monday (June 22, 2015), the ABC’s Q&A propaganda programme deliberately ambushed the Australian Government on its stance against terrorism, Islamic State and its plans to revoke Australian citizenship…