Who’d be stupid enough to employ a muslim?

An African islamic journalist living in Sydney says young Muslims are better off in the US than Australia, where welfare and multicultural policies are driving them into the arms of terrorists. (Good, piss off!) Sulaiman Abdur-Rahman, who has been unable to find…

The cost of multiculturalism in Australia

So what has been the benefit of multiculturalism to Australia?  Dim sims, stir fry and kebabs? The social costs are not worth it.  The undermining of Australian Culture and encouraging foreign cultures to bring their baggage and set up in ethnic enclaves.…

Not on our ANZAC Day!

ANZAC 100 will be marred – in fact sullied and befouled– by an enormous display of disrespect. We will go further and say that the act is deliberate and a coded expression that the Australian traitor class has nothing but contempt and…

Islamic Sharia Law in Australia by stealth with socialist and anarchist support

Beware that just as Muslims propagate Islam outside the Middle East, the ‘Q Society’ mentioned in this Seven Network TV news item video, is a zionist-linked organisation which propagates jewish power and diaspora influence and the zionist cult outside Israel including into…

Sydney ideal for asian rock fishing

Sydney’s eastern suburbs rock coastline has caught out many an asian rock fisherman. From Sydney Harbour’s entrance at South Head down to Cape Banks, there are ideal spots to be swallowed up by the sea. 矶钓的乐趣   Wait for forecast Strong Wind…

Australian family farms being bought by foreign multinationals thanks to Liberal policy

Australian families are selling the inherited farm because the Australian Government is favouring foreign multinationals to profit over local Australian rural agribusinesses. Chinese, Korean, Indian, US, Canadian, Arabian and Swiss interests are buying up multiple agricultural properties across Australia, some for coal…

Islam, Sharia, Mosques, Halal and Multiculturalism are anti-Australian: calls for these five evils to outlawed across Australia

Last weekend, nation-wide protests by ordinary Australians were held defending Australian values against Islam. A very real fear transpiring is that half a million muslims let into Australia under Rudd and Gillard are now planning stage 2 – to impose Sharia Law…

Muslim immigrant to Sydney, murders his wife because she wouldn’t pass the salt

That just as well have been his pathetic excuse to butcher her. Last week yet again, a muslim immigrant in south-west Sydney stabbed his wife to death in the full-blown ethnic ghetto of Bexley. The police cordon of multiculturalism: ethnic South West…

Reclaim Australia Rallies – cartoon wars and the leftist threat answered

The extreme-left are organizing across the country to oppose the Reclaim Australia rallies across the nation tomorrow Saturday April 4. Reclaim Australia Rallies call on Australians to stand together to stop Islamic halal tax, Islamic sharia law & the islamisation of our…

Unions warn of foreign ownership as Baird Liberals in Xenomania head space play race card

The Construction, Forestry Mining and Engineering Union (CFMEU) has warned in recent weeks that foreign visa workers to Australia will increasingly become the norm in key Australian industries, so undercutting and displacing Australian workers in our own country. It’s called scab labour…

Nationalist Alternative exposes ‘mainstream’ as a self-interest ideal by mainstream advocacies like ‘Australian’ Young Liberals

Our friends in Nationalist Alternative have written an excellent item debunking the ‘mainstream’ delusion. We commend it. We thank them for their political support of Australia First Party. ‘Mainstream‘ is an ideological concept promulgated by those in power who seek to perpetuate…

Let the moderate muslims in and they vote themselves into power

So the Liberals retained power over New South Wales yesterday. In five years time, when electricity and gas prices are harming NSW households, when the chinese own NSW public infrastructure, when migrant congestion is clogging Sydney beyond breaking point.  So desperate will…

NSW State Election 2015: Stop Baird’s betrayal, vote Australia First & Shooters and Fishers

There are now 7.5 million people living in New South Wales thanks to Liberal and Labor/Greens encouragement of immigration. Sydney has 4.8 million of that congested in sprawl and sapping the state broke. Mike Baird’s only answer is to sell public assets…

One of the chinese elites behind smiling Mike Baird’s fortunes

Smiling Mike Baird is set to win the Liberals power in New South Wales and so sell the state’s public electricity assets to the chinese to fund his election pork-barrelling. Baird otherwise has no leadership voice and no value message to offer…

Singapore’s Lee Quan Yew notorious for denigrating Aussies as “the poor white trash of asia”

Singapore’s first dictator prime minister, a chinese, Lee (Li) Kuan Yew has just died aged 91. He is remembered by many Australians as racially denigrating us in 1980 as “the poor white trash of Asia“.  Li was just jealous. His tiny kingdom…

Abbott Destiny – the Shaolin Temple in Shoalhaven and the China Theme Park in Warnervale

by Lorraine Sharp and Alex Norwick (AFP Candidate for Wyong). IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST. Even before TPP globalism, is this the final proof that The Liberal Party is undemocratic and morally corrupt selling Australia to foreign interests? Australia’s Prime Minister Tony Abbott…

Conservatives chipping away at barbaric multiculturalism – forced marriages to be outlawed

The Labor Party under Leftist leader-to-be Tanya Plibersek, embraces and celebrates the impost of multiculturalism on ordinary Australians. She has a vested interest, being an immigrant herself. Plibersek’s justification for multiculturalism being good for Australians is the exotic food.  So her argument…

Mark Scott ABC propaganda wastes millions on foreign drug smuggler cause

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) has descended into a pure propaganda tool by Leftist CEO Mark Scott. If it is not attacking the Liberal Party or promoting Labor Party agenda, it is indulging in foreign stories as if competing with its sister…

Brisbane G20 cost Australians $400 million to embrace cracking down on multinational tax evasion

Expectant, frenetic and secure as it could be, Abbott and Hockey’s G20 delivered at least a global focus on embracing working women and ending public corruption and ending multinational tax evasion. Hockey was wise to translate the commitments to measurable accountabilities with…

Islamization of Europe condemned by ordinary Germans and PEGIDA as a misogynist and violent political ideology

Ordinary Germans marched in the streets of Berlin on Monday January 6, 2015 protesting against Islam and the Islamization of Europe and specifically against the Merkel government’s Islamization of their German homeland. They turned out for an anti-Islam rally with nationalist populist…