Primitive Black Christmas 2014

Despite progress, it seems still in 2014 that many blacks haven’t. In a year when civil libertarian types have legalised the cannabis drug in some states –  Colorado, Washington, New South Wales – other drugs like ICE are taking possession of primitive…

Scott Morrison to now crack down on Labor’s illegals bludging on welfare

Now that Scott Morrison as Australian Immigration Minister has stopped the illegal boats from boosting Labor’s ethnic voter base, the Liberals are sending him in to crack down on the illegals already here and on welfare. Illegally Brown in Australia   All…

Now the ‘slackbastard anti-fascists’ seek to shepherd ‘The Far Right’ – our response

by Dr. Jim Saleam   A new trend – “anarcho-islam”? It’s early days, although given the recent anarchist and Antifa demonstrations in Penrith against ‘Islamophobia’ and in favour of mosque building, we might wonder. It has been noted that our local anarchists…

Nicholas Cowdery’s Bail Act interference contributed to the Lindt Cafe terrorism

Nicholas Cowdery is a dangerous elite in Australian politics. Lawyers graduating from the University of Sydney are not reflecting the values of ordinary Australian society.  No more evident is that than with the views of law graduate Nicholas Cowdery QC. Cowdery was…

Sydney Terror Hostage Killings – two politicians culpable hiding under the bed

Sydney is not safe.  New York is probably safer. At 2am Sydney time, whatever the slow investigation finds, killed hostages were lawyer Katrina Dawson and Lindt cafe manager Tori Johnson – both local Sydneysiders. These two people matter, not the political excuses…

Mad Muslim Siege by Man Haron Monis – part of Labor’s islamification of Sydney

Muslim nutjob, Man Haron Monis (50), was the gunman behind the lone-wolf terror attack on the Martin Place chocolate shop yesterday.  Brave Muslim holding up a chocolate shop! Team Australia has just taken out the hateful bastard.  Job done. Termite scrawl manifesto…

The Penrith Mosques: No more ‘Liberal Party’ games – take the path of people’s struggle

by Dr. Jim Saleam and Victor Waterson   Australian patriotic people of the Penrith Valley had a ‘defeat’ of sorts last Monday night when the Penrith City Council affirmed that it would go ahead with the second Mosque at Kemps Creek. Penrith’s…

Kemps Creek mosque site beneath high voltage to give muslins cancer

In November 2014 last month, Penrith Council (outer western Sydney) voted in favour of encouraging Islamification of Penrith by approving another mosque, one at Kemps Creek. But despite local protests, some with inside knowledge of the transaction feel the mosque shed will…

Dec 3: Eureka Stockade – the Digger Uprising

Eureka Stockade Day Australia’s anniversary of democratic rebellion remembered   December 3rd is a significant date on Australia’s national calendar. On this day in 1854 the day fell decisively on a Sunday, the Sabbath, when lay miners (“Diggers”) on the Ballaarat goldfields…

Eureka Stockade Day: Australia’s 160th anniversary of democratic rebellion remembered

December 3rd is a significant date on Australia’s national calendar. Exactly 160 years ago in 1854 the day fell decisively on a Sunday, the Sabbath, when lay miners (“diggers”) on the Ballaarat goldfields made a sacrificial stand against the English colonial authority…

Swami Yoga at Mangrove Mountain an Indian paedophile cult

The current Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse is learning that Australian children have been sexually abused and groomed by a paedophile cult remotely located at Mangrove Mountain in the New South Wales Central Coast hinterland. The inquiry is investigating…

Leyonhjelm Freedom to Marry Bill a carte blanche for transvesite parenting

The Australian Senate today is to use its conscience to either protect children or not. David Leyonhjelm of the Liberal Democrat Party wants his innocuous “Freedom to Marry” legislation to see marriage defined to include homosexuals, transvestites and every possible variants of…

The ABC Board wastes $1.5m robbing SBS of Asian Cup rights – some efficiency review!

To responsibly pay off Australia’s massive $667 billion debt that the Australian Labor Party amassed under the Rudd-Gillard Era (2007-2013), cuts in government spending must be made. Australian taxpayer-funded Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) extracts $1.22 billion every year but The ABC Board…

Scott Morrison narrows the meaning of ‘refugee’ to deny cashed up illegal migrants transiting Indonesia

Indonesia’s incoming president Joko Widodo needs to realise that his predecessor Susilo Bang Bang Yudiono negligently allowed Indonesia to be used as a transit lounge for Turd World illegals en route to the Australian good life. Finally Australia’s Immigration Minister Scott Morrison…

Indian diaspora in Australia infatuated with Modi ought to return to India

The Indian prime minister’s visit to Australia this week has been an eye opener. Ordinary Australians watching the nightly news and observing over 20,000 Indian fans passionately treating PM Narendra Modi as a rock star in Sydney would be quite dumbfounded.  Even…

Carrington Public School Leftist ideas fed to young vulnerable minds

Australian parents of primary school children expect the basics of a good rounded education and healthy socialisation. But parents don’t expect their children to be indoctrinated at school with extremist ideology.  That is what cults are for – like the Church of…

Newcastle Herald’s Chad Watson deliberately confuses Australian nationalists with Sri Lankan christians

Andrew Bolt is right. Unbiased Fairfax is just as oxymoronic as Your Unbiased ABC. So we suggest Bolt should draw his attention to the Left’s mouthpiece in the Newcastle Herald – which is wholly owned, controlled and ideologically tainted by Fairfax Media.…

Victorian Liberals under Denis Napthine will grow Melbourne out to Ballarat

The Victorian Liberals are about real sprawl to supply stronger immigration! Big Australia demands a Big Melbourne pushing into a bigger urban Victoria.  The Victorian Liberal Coalition Government’s election platform declares that it wants to unlock regional Victoria’s growth potential to accommodate…

Australia Post missing mail crisis is symptomatic of the corrosion of our Public Service

How hard can it be to sort mail? And with that, Labor has regarded Australia’s postal service as the convenient dumping ground for unqualified immigrants, especially the non-English speaking boat people wanting the good life in Australia.   Unqualified non-English speaking Sri Lankans,…