We shall start the process to re-register Australia First Party – afresh

The National Council of Australia First Party has resolved to register the party – afresh. This follows correspondence from the Australian Electoral Commission which suggests the review process – because of certain legal requirements outside of the parameters of our application –…

Canberra to impose a Syrian Ghetto on Sydney’s West – Abbott’s last cultural fragging of Ordinary Australians

Liberal PM Tony Abbott’s last decision before being back-stabbed by his own in the Labor tradition, was to surrender to Leftist intimidation by declaring he would impose 12,000 Syrian Welfare Seekers on Sydney’s west and Melbourne’s north. Just days prior, PM Abbott…

Dave Hanna another union thug exposed for slush fund renovations like Julia Gillard in Abbotsford

Former Queensland BLF-come-CFMEU thug boss Dave Hanna has told the Royal Commission into Trade Union Corruption that he had little idea of what his new house was going to cost when he commissioned the project. Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk implicated with connections…

Mussies can’t touch this

American gun manufacturer Spikes Tactical in Florida has launched its ‘AR-15’ militia rifle for infidels which comes with a Bible verse and Knight’s Templar Cross etching. Dubbed ‘The Crusader‘, Spikes Tactical claims it is an “ISIS-proof” assault rifle that has raised the…

NSW Liberal Party Con Job in Penrith

We have said in the past that the Liberal Party linked anti Mosque ‘Protect Penrith’ group was a con job. We said that the ordinary rank and file person was being betrayed. Ironically, on December 9 2014 – the very next day…

Weak populist Abbott caves into Left lobby by prioritising 12,000 Syrian Welfare Seekers

Tony Abbott must have real budgies in his smugglers, because as a conservative PM, the elitist ‘mad monk’ certainly lacks dinkum Aussie balls. Whose a pretty blue neo-liberal boy then? The population of Arab World nation Syria is 23 million, close to…

A drowned toddler image on a beach could have secured millions for Thursday Islanders during Abbott’s visit

Australian Aborigines on Thursday Island could have done with Abbott’s refugee status. | As PM, Tony Abbott’s annual week roughing it in a remote Aboriginal community is no different to the tokenism of Kevin Rudd sleeping rough at a Vinnies CEO Sleepout.…

Merkel’s Germany the Promised Land for Arab Exodus driven by UN Agenda 21 Doctrine

Another civil war, another United Nations failure. But is it?  The United Nations’ Agenda 21 is actually on track.  It is all about driving the Third World to migrate out of poverty by fleeing to the ‘rich’ First World.  It is Ban…

Australia free trade agreement with China good for jobs – Chinese jobs downunder!

Australia’s Liberal PM Tony Abbott and Labor’s ex-PM Bob Hawke both selfishly spruik increasing trade with Communist China, claiming it will be good for jobs. They both mean Chinese jobs.  They ignore the risk of over-exposing Australia’s economy to this imperialist backward…

Illegals in Melbourne avoid visa crackdown in ‘Operation Fortitude’ due to sabotage by leftist peste Stephen Jolly

Australia’s Border Force yesterday was set to target heaps of foreign illegal visa fraudsters roaming the streets of Melbourne, when the Labor Party dobbed them in to their ‘dial-a-riot’ jolly Trotskyite peste, Stephen Jolly. Bad and mean and might unclean! Immediately, out…

Bendigo Bank to slush fund the Gillard witch’s islamic crusade in Bendigo

The Welsh witch is back! “..but I’m for gay marriage now!” Dumped former Labor PM Julia Gillard has come out of retirement from her $2m taxpayer-funded mansion in Beach Road Brighton SA to speak at an Islamic business conference today funded by…

China 7% growth as sure as its crowd control, or is it Yellow Carnage?

Australia dumbly has all its economic eggs in a China basket case.  Then came the Tianjin WorkCover Fireball and then yesterday, Black Monday, August 24, 2015. | Communist China is Turd World by any standard. | Chinese state (Communist Party) news agency…

Lost Lefties sadly resort to ripping into Australia’s democratic flag – Our Proud Southern Cross

“In Praise of Our Southern Cross (Eureka) Flag” by Dr Jim Saleam “It was told to us recently that certain pro globalist ‘unionists’ (read: traitors to the Australian workers) were going to launch a campaign to associate the Southern Cross – or…

Wharfie labour dispute with foreign owners – need for a ‘patriotic’ position, not old-time ‘socialism’

by Dr. Jim Saleam and another | Recent attempted sackings of waterside workers employed by the Hutchison Port Holdings (HPH) in Sydney and Brisbane show that privatisation continues to create job losses – while the threat of imported ‘contract labour’ is ever…

Auburn’s da efnic boil of Sydney

According to The Sydney Morning Herald (August 7, 2015), Sydney’s inner-west efnic enclave of Auburn is a “demographic hotspot”. Friggen politically correct understatement or what? Auburn has become a shithole for narcotics, drive-by shootings, matricide, home invasions, street gangs, break and enters,…

Marcus Cornish and his Protect Penrith ‘Stop the Mosques’ con job

by Jim Saleam and Jack Schmidt, “Councillor Marcus Cornish from Penrith Council has marketed himself as the main player in the struggle to ‘Stop The Mosques’ in Penrith City. Mr. Cornish is a Liberal and some of his supporters say that he…

Bianca Hall of the Fairfax Age must be in bed with the Jolly Red Wart

So the Jolly Red Wart has run squealing “death threats by online trolls” to Victorian Police, lying to police, misleading police and wasting police time over his fabricated unprovable claim – just to slur Aussies trying to defend our own country. Well…

Black African Islamics swarming by the thousands invading White Christian Europe

Islamic Africans are swarming by the thousands across the Mediterranean into White Christian Europe. Try half a million between 2012 and 2015. | White Christian culture of Europe is under attack from mass African Islamic migration. • Migrants make new attempts to…

Sarah Hanson Young in Italy to bring back African illegals to Australia

Queen of the illegals, Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, has gushed and rushed over to Italy to find and bring back as many African illegals as she can muster – at Aussie taxpayers’ expense of course. “Tragedies happen, accidents happen.” I will find…

2015 Labor Conference unearths the Plibersek Asylum

Another Loony Party conference unearths the Plibersek Asylum. | Bill Shorten: “When this conference opened, the nation paid attention.”  ..because Australians are fully shit-scared about what Labor has in store. Behold, the ‘Plibersek Asylum‘ era: The Left has my full support Labor…

Stephen Jolly’s leftist propaganda against Reclaim Australia conned the media, police and even celebrities

Ahead of the Aussie Patriots’ Rally in Melbourne on Saturday July 18, 2015, which was much publicised openly and nationally by the United Patriots’ Front; the Left was plotting and scheming. It must have been all led by leftist Yarra City councillor,…

The Age newspaper supports language of the Extreme Left, so no wonder Fairfax is going broke

Fairfax’s divisive attack article on Australians’ Reclaim Movement was sourced from known Leftist extremist who calls herself ‘Van Banham’ (not her real name – so we are investigating). Fairfax published her tirade last Tuesday, in its local Melbourne Age three days after…

Anti-Australian elitist culture most entrenched in parliamentary entitlements

Once in political office, the culture of elitism afflicts politicians in Australia.  They think they can claim taxpayer-funded entitlement to travel and attend friends’ weddings, visit wineries, take helicopter rides to political party fundraisers, have Italian suits tailored, arrange plush fit-out of…

Abbott’s KAFTA Free Trade with South Korea starting to fire up

In Australia, the Liberal and Labor ruling classes are embracing Free Trade with the two-bit Third World with missionary zeal. Korean products are already making their mark. Low Cost Samsung products are so cheap they are dangerously catching fire!   So who…