The National Council of Australia First Party has resolved to register the party – afresh.
This follows correspondence from the Australian Electoral Commission which suggests the review process – because of certain legal requirements outside of the parameters of our application – could drag on for up to over two months before our review is even considered.
In order that you are appraised, this correspondence said:
“I refer to your phone call to the AEC’s Funding and Disclosure Branch yesterday afternoon, regarding the Electoral Commission’s review of the decision to de-register Australia First Party (NSW) Incorporated.
As yet no date has been set for the Commission to meet and consider the review application. However, please note that given the intervention of the Canning by-election, during which period the AEC is prevented from taking certain action by virtue of s.127 of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918, it is unlikely that a decision on the review application will be made prior to the writs being returned for that by-election—that is, prior to 25 November 2015 at the latest.
I will be in touch in the event of any material developments. Please feel free to contact me again though if you have any further queries.
I trust you will find this information helpful.”
We know that our members, supporters and political allies do not want any delay in the party having registered status.
The National Council of the party noted that we have always had the membership to sustain registration but that we recently failed a ‘test’ carried out by the Australian Electoral Commission. Since that time, the party has also taken on additional members.
The organizing of the application will be advanced with speed and diligence.