Book; Book/Illustrated – 2011 https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/156364170 Title Pulpit Hill (1813-2013) : a nomination for heritage recognition / Australia First Party. Other Authors Saleam, Jim.Australia First Party. Published Blue Mountains, N.S.W. Australia First Party, 2011. Carrier Types other Physical Description 1 computer laser optical disc (CD-ROM).…

Wogball soccer wedges out traditional Aussie sporting codes toward White minority status

Foreign soccer is unleashing on Australia.  Foreign money has more power than local Aussie membership dues. Immigrant billionaire Frank Lowy has poured his Westfield profits into it since 2004 to appeal to ethnics who can’t play Aussie contact sports.  It’s a multicultural…

Holden’s last Australian car to drive another 950 workers to casualisation and Men’s Sheds

Not a good day for Australian enterprise and industrial independence.  Today Holden shuts down its Elizabeth car production line in northern Adelaide ending 69 years of Australian-made car manufacturing. It opened in 1963 and the first fully-built Aussie model was the Holden…

Australian Nationalists won’t curry favour with Gautam Adani: Indian curry munching rapists bugger off!

Gautam Adani, it’s like this see.  Australia has the most coal in the world which can supply all the energy Australians need for the next millennia.  But the globalist Greens want 100% energy renewables to de-industrialise us until we are Third World. …

Islamic Ahmed Fahour the halal cash drainer of Australia Post

So we see another overpaid Arab rorting Australian taxpayers while sacking 1900 posties, installing dodgy asylum seeker scab labour and ripping the integrity out of a once proud vital national public service. The arrogant Islamic Ahmed Fahour and his $5.6 million salary package…

Gerard Henderson’s ignorant attempt to rewrite Australian History to some Liberal-Globalist agenda

History wars yet again. Globalist-Liberal Gerard Henderson on his propaganda channel The Sydney Institute, ignorantly slurs Ned Kelly as a “terrorist”.  When some ideologue brands themselves an “institute”, you know they’re spruiking a propaganda agenda.  In this case, a stooge of the…

Australian Navy’s welcoming of Japanese submarine into Sydney Harbour is a national disgrace

At 11am today, Friday April 15, 2016, our Royal Australian Navy escorted a Japanese submarine and two of their destroyers through our Sydney Harbour heads. What a bloody disgrace!  What an despicable insult to the thousands of Australian Diggers, Sailors and Airmen…

PRESS RELEASE: Dr Jim Saleam to contest ‘Lindsay’ in 2016 federal election

Dr Jim Saleam, the president of Australia First Party, will contest the far-western Sydney seat of Lindsay in the 2016 federal election. One of the campaign’s foci will be exposing  the Liberal Party’s ulterior game-play up to deflect the people’s attention off…

Lost Lefties sadly resort to ripping into Australia’s democratic flag – Our Proud Southern Cross

“In Praise of Our Southern Cross (Eureka) Flag” by Dr Jim Saleam “It was told to us recently that certain pro globalist ‘unionists’ (read: traitors to the Australian workers) were going to launch a campaign to associate the Southern Cross – or…

Chinese Shenhua Watermark mine gets corrupt approval by both Labor and Liberals

How can Liberal Party approval for a massive open cut coal mine in the verdant Liverpool Plains, be anything but corrupt?  Both the Abbott and Baird Liberal governments have done just that. That they are prepared to destroy Australian agriculture in the…

SBS Scott McIntyre sacked, unemployable, now on struggle street

Adelaide journalist Chris Kenny is right in the Sunday Mail on May 3, 2015: “Every day, journalists, politicians and so-called progressive (Leftist) commentators voice disdain for mainstream Australians. And the latest controversial example shows just how badly out of touch this (Leftist)…

Peter Fitzsimons a Leftist apologist for race riots by foreigners against Australians

The anti-Australian prejudice propagated on ethnic SBS Television’s ‘The Great Australian Race Riot‘ series is a disgraceful one-sided fabrication of historic truth. Fairfax Leftist journalist and otherwise bandana’d Peter Fitzsimons, seems to have missed out covering the many riots by illegals trying…

Gough Whitlam’s Racial Discrimination Act 1975 was about his white-anting White Australia

Under Gough Whitlam’s Racial Discrimination Act 1975, Australians became prohibited from offending nonAustralians. It was all about Gough’s personal penchant for white-anting White Australia of Whites through the socialist cult of multiculturalism.   Aside from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia, Australia was…

Carrington Public School Leftist ideas fed to young vulnerable minds

Australian parents of primary school children expect the basics of a good rounded education and healthy socialisation. But parents don’t expect their children to be indoctrinated at school with extremist ideology.  That is what cults are for – like the Church of…

Muslims reject Team Australia because they are ethnic first, not Australian

Last week, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott called on Labor’s imported Islamics to speak out against extremism and to embrace “Team Australia”, and said the national flag should always be flown alongside any other flag. PM Abbott had an Islamic community leader…

Arrogant Abe accepts Abbott’s trade-begging surrender

Today, Australia’s Prime Minister Tony Abbott formally surrenders more Australian wealth to Japan and humiliates Australia’s serving men and women, past and present. Abbott has invited Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to our Australian nation’s capital Canberra to formally sign an economic…

Sydney’s housing squalour ignored by Clover Moore’s counter-culture narcissism

Sydney’s Mayor Clover Moore is all about imposing her counter culture on the rest of us. She wants for her city of Sydney some Leftist idealistic fancy of utopian pedestrianism contradicted under an increasingly ugly Hong Kong like skyline filled with asian…

Ned Kelly’s family are finally allowed to bury their Edward, despite again the Victorian Government

An Australian legend is finally to be given a decent burial by his family 132 years after being hung by the Victorian Government in 1880. Irish-Australian bushranger, rebel, Ned Kelly, will be finally laid to rest by his family this weekend at…

Red Cross bans Christmas to pander to Leftist fanatics

HO, HO, HO , Merry Christmas! Ring the bells! It’s Christmas! Christmas Blessings to one and all! If you’re standing on Western soil, you are most heartily welcome to be apart of our traditional festive Christmas season of giving, joy, remembrance and…

Only Jap memorial for Darwin to be one of a Digger bayoneting a Jap combatant

The Liberals in Darwin want a memorial to “honour the Japanese who died” in their bombing raid on Australian soil in 1942. Surely we can’t be hearing this? Country Liberal Party (CLP) leader and Chief Minister of the Northern Territory, Terry Mills,…

A Very Watery Conspiracy in the Hawkesbury

The Sydney Metropolitan Region Water Plan has it that the farmers’ use of water from the Hawkesbury River will be cut to about 16% of current usage. In theory, the water plan has been set in motion to save the Hawkesbury River.…