A Very Watery Conspiracy in the Hawkesbury

The Sydney Metropolitan Region Water Plan has it that the farmers’ use of water from the Hawkesbury River will be cut to about 16% of current usage. In theory, the water plan has been set in motion to save the Hawkesbury River.

This plan will kill off over $600 million of farm and related production from the economy of North-West Sydney. It will push farmers off their land and compel Sydney’s needs for many types of vegetables and for chickens and eggs – to be provided via road and rail transport from hundreds of kilometres away.

Australia First Party rejects any idea that the plan has much to do with rescuing the natural heritage of the Hawkesbury.

It is also part of metropolitan planning that some 5,000 new dwellings are slated for the Hawkesbury City area and some 40,000 plus homes for the Penrith City Council area.

It would be frightfully convenient if the farmers went broke and were forced to sell their properties.

Indeed, the Metropolitan Development Plan has already discussed the possibility of ‘relocating’ farms further away in order to release land for housing.

Is this a case of the bureaucrats nodding and winking, like Al Capone to Frank Nitti. Our bureaucrats discuss natural needs while everyone knows that means housing, just as ‘community needs’ to Al and Frank might have meant booze imports.

Let the farmers stay put. By all means let there be sensible regulation of water usage, but let priorities be worked through. The natural ravages brought be creating entirely new farmland and ‘importing’ foods to Sydney more than outweigh destroying the farms of North West Sydney.

This watery conspiracy must be rejected by the voters of North West Sydney. Only two parties might make the promise to resist – ourselves and the Greens. We can be trusted because we will say no to immigration, whilst the Greens lost in the haze of race and refugees and all the rest of it – will stab you in the back.