News Corp’s hostile media campaign to oust Peta Credlin because she wouldn’t play Murdock’s Cabinet leaking game

News Corp Australia’s nationally circulated article in The Australian newspaper of February 23, 2015, reproduced in the public interest, (save it be deleted):   ‘Ten things we have learned about Peta Credlin’   “PETA Credlin’s extraordinary power and influence over Prime…

Multiculturalism invites barbarians to practice their tribal customs

Sunday Telegraph journalist Piers Akerman was right in his opinion piece (April 6, 2014, p.32) raising serious concerns about how Australian courts are immorally accepting “cultural differences” as ­ mitigating factors to excuse abhorrent crimes inflicted by imported muslim men upon Australian…

Lebanese Hockey gets his crony way for 24 hour Beirut Badgerys International and Freight Airport

North Sydney Liberal MP Joe Hockey enjoys his corporate lunches and his domestic flights out of convenient Mascot to Canberra, but gets frustrated by the road congestion and flight delays.  He thinks that moving all the international and noisy freight flights out…

Feb 19: Imperial Japanese Bombing of Darwin

Just before 10am on February 19, 1942, Darwin was attacked by the Japanese in the first of two air raids under the command of Naval Captain Mitsuo Fuchida, who had ten weeks earlier bombed Pearl Harbour. Darwin, the largest population centre in…

Australians don’t bank with the Bendigo Bank, it supports Islam and Sharia Law

According Australian Conservative, Christian and Army veteran, Bernard Gaynor, Bendigo Bank has effectively converted to Islam. So perhaps we can expect its management to be off to Syria soon to raghead it with ISIL.  His following article appeared on on Apr…

Chinese poo berries just the beginning of China’s Free Trade dumping on Australians

Chinese faecal contamination of Nanna’s brand frozen mixed berries has got Coles, Woolworths, and IGA clearing shelves across Australia.  Manufacturer Patties Foods is doing a national recall. Our health authorities have issued public alerts for hepatitis A.  Food Standards Australian and New…

Australian food labelling can’t be trusted unless you don’t mind Hep A faeces in your frozen berries

In the past week, eight Australians shopping at local supermarkets have contracted hepatitis A virus after eating Nanna’s frozen mixed berries secretly imported on the cheap from Third World China. So far Australia has three hepatitis A cases in Victoria, two in…

Warnervale China Theme Park: New Allegations Demand ICAC Inquiry

[by Dr. Jim Saleam and Lorraine Sharp].   Australia First Party has received an item of anonymous correspondence which makes new allegations against the China Theme Park being secretly planned for Warnervale on the NSW Central Coast. The party has published in…

Western governments appeasing the Islamic threat at home, fuel growing vigilantism

United States President, Barack Hussein Obama, in October 2014, during an interview on French TV, insisted that the United States of America should be considered a “Muslim country.”  Obama claimed that because the Democrats have embraced 4.5 million immigrants who identify as…

Joko Widodo could be shaking hands with a drug dealer, should Plibersek become PM

On July 9, 2014, when 252 million Indonesians voted for the future of their nation, they chose between anti-corruption, anti-crime outsider Joko Widodo or for the continuation of the corrupt old Suharto order led by former general Prabowo Subianto. Some 53% of…

Australian civil resistance builds against Muslim mosque invasion

Liberal puppet of Sydney’s outer working class suburb Penrith, Councillor Marcus Cornish, is pro-Immigration and pro-Muslims – as many as he can attract to invade Penrith. Traitor! Penrith people won’t have a bar of his halal treachery.  There are deep tensions in…

Australian Labor Human Rights abuse allowing 52,000 boat illegals and 1000 deaths at sea

Taxpayer Socialists in political bed together. LGBT? – take your pick.   So, Julia Gillard-appointed Leftist Gillian Triggs deliberately waited until Labor and its mass boat people policy was out of power before appropriating more than $10 million in Australian taxpayers money…

Bendigo Bank mosque impost is Anti-Australian

Bendigo Bank is trying to raise funds to impose a massive $3 million Islamic mosque in Australia’s regional city of Bendigo in Victoria.  The mosque is planned to be built in Rowena Street in East Bendigo near the airport so that foreign…

Overseas trained teachers invited to steal Australian teaching jobs – tell ’em to bugger off!

New South Wales Department of Education and Communities (Baird Liberal Government): “As one of the largest employers in the southern hemisphere, the NSW Department of Education and Communities values the contribution our qualified, overseas teachers make in our multicultural school communities.  With…

Immigrants stealing Australian jobs are fueling our growing underclass

Many ordinary Aussies are being forced on to the Centrelink scrap heap because of immigrants arriving in Australia at the rate of 400,000 every year, stealing Australian jobs and livelihoods. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), in March 2013, Australia’s resident…

Liberal backbench impatience playing into Labor hands, a medium term boon for Australia First

To those following Australian politics, the 24-hour ‘fly-crawling-up-the-wall‘ media cycle seems to have infected regional party politics with mutiny.  Media froth and lather over an insignificant ‘knighthood pick‘ seems enough to condemn the master of a steady ship in a storm to…

Campbell Newman was selling out Queensland, including Yorkeys Knob to Hong Kong gamblers

Queensland risks another Anna Bligh spend thrift in all-promises, Labor’s Annastacia Palaszczuk, but at least she won’t be selling off Queensland to foreigners, or will she?. Campbell Newman is leaving politics, which is good news for Queensland’s assets. Public asset flogger, military…

Money for foreign wars, but no money for Australian homelessness or drug-addiction

A recent report establishes that since 1999 Australia has spent $15 Billion on foreign wars. This massive sum was largely spent on the Middle East where Australia has no business.  The ‘war on terror’ has purpose only to the New World Order.…

Study in Australia: Our Higher Education Sector fuels cheats for immigration

What do you call a non-English speaker with a English-based university degree? A cheat! But Australian universities don’t care. Our tragic higher education sector is so starved of funds and so desperate for cash that they let in anyone paying cash up…