Australian family values deserve recognition and strengthening

Australia First Party promotes national social policies to strengthen and protect our traditional Australian family.

As Australians, our interest is wholly within Australia in this regard.

Australian Values

While not seeking to be prescriptive, nor to interfere with how individual families function in private; Australia First Party very consciously recognises that a happy and robust Australian family unit vitally underpins Australian communities and so Australian society broadly.

Nothing else is more important than family.

Our members and candidates remind us that corrosion of traditional Australian family values tears at the fabric of our cohesive Western Christian society.

Dysfunctional families spill over into dysfunctional communities. Indigenous Australians know this all too well.  Much sociological research shows that poverty and violence are typically the root causes. The damaging consequences and social costs that ensue fester for generations akin to community civil unrest.

So we draw up Australia’s own long-accepted core societal values for all Australian citizens to recognise and aspire towards.  We posit these are those of decency, friendly trust and fair go, mateship and generosity, as fierce upholders of democratic rights, expectant of individual initiative and self-reliance, work ethic, valuing self-education and economic opportunity, health and well-being, individual freedoms with self-discipline, of personal and community responsibility, of modern Christian values or otherwise of just basic morality and ethics. There will be others inadvertently missed.

Where did Australians pick up and ingrain all such virtues?

Obviously, from our parents (through ours/their upbringing), at primary school, from then when malleable adolescents from both female and male role models who we respected. Basically, as normal impressionable young Australians growing up in the rough and tumble of Australia.

These Australian societal values we take for granted, but we shouldn’t. These values serve us as a suite of the mores that underpin our culture and binds us.  To a passing outsider, this suite of implied values are complex and not first glance understandable.   In time they come around to recognise that Australians as a traditional people are distinctive, and that the Australian continent is indeed the best country on Earth.

It is by no accident.

These attributes are particular to traditional Australians, which we value and defend.  They deserve recognition and strengthening.  Outsiders admire these values, which is often only realised when Aussies travel abroad and meet up with foreign strangers and smile and just say: “Gidday !

Australians should not take for granted the emotional wealth of our generous spirit and of who we are. We need to appreciate this more and defend what we and our forefathers have established.  Perhaps only those born and bred Aussies who have at their own ‘grand tour‘ volition, travelled far and wide throughout rural Australia, then overseas to experience diverse cultures – can perhaps relate.

Thereafter, can there be anything better than arriving back in familiar friendly decent Australia?  Join Australia First Party.

All Aussie youths must travel far and wide, to return on their personal terms as grown Australians.

Australia Forever

We draw upon the spirit and resilience and Australian Constitution which timelessly and faithfully reassures all Australians of traditional social values, so permitting liberal alterations only through proper democratic referenda.

Traditional social values underpin a broad sociopolitical ideology supported by the Australia First Party.

Traditional Australia comprises the mainstream of Australian families historically derived mainly from Britain. But with others who have called Australia home post-1788 European colonisation, post-1901 Federation, distinct from Britain as Australians we have struggling together united through pioneering hardship, through wars, economic recessions and good times alike.

These are the successive generations of Australians who have grown up here, and relied upon parental values, improving, modernising and passing on those values from generation to generation to being a distinct people.

Australian Traditional Family

There are many family value issues that challenge the modern Australian community.

We say draw upon your Australian traditional values and judge only after you explore the knowledge available.

In principle, Australian traditional family values support modern Christian values, traditional social values, ‘heteronormativity(the only prescriptive more to which we adhere), the rights of the child, the rights of the woman over her own body, traditional mother and father roles with mutual respect, economic opportunity and prosperity within the family unit, tolerance of indiscretions, equal rights, opportunities, hope and nurturing for girls and boys without pressure, stigma or prejudice, pragmatic workplace respect for work-life balance for parents, parental access to relationship counselling, parental access to services for mental health, stress, and drug and alcohol dependencies.

Like most parents, Australian parents provide and want the best for their sons and daughters.

Pioneering Australians - Frederick McCubbin

We shall continue this important and sensitive topic in a future article under the topic search category: ‘Strengthen the Family‘.