Cranbourne Election – Susan Jakobi does well advancing the Nationalist Cause

As the returns in the Victorian election continue to come in, Susan Jakobi in Cranbourne has done well to receive 942 votes or 2.22%, with almost 74% of the possible vote so-far counted. Reasonably, Susan will reach over 1,100 votes.

As Australia First Party says:

“We don’t have voters, we have followers.”

Whenever and wherever we contest a poll, we invariably draw out the solid nationalist minded vote.  We always demonstrate that there is a growing pool of Australians prepared to put their hands up for a nationalist programme, that there are people who put a principle first and who are unconcerned with the calumny heaped upon the party by its opponents and media propagandists.

We thank our followers who turned out for us.

We must acknowledge the many helpers and donors who made the campaign. We should also note some persons from other groups who lent a hand. They all know who they are and they are sincerely thanked.

Susan Jakobi deserves a special thanks, having put in many hours on the ground in shopping centres and at pre-poll, and for those personal calls she made upon particular supporters in the electorate.  Susan has shown herself to be a grassroots campaigner and she now says to many activists, particularly younger ones, that meeting Australians face to face far outweighs chatting on-line.

As a result of her efforts, some people will be joining the party

The campaign also threw up a very curious anomaly.  As Victoria’s population explodes and European-background people in Melbourne lurch towards minority status, the ‘multiculti fairyland‘ is fracturing.

Comments to our workers on the polling booths from this or that non-European migrant group member against another migrant group were common and the tiniest sliver of non-European persons decided to vote for Susan because our campaign criticised something (in their minds ‘someone’?) they felt strongly about.  While of course we shall not be turning that fact into a new version of civic-patriotism, it is simply noted.

Australia First Party operates to what we call a three-tier method of political struggle.

  1. We contest elections.
  2. We engage in community action and all manner of grassroots activism.
  3. We wage a fight to develop a new ideology to counter liberal globalism and thus participate in all areas of the cultural defence of our national identity and heritage.

We regard each tier as vital to the other and suggest that they sum to a dynamic method.

In Victoria, Australia First Party has an important role to play.  We remain a Federally registered nationalist party and we will be contesting the 2019 Federal election.

We hope that our campaign will highlight the super-development of Melbourne into a city dominated by new colonisers and China via its ‘educity’ at Werribee and the new fast-trains and development precincts that main the subjection of the national economy to Chinese imperialism.


Beware the Chinese re-colonisation of Australia – mass jaundiced immigration, fake students, edu-cities to house their fake students, Chinatowns, Mao confucius propaganda institutes, Beijing spies, property acquisitions, yuan bribes to politicians, One Belt One Way Road infrastructure loans – Chinese way or else!


It is our belief these issues should re-invigorate the nationalist movement in Victoria just as the Cranbourne campaign showed a basic campaign can reach concerned Australians.  Thanks again to all.

One battle over. Another begins!