Book; Book/Illustrated – 2011 https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/156364170 Title Pulpit Hill (1813-2013) : a nomination for heritage recognition / Australia First Party. Other Authors Saleam, Jim.Australia First Party. Published Blue Mountains, N.S.W. Australia First Party, 2011. Carrier Types other Physical Description 1 computer laser optical disc (CD-ROM).…

Australia Week for True Blue Aussies

Things True Blue Australians ought to consider doing this coming Australia Week, a time for celebrating and kicking back. While the big day is January 26th and this year blows in on a Sunday, Australia’s national week for the uninitiated unofficially kicks…

Hey White Aussie, try getting a job

What in the city?  Employers have got the upper hand and expect epic work experience to selfishly avoid the cost and effort of training new recruits. The big companies typically only offer casual contracts, else pay crap wages like in slave cadetships,…

Vibrant and enriching diversity brawl breaks out in Multicultural Melbourne

Multicultural Melbourne is working like a dream, a bad dream that is.  What happens when a gang of unemployed African offspring walk into Alfreida Street in Melbourne’s St Albans? Well, Christmas Day and the Vietnamese owner of pork roll joint Sông Hương…

Wogball soccer wedges out traditional Aussie sporting codes toward White minority status

Foreign soccer is unleashing on Australia.  Foreign money has more power than local Aussie membership dues. Immigrant billionaire Frank Lowy has poured his Westfield profits into it since 2004 to appeal to ethnics who can’t play Aussie contact sports.  It’s a multicultural…

Fraser Anning’s First Speech reflects raw Aussie sentiment

What a breath of fresh air Senator Fraser Anning is? This is his maiden speech to the Australian Parliament (as reproduced here in full). He has said some very important things. However, we are aware and should point out to our supporters…

Greens drive national euthanasia final solution to deal with older Australians

Another leftard agenda, killing palliative patients, has been approved by Dan Andrew’s Labor state government in Victoria.  The Greens are leading the charge, supplanting ISIS as da new death cult. Last week, Victoria’s Upper House passed voluntary euthanasia laws which is a…

Australia First Party re-registration approved by AEC – Proudly Australia’s Nationalist Party!

Australia First Party remains a registered Federal party. A letter outlining this decision was received some little while ago.   The President of the party, Dr. Jim Saleam thanks members: “The party would thank all its members who affirmed their membership and…

Dr Jim Saleam on the Australian Nationalist Tradition

Dr Jim Saleam speaks on Australian Nationalism, the Alt-Right and Conservatism in Australia, answering some important questions in response to emergent changes and influences. Click on image to link to our Facebook site:

Media bias coverage called out by True Blue Crew reflecting on their Melbourne Rally

by True Blue Crew, June 25, 2017 (originally entitled ‘Media Predictably Skews T.B.C. Rally as Anti-Racist Event’) https://unitednationalistsaustralia.wordpress.com/2017/06/25/media-predictably-skews-t-b-c-rally-as-anti-racist-event/ | Anyone surprised that the mainstream media intentionally skewed the reporting of yesterday’s Australian Pride Rally organised by the True Blue Crew, should yield…

Jun 25: Australian Pride Rally in Melbourne

WHEN?     Sunday, June 25 2017 from 11:30am to 2pm (forecast weather is cold, sunny, calm) WHO?       Hosted by the True Blue Crew, with many supporting Australian nationalists and patriots WHERE?   Meet outside front of (south side) Royal Exhibition Building, Carlton Gardens, Melbourne…

Jun 17: Henry Lawson at 150 years: Prophet of the nationalist and people’s struggle

by Dr. Jim Saleam and others   Today is the 150th anniversary of the birth of Australia’s national prophet, Henry Lawson. Local people in the old gold town of Grenfell will honour him today and other groups of Australians in many locales…

Stawell Gift a Chariots of Fire spirit of unique Australian sporting heritage since 1878

Young Australians make us proud. Matthew Rizzo and Vic Ryan win this year’s Stawell Gift, Victoria’s Wimmera, Australia’s own footrace – on grass, on handicap, up-slope and over 130 yards. The two Aussie teenagers won respectively in 13.72 and 12.10 seconds. Viv…

Australia’s brilliant satirist John Clarke dies at 68, even though he was a bloody tough daggy Kiwi

No way at just 68! This author is devastated, having a treasured memory of a close yet brief association some years ago of a brilliant, witty, true and affable soul of enormous yet untapped potential. A funny bloody genuine larrikin Aussie or…

Waltzing Matilda remains Australia’s true National Anthem

None of the ‘girt by sea’ wally codswallop, Banjo Paterson’s Waltzing Matilda ballad will always remain Australia’s true national anthem. It’s all about the Aussie Fair Go spirit. Bugger the Whitlaming of Australia’s traditions.  The globalist anti White Australian bigot, Gough Whitlam…

“Bad King Prawns” judged Friday’s best ‘Chuck a Sickie’ excuse – a tribute to Grant King

Friday 27 Jan:  “Boss I bought these king prawns from Coles for Oz Day, now I’m sick as a dog so can’t come in & there’s no doctor open to get a certificate” – judged best ‘Chuckn a Sickie‘ excuse for the…

Reclaim May Day

Last Sunday, May 1 2016, Australia First Victoria acknowledged the traditional Australian May Day, a celebration of the working class. We held a graveside vigil to honour the lasting legacy of William Guthrie Spence – True Trade Union Nationalist, political agitator and…

A-League soccer an imported violent scourge against Australia’s proud sporting heritage

That a Sydney Telegraph journalist for a newspaper article exposing ethnic thuggery in soccer, then received death threats, well deserves its republication below.  Australians are proud of our rights to free speech, and if the ethnics don’t like it then they can…