1. Australian Nationalism is the ideology of Australian self-affirmation which developed in the flowering of our Cultural Springtime (1870 – 1890) and then, inspired and nurtured the formation of a Nation in the period congruent to the ‘Federation movement’ (1895 – 1901).


  1. Australian Nationalism, at its origin, had as its mythic core three essential components that grew separately in the Australian firmament and which were then melded (synthesised). These elements were: Nativism, Labourism, (literary) Radical-Nationalism. Each was singular to our country, but they operated as a dynamic synergy, a union of thought and action.


  1. Australian Nationalism was Nativist. This thought defined and explained a European people which formed on a new Continent with new experiences, which did not recognize the national ‘divisions’ of the Old Continent, but permitted the fusion of ethnic stocks. Most importantly of all, this new people nativized itself to its soil, meaning that while it certainly inherited the high principles of a common European Civilisation, articulated itself according to the national terrain. It was possible therefore to speak of an Australian People and an Australian Identity.


  1. Australian Nationalism was Labourist. This thought maintained the validity and nobility of labour, and proclaimed that with equality of opportunity the working Australian could achieve a veritable Working Man’s Paradise on the Continent. A class war – not necessarily of the lesser-off against the better-off, but of the producer against the non-productive, of those who felt the beat of the Nation against those who were loyal to the British Empire, or to the emerging empire of finance capital – would deliver the people’s state.


  1. Australian Nationalism was Radical in intent and scope because its most articulate men and women conceived our land would make a ‘break’ with what was wrong with the Old Continent; here in this land, they observed a ‘Vision Splendid’, a new nation and nationality free of the class divisions and faulted hierarchies of privilege, a land self-reliant and enlightened people, with an essential equality of men and women living out a destiny of its own and minding its own business without the stain of imperialism.


  1. However, the Promise of the New Nation existed side by side with the ‘foreign’, which maintained itself in wealth and its imperial connections. A political and cultural and class war continued without cease. There were victories and defeats in the long decades after Federation. There were the machinations of the traitor class to stymie the Promise and enslave the country to international finance capital and whichever foreign state best represented it.


  1. Australian Nationalism ultimately reached a new moment, an apogee, in the articulation of an Australia First position on culture and politics around PR Stephensen in the 1930s, and then, in the defence under arms of the Nation in the Great Patriotic War Against Japan This war, waged by a Hero of the Nation John Curtin, saw if just for a moment, Australia taking independence and setting itself upon a path for the realisation of the Nationalist mythos. But it was not to be.


  1. Australian Nationalism then suffered in the long sleep, 1949 – 1975, with an organized fragmentation of community into suburbanism and consumerism, and the foul birth of multiculti after the White Australia Policy was abandoned in 1966. Thereafter, our society was further riven by every aspect of cultural liberalism. Our country and its implicit Nationalism suffered because the conservative regime had operated a faked anti communist patriotism, which like the imperial patriotism after the Great War, lulled our People into a false sense of security won by commitments to foreign alliances and foreign wars and which blinded it to the point where few could say what patriotism actually meant. And all while, the traitor class set out to internationalize Australia and decades later, to globalize it.


  1. Australian Nationalism was reborn at first as a reaction to the abandonment of the ‘White Australia’ principle, with the clarion call to resistance taken up by diverse persons and groups which developed as a continuous stream of struggle after 1966. As the movements formed and re-formed, lessons were accumulated which were passed on to other fighters. However, as difficult as it is to state, the trend over time has been one of defeat. The traitor class carried on a revolution from above which showed there was not a social base or a cultural enclave which would not be contested by its stronger forces against those of the resistance. This class shattered every element of Australian certainty from earlier periods, particularly Industrial Protection and the Social Welfare principle. All became money and the scramble for wealth. Ultimately, the traitor class set out to explode family and gender. It promised a nirvana or existence in exchange for loyalty.


  1. Australian Nationalism in the new century is an ideology of renewal because it is situated in a period which threatens the dissolution of the Nation. The forces of globalism are in the ascendant. It moves towards a New World Order of open borders and trade, the relativity of identity with the sanction of violence against its opponents. Australian Nationalism, drawing upon its mythic core qualities, its long history of ongoing revelation, the lengthy period of struggle after its rebirth from the national slumber, has continued to locate political vehicles to wage its struggles and now would escalates it all to another level. It is end-game politics. Australian Nationalism locates new and compatible thought on matters of organization attuned to modern social facts. As Australian Nationalism is the ideology which would replace globalist ideology as the guiding star of the Nation. Ideology can only neaten by ideology and the force which attends the Nationalist ideology must overcome the force that upholds globalism. In the final conflict, there is no promise of the sureness of victory, only the certainty of the struggle. We stand in the company of the heroes of our past – towards ‘Australia’s darkest, but grandest day’ (Lawson).