The ‘Ballaarat Lawyer’ tries to be a hero of the Farquharson Inquiry effort

by Dr. Jim Saleam   So-called ‘social justice’ lawyer, Luke McMahon, has hung up his shingle in Ballaarat.  His website’s blurb suggest he wants to be known in his new town as one who not only represents ‘causes’, but who serves the common…


On April 1, Australia First Party member Nathan Sykes was sentenced to a 19-month Intensive Correction Order. This was the decision of a woke judge who refused to entertain any of the evidence Mr. Sykes’s legal team attempted to introduce. You can…

Fairfax Anarchism (Part 6) – When Fairfax-anarchism met the Nazis: a license to troll

by Dr. Jim Saleam. | This is Part Six in an ongoing investigation and expose of the anarchist / Antifa movement and the strange concessions made to it by state and media forces. (NB. When discussing Fairfax, the author is referring to…

Fairfax Anarchism (Part 3): Exposed! Call for information about anarchist leader

by Dr. Jim Saleam. | This is Part Three in an ongoing investigation and expose of the anarchist / Antifa movement and the strange concessions made to it by state and media forces. (NB. When discussing Fairfax, the author is referring to…

Fairfax Anarchism (Part 1): ‘Victimised’ journalist and lawyer was really anarchist leader

by Dr. Jim Saleam. | This is Part One in an ongoing investigation and expose of the anarchist / Antifa movement and the strange concessions made to it by state and media forces. (NB. When discussing Fairfax, the author is referring to…

Ding-Dong! Leftie Fairfax is Dead

Fairfax fake news has finally met its natural demise.  On July 26 2018, the Fairfax board sold out to Nine Entertainment for $2.1 billion. No more dead cat bounces about restructures, consolidations and excuses.  After 177 years the Leftie propaganda machine is…

Not many dead cat bounces left for Fairfax – its leftard readers don’t earn and so don’t pay

Are there any staff left at Fairfax Media?  We know all the journos have long been shafted, turning up at online men shed’s scribbling troll columns preaching anarchy – the ABC, Crikey, New Matilda, The Monthly, The Conservation, The Guardian, HuffPost, Saturday…

Trolls like Luke McMahon drive Hywood to discard Fairfax rag mastheads to TPG vultures in San Francisco

Fairfax leftist value is explicit in the TPG Capital’s takeover offer for Domain so it can asset fire-sale the trolling mastheads SMH/Age/AFR quick smart, and bugger Stan.  San Francisco headquartered TPG Capital is all about leveraged buyout – fancy pawnbroking of desperate…

Newsflash: Extreme Left Activist identified in Attack Plot

A confidential source has named ‘Yousef’ in connection to a plan to organize serious assaults upon two Sydney nationalists. The two nationalists are Jim Saleam and Nathan Sykes. Yousef is a passionate ‘refugee advocate’ and a member of the Communist Workers’ Party…

Fairfax hate article by antifa troll Luke McMahon confirms desperation of the dying newspaper

Clearly ‘someone’ is more than upset with Australia First Party. The Sydney Morning Herald’s latest editor, Lisa Davies, last Sunday paid a serial antifa troll from Melbourne, Luke McMahon, to scribe lies, fabricated slurs, false association in a hateful troll attack to…