Muslims Metastasizing Lakemba

When South Western Sydney’s traditional working class Lakemba Hotel (Est. 1928) offers a Ramadan eating schedule in its bistro, Sydney’s muslim cancer has metastasized. Lakemba is now engulfed by waves of Islamics circling its hotel.  Staff are being harrassed by imported Muslims…

Mike Baird the Liberal Party’s muslim lover downunder

Australia is a Western secular nation holding liberal Christian beliefs and values.  But try telling Liberal Party’s Mike Baird, the unelected premier of New South Wales. Yesterday Mike Baird declared himself a “friend” of foreign muslims speaking to thousands of Islamic worshippers…

In secular Australia, the only good mosque is a bulldozed one

Thanks to the Foreign Labor Party’s policies of open door immigration, multiculturalism, ethnic ghetto concentration and corrupt immigration officials, Sydney has amassed a population of 170,000 muslims! Sydney Muslims are getting worse. Now with their numbers they are demanding special rights and…

Australians protest the breeding islamic enemy within

Foreign Islamic extremist cult, Hizb ut Tahrir, has set itself up as an Islamic State enemy on Australian soil. LibLab governments running our country have been socialistic lax and treasonable allowing such extremist anti-Ausytralian enemies to setup and flourish in Australia. Clearly,…

Islamic Sharia extremism pushes its bigoted weight around Sydney

Want to feel the rath of Islamic extreme prejudice? No need to pilgrimage to Mecca or Yemen, just drive out to western Sydney. Last week reported in Sydney’s Sunday Telegraph April 07, 2013, mourners at the Auburn Gallipoli Mosque were told they…

Occupy Melbourne aligns with Sharia Law Muslims to protest against Wilders

Dutch politician, Geert Wilders, gave his first Australian speech in Melbourne yesterday. He says that his aim is to  raise Western awareness about the serious threats of Islam to a country like Australia. He opposes the “Islamisation” of the Netherlands and has…

Sydney’s first Muslim beheading, Nice.

Australians should be very wary about the dangers of continuing government policy allowing the mass immigration of Muslims into Australia. Australians need to look at the socially corrosive European experiences of Britain, Holland, Germany, Spain, France and elsewhere across Western Europe, and…

Blair’s invited Muslim Invasion of Britain forewarns of an Australian wakeup call

Be very, very careful what you wish for when incumbent government grows so unpopular as to provoke public frustration and angst such to legitimise rebound approval of the incumbent opposition party. But such an electoral outcome could well mean leaping from an…

Australia’s national police cannot deal with contemporary violence

The rampaging mobs of Moslem activists are symptomatic of a deep crisis building in Australia’s cities. Yet they have done Australians a perverse favour – opening their eyes to the danger! The LibLabs have let these alien masses in unconditionally.  The Australian…

Islamic intimidation: Australia could learn from the Dutch experience

Last year a Dutch court acquitted populist politician Geert Wilders of hate speech and discrimination Thursday, ruling that his anti-Islam statements, while offensive to many Muslims, fell within the bounds of legitimate political debate. Presiding judge Marcel van Oosten said Wilders’ claims…

Leftist Labor’s dogma corroding Australia’s Nation State

Pre-Chifley, Australia not without its shortcomings, was a foundational social phase of a cohesive Nation State.  Australian pioneers and the harsh wide landscape shaped our nation from the bush into the cities. They forged their own wealth and built our nation. It…

Failed multiculturalism in Holland means Dutch no longer feel at home in Holland

The following appeared last week in the Sydney Herald Sun by journalist Andrew Bolt: The Netherlands, where six per cent of the population is now Muslim, is scrapping multiculturalism: “The Dutch government says it will abandon the long-standing model of multiculturalism that…