A Very Watery Conspiracy in the Hawkesbury

The Sydney Metropolitan Region Water Plan has it that the farmers’ use of water from the Hawkesbury River will be cut to about 16% of current usage. In theory, the water plan has been set in motion to save the Hawkesbury River.…

Blue Mountains Land Privatisation to fund LibLab Taj Mahals

The arrogance of the Liberals and Labor across the Blue Mountains is palpable. Blue Mountains City Council is run by a cartel of LibLabs.  The Liberal Mayor, Daniel Myles, told Blackheathens back in May 2012, “we are selling the Blackheath Airstrip along…

Swan’s growth fettish belies the Lib/Labs stale ideology

Today Federal Treasurer, Wayne Swan, has tried to justify another rise in interest rates by claiming in true polly-speak that such an impost is a sign of stronger Australian economy. Swan sees progress only through economic glasses. Swan’s growth fettish belies the…

Australia’s Labor invites barbaric female genital mutilation unchecked

Labor’s embracing of the multiculturalism dogma has seen barbaric witchdoctors cutting off girls genitalia across Sydney and Melbourne for primitive and wicked Muslim ritual. On September 13 2012, 56-year-old Pakistani Muslim leader, Mohammedbai Shabbir Vagiri, and retired female nurse, Kubra Magennis, 68,…