Could we be so lucky in explaining what ‘One Nation’ really is?

by Dr. Jim Saleam, December 30 in 2018. I am thankful indeed that One Nation does not really attempt to conceal what it actually is, although I am sad to say, too many Aussies aren’t getting it.  As the saying might go…

Howard Legacy: Australian universities rely on foreign currency bribes to let in Chinese students to cheat, spy, work and immigrate

No Aussie VISA!   Chinese not welcome, never were by Australians. Bugger off, can’t even do a tie up! Thanks to little Johnny Howard, and subsequent Liberal-National governments, Australian universities starved of funding have stooped to becoming unscrupulous cash-desperate immigration agents, plying for…

Contain China Imperialism and Canberra Corruption – reverse Andrew Robb’s Trade Deal

We keep trying to explain to Australians that the Chinese are up to no good.  Our First World ought never trust this backward and thieving culture as far as we can spit. A deal with China is only good for China, so…