Nationalist Initiatives
Australian Citizenship Declarations
* Australians are perpetually a national people of the Australian Continent and its territories.
* The term ‘Australian’ is to perpetually hold the legal definition (nationally and internationally) to ONLY include those defined as:
- Aboriginal Australians
- Torres Strait and Tiwi Island Australians
- Australian Born Citizens
- Naturalised Australian Citizens
* Repeal the Australian Citizenship Act 2007 and the associated Australian Citizenship Regulations 2007
* Abolish all current visa subclasses.
* Abolish the Temporary Work (Skilled) Visa (subclass 457).
* Abolish the Temporary Work (Short Stay Activity) Visa (subclass 400).
* Abolish the Working Holiday Visa (subclass 417).
* Abolish the Work and Holiday Visa (subclass 462)
* Abolish the Employer Nomination Visa (subclass 186).
* Abolish the Regional Sponsored Migration (subclass 187).
* Abolish the Superyacht Crew Visa (subclass 488).
* Abolish Student Working visas including First Student Visa, Student Further Stay, Temporary Graduate Visa (subclass 485).
* Abolish Resident Return Schemes for Australian (naturalised) Citizens and Permanent Residents (subclass 155 and 157) (excludes Australian-born citizens).
* Abolish immigrant family reunion concessions of adults 21 years and over. Each adult 21 years and over must separately apply for citizenship.
* Abolish Permanent Residency.
* Prohibit Migration Agents, bringing in all such services within the control of the national government.
* Foreigner stay privileges in Australia to be simplified to three conditional privileges:
- ‘Foreign Visitor’ (conditional privilege ‘C’)
- ‘Temporary Resident’ (conditional privilege ‘B’)
- ‘Naturalised Citizen’ (conditional privilege ‘A’).
* Each conditional privilege to be prescribed
* Abolish all other current visa types.
* Australian Passports issued only to Australian Citizens
* Australian Government to unilaterally withdraw from the 1951 Refugee Convention.
* An immediate 6 year moratorium on all refugee and humanitarian intake into Australia, including to offshore processing centres. All such illegals auto-deported to nation of origin.
Migrant Transitional Allowances
(upon enactment of a proposed Conditional Citizenship Bill)
- New Australian Passports reissued to Australian Citizens only for maximum 5 year renewable terms;
- All pre-existing Australian Passports made null and void over a phased six month period;
- All foreigners on such 457 visas to automatically transition to ‘Temporary Resident’ privilege, with a 12 month time frame;
- All foreigners on such Student Working visa to automatically transition to ‘Student Visa’ privilege, with no working rights in Australia, unless sponsored by an Australian registered employer
- All nationalised Australian citizens (not born in Australia or its territories), to have citizenship privilege automatically revoked, and such privilege reverted to a transitional ‘Citizen Re-Applicant’ privilege;
- All non-citizen permanent residents of Australia not born in Australia or its territories, to have permanent residency automatically revoked and reverted to a transitional ‘Ex-Permanent Resident’ privilege;
- All nationalised Australian citizens and permanent residents not born in Australia to be invited to apply for citizenship under the new Australian Citizenship Standards;
- All such persons who have been nationalised Australian citizens not born in Australia or having permanent residency and revert to ‘Temporary Resident’ privilege for a maximum stay period of 3 years;
- Transitional period for Citizen Re-Applicants and ex-Permanent Residents applying for Australian Citizenship to be granted a maximum stay period of 3 years;
- Citizen Re-Applicants and ex-Permanent Residents after 3 years having not been granted Australian Citizenship under the new Australian Citizenship Standards, to be automatically reclassified to a ‘Show Cause’ status;
- Citizen Re-Applicants and ex-Permanent Residents reclassified to a ‘Show Cause’ status be granted an additional maximum 6 month extension to enable citizenship to be attained;
- Citizen Re-Applicants and ex-Permanent Residents after 3 years and six months to be automatically reclassified by Australian Immigration as ‘Foreigners without a Valid Visa’;
- ‘Foreigners without a Valid Visa’ to be included on Australian Immigration’s deportation order list and deemed to be illegal foreigners in Australia;
- All illegal foreigners in Australia to be compulsorily incarcerated in detention centres and immediate deportation effected and processed by Australian Immigration;
- All deportation costs to be borne by the nation of originality;
- Australian Government to accept reciprocal arrangements of Australian citizens by foreign nations;
- All refugee and humanitarian applicants wishing to remain in Australia if already insider Australia, or foreigners outside Australian wishing to apply for migration to Australia, immediately required to meet the new Australian Citizenship Standards;
- All current refugee and humanitarian applicants unapproved to be revoked. All current refugee and humanitarian applicants in Australia to be auto-deported;
- Abolish dual citizenship. All nationalised Australian citizens not born in Australia or its territories, to have citizenship privilege suspended indefinitely, and such privilege reverted to Temporary Resident privilege;
- All holders of dual citizenship, (auto-reverted to Temporary Residents) be given a maximum 3 year period to either earn Australian Citizenship under the new Australian Citizenship Standards and as a prerequisite be required to relinquish their dual nationality status, or alternatively after the 3 years expires to automatically escalate to a ‘Show Cause’ status with a 3 month extension to enable citizenship to be attained or else a 6 month deadline to commence deportation processing;
- Australian expatriates born in Australia may return to Australia at anytime as Australian citizens, but if holding dual citizenship, all such foreign citizenship automatically revoked upon re-entry to Australia;
- All non born Australians wishing to reinstate their Australian Citizenship privilege, and foreigners wish to apply for Australian Citizenship, to be invited to apply for citizenship under the new Australian Citizenship Standards;
- New Australian Standard of Temporary Resident to extend to 12 months maximum from time of initial arrival in any consecutive 5 year period.
Australian Citizenship Standards
Standard A. Conditions for an Applicant for Australian Conditional Citizenship
- Applicant must provide a minimum of 300 points of identification proof (as ruled by Australia’s official banking industry body) to properly satisfy immigrant identification tests of Australia’s national Department of Immigration and Border Protection;
- Applicant must provide five character references from separate Australian born citizens that each properly satisfy immigrant character tests of Australia’s national Department of Immigration and Border Protection;
- Applicant must recognise and accept unconditionally that Australian Citizenship by a non-Australian born is conditional upon lifetime compliance with the Australian Conditional Citizenship Pledge;
- Applicant must be a minimum 21 years of age at time of application;
- Applicant must pass a medical test of good health, free of disability by a qualified Australian medical general practitioner duly certified by Australia’s national Department of Immigration and Border Protection;
- Applicant must pass a psychometric test of good mental health by a qualified Australian medical psychiatrist duly certified by Australia’s national Department of Immigration and Border Protection;
- Applicant must have personal verifiable independent financial means to the value of $10,000 (Australian currency) at the time of application;
- Applicant must have undertaken and been passed as competent a vocational skills course within Australia at or above the level of TAFE Certificate II (taught entirely in English);
- Applicant must have undertaken and been passed as competent an Australian car drivers licence (taught entirely in English);
- Applicant has never held a criminal conviction; but if so, any conviction must not have been for a serious crime/indictable offence, any imposed sentence has been fully served, and the applicant is currently deemed to be a fit and proper person after due diligent investigation by the Australian Federal Police and necessary Australian Government intelligence;
- Applicant has never been declared bankrupt, or if so, a minimum period of five years has passed since being declared bankrupt in which no bankruptcy proceedings have or continue to apply in any international jurisdiction;
- Applicant has cumulatively, not necessarily consecutively, lived in Australia for a minimum of 8 years.
Standard B. Australian Citizenship Test
- Pass competency in Australian Year 10 English as a First Language (verbal and written; with no multiple choice questions; with random rotating test structure and questions);
- Pass an Australian Citizenship Test in English on Australian general and social knowledge questions to be sat onsite in Canberra at a legitimate facility as properly and currently authorised by Australia’s national Department of Immigration and Border Protection;
- Applicant unconditionally undertakes to be compliant with Australian laws at national, state and local level in both the letter of these laws and these spirit of these laws;
- Applicant unconditionally undertakes to serve sole allegiance and honour to the Australian Nation, her national people, her national laws, her national standards, her national values, her national customs, social mores and behaviours, and to no other nation or people;
- Applicant voluntarily and unconditionally undertakes to personally relinquish and repudiate all foreign laws, foreign standards, foreign values, social mores and behaviours that are contemporaneously considered by most Australians to be contrary, harmful or disrespectful to those Australian;
- Applicant unconditionally undertakes to learn, respect and at all times comply with Australian Work Health and Safety standards in principle and practice as an ordinary worker in Australia (requires legal specification);
- Applicant solemnly makes the Australian Conditional Citizenship Pledge.
Standard C. Australian Conditional Citizenship Pledge
- Applicant warrants that in meeting all conditions and tests of Australian Conditional Citizenship, that the applicant has been completely honest and factual;
- Applicant unconditionally agrees that a breach of this pledge forfeits his/her rights to retain Australian Conditional Citizenship;
- Applicant must swear an oath of allegiance to Australia and its people to be compliant and respectful at all times with Australian laws at national, state and local levels;
- Applicant applicant voluntarily and unconditionally agrees that in the event that the applicant is convicted of a serious (indictable criminal offence) in Australia, that the applicant shall be immediately deported from Australia and shall be prohibited from re-entering Australia for life.
* Applicant is prohibited from owning or carrying a firearm in Australia; - Applicant is prohibited from visiting a foreign land involved in a form of civil unrest. To do so shall automatically annul an applicant’s Australian Conditional Citizenship for life;
- All such naturalised citizens perpetually classified as ‘Naturalised Australian Citizen’, as distinct from Australian Born Citizens.
- This pledge is perpetual for the life of the applicant;
- Australian Citizens issued with a mandatory physical Australian Passport as the only officially acceptable identity document. Strict best practice anti-counterfeiting measures to be applied to the passport design. Passport design and production to be wholly within Australian Government control on Australian soil.
Government Structural Risk Controls
- All matters of foreign visitation, immigration, humanitarian temporary asylum, emigration, citizenship and national border protection to remain within Australia’s national Department of Immigration and Border Protection;
- Australia’s Migration Act 1994 and Migration Regulations 1994 to be immediately repealed;
- All matters of foreign visitation, immigration, humanitarian temporary asylum, emigration, citizenship and national border protection to be legislated under a new proposed Conditional Citizenship Bill;
- All migration agency functions transferred from migration agents to being wholly within the Australia’s national Department of Immigration and Border Protection;
- All non-Australian born employees within Australia’s national Department of Immigration and Border Protection to be involuntarily retrenched.
* All functions of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection currently contracted externally to be reinstated in-house within this Department; - Only Australian born employees to be employed within Australia’s national Department of Immigration and Border Protection;
- A new proposed Charter of National Service Bill to be drafted to amongst other employment conditions to compulsorily require of all employees within Australia’s national Department of Immigration and Border Protection, with criminal penalties applying for serious breaches.
Additional Draft Notes
- Granting of Australian Citizenship is to be formally recognised as a privilege, not a right and to have conditions of assimilation and rejection of foreign customs and mores that are contrary to Australian values and standards, including:
- Reading and speaking English to minimum national Year 10 standard
- 60% pass in Australian cultural knowledge
- Signing a national Statutory declaration to abide by all Australian laws, values and standards under the newly proposed Australian Values and Standards Act and to unconditionally renounce all allegiances, practices, and actions that contravene the letter and spirit of this Act.
- Breaches to conditional citizenship are to auto-trigger criminal legal action that under the standard of evidence beyond reasonable doubt will lead to revocation of citizenship and immediate deportation.
The Compelling Case for Nationalist Reform
Migrants overcrowding our prisons
Third World Migrant Ghettos becoming No Go Zones
Sharia Law is Barbaric
Migrant Racists Aligned with Hateful Leftists
Foreign Dodgy Doctors Killing Us
Migrants swamping our Public Services
Migrants causing congestion and sprawl
Third World Migrant Crime Wave is Cultural
White Flight
Victims of Ethnic Crime
Migrants getting preferential treatment
Universities corrupted by foreigner cash
Backdoor Illegals
Refugee Welfare Seekers
Foreigners Exploit Us
Third World Diseases
Immigrant Race Riots Against Australians
Coconuts Kill
Negro Savagery invading Melbourne
Golliwog Adoption and Surrogacy
Widespread Visa Fraud by Migration Agents
Third World migrant violence against women
Migrant Arson
Moderate Muslim a Myth
Ethnic Surf Suicide
Food Poisoning by Third World Immigrants
Third World Shitholes
Third World Shitholers
First World Envy by Third World Shitholers
China Education City is an Invasion Beachhead
Globalist Enemies
Supportive Precepts Linked to Evidence