Australia’s multicultural success on show in Melbourne as African gangs habitually trash Airbnb party houses

Canberra’s imported Anti-Australian Race Discrimination Commissioner, Tim Soutphommasane, preaches to his constituent leftard flock that “on social cohesion, even multiculturalism’s critics would readily concede the social miracle of Australia’s twentieth and twenty-first century migration history.”  (website, Wednesday 9 March 2016). Soutphommasane (his…

Bill Leak persecuted to death by Leftist Greens Gillian Triggs…ironically over his honest human rights cartoon

 Vale Bill Leak (1956-2017) Australia’s crusading editorial cartoonist, caricaturist and portraitist Bill Leak, three days ago shouldn’t have died at age 61. Bill was still fighting the PC bastards to the end and we salute his legacy.  Bill’s untimely demise was purportedly…